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Has anyone else received crashed vials of npp? 3 of my 4 are crystals. I heated one up in water and it's clear now except for about 4 floaters. Stringy. Wtf. Never had crashed gear before. Not sure if I should inject or ask @Pharmacom Labs for replacements.
Has anyone else received crashed vials of npp? 3 of my 4 are crystals. I heated one up in water and it's clear now except for about 4 floaters. Stringy. Wtf. Never had crashed gear before. Not sure if I should inject or ask @Pharmacom Labs for replacements.
There is a entire thread on this I believe it's called would you Inject this or something like that
Interesting. Do you mean it has the same effect as tamoxifen, only more pronounced with less sides? please elaborate. Nolvadex has its place, and is unbeatable currently in regards to its specific purpose. It is unwise IMO to not include in PCT and have on-hand during a cycle. It is solely used for prevention of breast tissue development, gyno, in AAS users, also to combat the onset of gyno at any time

I have done 3 pcts with toremifene only and they worked like a charm. I have used nolva and Clomid for pct and it worked but I had zero libido and you risk eye toxicity every damn time.

For gyno on cycle ppl should use raloxifene and for pct I suggest using toremifene
I have done 3 pcts with toremifene only and they worked like a charm. I have used nolva and Clomid for pct and it worked but I had zero libido and you risk eye toxicity every damn time.

For gyno on cycle ppl should use raloxifene and for pct I suggest using toremifene

Got bloods?

I am a newbie to UGL steroids. I am currently on TRT prescribed from a doctor, and only use Test-C (Watson) that I get from the local pharmacy. Essentially, I am a TRT guy who is looking to 'blast' testosterone for a few weeks, I am only interested in Test E or Test C. I have invested a number of hours on reddit and this forum to finding a UGL source that I feel I can trust in terms of both potency (accurate dosing) and safety (no contamination from bacteria or heavy metals). Ideally I would like true pharma-grade gear like Watson, but I cannot find it. So, I am leaning towards buying from PharmaCom, because from the research I have done they are the closest to pharma-grade as you can get; they claim they are a 'UGL' Lab with Pharma-Grade standards in manufacturing and quality control.

I have a few questions before I go through with ordering.

1) There are some posts on this forum that show your gear appears under-dosed at times via blood work. If you're truly elite UGL, how can this happen?

2) Why is the price on the US domestic site significantly higher than international? This isn't an issue per se, but I would just like to know the reasoning.

3) What are the chances of seizure when shipping domestically in the U.S.?

4) Lastly, I saw a post showing a very contaminated looking vial of your gear, which appears to be a fungal-like growth in the vial. This is concerning, because you claim to have pharma-grade standards in health and safety when manufacturing your gear. Can you explain how this could happen?

Sorry if I am sounding picky. I am new to this, and a bit of a thorough person, especially when it comes to putting things in my body.
Just when i thought MAYBE just MAYBE all the lazy dipshit, trolls were starting to taper , ANOTHER one shows up.
Please GTFOH, we have all the fucktards we need rt now so your presents is not required.
Sincerely, the dude that just called you a fucktard[emoji4]
Your only 24 and already on TRT for life? I find that very hard to believe. GP's won't touch that and anti aging starts at 30 and you still have to jump through hoops.
Not true, if you happen to have a pituitary gland tumor or any legitimate reason as to why you can't naturally create test. That's why it's called trt for hypogonadism

A gp won't mess with you but an endo will
Not true, if you happen to have a pituitary gland tumor or any legitimate reason as to why you can't naturally create test. That's why it's called trt for hypogonadism

A gp won't mess with you but an endo will

Yes, it is true. Unless you have a "pituitary gland tumor", I should have said?:mad:
Your only 24 and already on TRT for life? I find that very hard to believe. GP's won't touch that and anti aging starts at 30 and you still have to jump through hoops.

It's true man. My T wasn't even below the range, it was low normal. Like in the 400s. I went to a urologist you specializes in low T and he put me on 100mg weekly.