MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

In the tutorial on bit coin it says for Iphone or android phone. What about ipad? Same as iphone?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Ca you run a compound 5 days on 2 days off. For convienvince. Like pin sun,mon,wed,thurs,sat. Not pinning tues and friday. It's just easier to do 1 ml those day instead of .75 each day?
@Pharmacom Labs that catalog is one of my favorite books :D
I use it for the descriptions when I talk with other gym friends about planning cycles, half life etc.

I want one of the new book when they are available please; it will be very helpful.


Here is an idea I use to help oil flow a little faster using 25g pin.
I put rice in bowl and warm it in the microwave. Then I bury the vial in the warm rice while I prepare everything ; after a few minutes the oil is warm and flows much faster.
My girlfriend even uses a 30g 1/2 mL insulin needle for her Primo and it is no problem.
Just wanted to share the idea with everyone:
It is just comming u as a bunch f numbers and workds. like

Why amps have lower concentration?
because this is a leagal classic drug-store format. you are buying pharma grade gear in pharma-grade form :)
@Pharmacom Labs what store sells the tados? I would love to try that from your line
we had it a year ago or even earlier and not much demand on it. we stopped producing it temporarly. now our first priority is pct. todos maybe later.


I never told anyone here, but I am a prince from Congo...
You may cash a large check from my royal family and send me just 10% of worth in Jelly Beans; the rest of the check is your profit.
Let me know if you can handle such a task.

your friend,
tajiri Mfanyabiashara

Hi my friend tajiri Mfanyabiashara, how are you?
no proble, i can send you 10% in Jelly beans, but only to the address of your residence in Congo! It will not work in another way. Deal? :)

@Pharmacom Labs
When price reduction in Europe store will happen?
1st of May. If we change them in the middle of the month we get consequences which ruin our site calculations and statistic.
because this is a leagal classic drug-store format. you are buying pharma grade gear in pharma-grade form :)

we had it a year ago or even earlier and not much demand on it. we stopped producing it temporarly. now our first priority is pct. todos maybe later.

Hi my friend tajiri Mfanyabiashara, how are you?
no proble, i can send you 10% in Jelly beans, but only to the address of your residence in Congo! It will not work in another way. Deal? :)

1st of May. If we change them in the middle of the month we get consequences which ruin our site calculations and statistic.
Waiting for a reply in private message
because this is a leagal classic drug-store format. you are buying pharma grade gear in pharma-grade form :)

we had it a year ago or even earlier and not much demand on it. we stopped producing it temporarly. now our first priority is pct. todos maybe later.

Hi my friend tajiri Mfanyabiashara, how are you?
no proble, i can send you 10% in Jelly beans, but only to the address of your residence in Congo! It will not work in another way. Deal? :)

1st of May. If we change them in the middle of the month we get consequences which ruin our site calculations and statistic.

Waiting on a reply as well as an email