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I have a pituitary tumor and was put on test when i was in my early 20s im talking like 20, 21 or 22 i really dont remember but at the time the dr didnt know i had the tumor he just put me on trt it wasnt till years later an endo was like wtf why were you on test at such a young age and the dr didnt find out the root cause? Needless to say fuck that dr and to my suprise my balls still worked at 27 when i was able to have a kid. I didnt think that would b possible with all the blasting and cruising over the years and inly using hcg 3 different times
Just had another touchdown to btw. Thanks pharmacom i got those new amps they look pretty legit. Next cycle gonna be mix 6 for 10 weeks, 1 cc of tren e 10 weeks, bold for 15 weeks (first time using eq). Just need to get some deca for 15 weeks and some caber and i will be set, im not a big fan of prami


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I have a pituitary tumor and was put on test when i was in my early 20s im talking like 20, 21 or 22 i really dont remember but at the time the dr didnt know i had the tumor he just put me on trt it wasnt till years later an endo was like wtf why were you on test at such a young age and the dr didnt find out the root cause? Needless to say fuck that dr and to my suprise my balls still worked at 27 when i was able to have a kid. I didnt think that would b possible with all the blasting and cruising over the years and inly using hcg 3 different times

Cool story. Thanks for sharing. Hope I didn't offend anyone. Was the tumor benign?
Just had another touchdown to btw. Thanks pharmacom i got those new amps they look pretty legit. Next cycle gonna be mix 6 for 10 weeks, 1 cc of tren e 10 weeks, bold for 15 weeks (first time using eq). Just need to get some deca for 15 weeks and some caber and i will be set, im not a big fan of prami

Sounds like one hell of a cycle. I have mixed feelings about EQ. Only used it once.
Yes the tumor was benign, but my endo also told me my test was also low from the painkillers i was on from fucked up back surgeries and i should have never been on trt even with the benign tumor. 11 years later after the end of this summer i think im gonna try and get off the test for a while and see ifnits possible to regain the ability to not need trt
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Sounds like one hell of a cycle. I have mixed feelings about EQ. Only used it once.

My current cycle i was doing mix 6 1cc every 3-4 days and mix 2 eod, 50mg var ed, 500mg deca ew, 250 mg test e, dex, prami, and prov. I cut the mix 2 out the same time as the var 3 weeks ago, its been an amazing cycle i think i really pushed it to the max with that because i was getting alot of hypoglycemic reactions, i changed my diet up with more complex carbs and that seems to help so far im 2 days w.o. a reaction
Yes the tumor was benign, but my endo also told me my test was also low from the painkillers i was on from fucked up back surgeries and i should have never been on trt even with the benign tumor. 11 years later after the end of this summer i think im gonna try and get off the test for a while and see ifnits possible to regain the ability to not need trt
So the way I understand it is, the tumor is fucking up the signals sent to the testes. Because of the tumor it won't work. My endo has talked about trying a reset on me now that my body is used to the test. But I don't think stopping therapy would bring my t to normal considerin the fact that the tumor is still there? Is that what they want to do with you?
So the way I understand it is, the tumor is fucking up the signals sent to the testes. Because of the tumor it won't work. My endo has talked about trying a reset on me now that my body is used to the test. But I don't think stopping therapy would bring my t to normal considerin the fact that the tumor is still there? Is that what they want to do with you?

I havent been to this endo in awhile i may go back soon though hut this is somrthing i just wahted to do on my own as a little experiment to see if i am permanently shut down or not
Can you send bitcoin funds from coinbase or do you need a bitcoin wallet. I downloaded the bitcoin core and its taking forever to sync my cash it sucks!

Depends on isp speed and how much your computer can handle, therected is a bootstrap.exe that you NC an download to make it faster but still takes a few days. You have to remember your downloading the whole blockchain with core. I'm assuming for your reasono you won't need it much faster to get a wallet at block chain . org....
there is a btc thread on the forum look it up if you need more help on that.
I havent been to this endo in awhile i may go back soon though hut this is somrthing i just wahted to do on my own as a little experiment to see if i am permanently shut down or not
My endo seems to believe it helps restart some people's system. I'm no doc but it doesn't make sense why it would Kickstart our system considering g the cause of it hasn't been removed. At least I haven't had the surgery not sure if you had
My current cycle i was doing mix 6 1cc every 3-4 days and mix 2 eod, 50mg var ed, 500mg deca ew, 250 mg test e, dex, prami, and prov. I cut the mix 2 out the same time as the var 3 weeks ago, its been an amazing cycle i think i really pushed it to the max with that because i was getting alot of hypoglycemic reactions, i changed my diet up with more complex carbs and that seems to help so far im 2 days w.o. a reaction

Heard nothing but great things about mix 2. I've been considering throwing it into my next blast. Now the big question is whether I order international or not. My domestic order arrived in a very timely manner.
N00b question. Is the liquid dbol okay to take orally?

Not sure what I was thinking. I ordered a bunch. I think in all my excitement of adding things to my cart then revising it with what I really wanted I ended up with 6 vials.

I know it's best taken split up throughout the day
Has anyone else received crashed vials of npp? 3 of my 4 are crystals. I heated one up in water and it's clear now except for about 4 floaters. Stringy. Wtf. Never had crashed gear before. Not sure if I should inject or ask @Pharmacom Labs for replacements.
you need to heat it up (reach about 95-97 degree C) and it will completely melt. nothing serious here.
Guys, i question to discuss. I am prepairing new texts for our pamphlets which come together with vials. Question about nandrolone. There is an opinion that tamoxifen shall not be used after 19-nor modifications of testosterone because it can increase side effects of progestogen. I always thought this is true and never used it. However i looked in the web and found this opinion:

There is a myth within the bodybuilding community that nolvadex, what could be termed a synthetic estrogen or an estrogen blocker (selective estrogen receptor modulator, ie SERM) depending on the perspective, can increase PGR activation when used in conjunction with progesterone AAS (ie trenbolone, nandrolone). The myth holds that using tamoxifen with nandrolone or trenbolone will worsen gyno symptoms.

I'd like in this post to point out why this myth was started and why this myth is false. I'd also like to add anecdotal information of my own at the end.

There were a few studies of tamoxifen noting how this drug increased PGR activation. [somebody have time to find these studies search pubmed: tamoxifen estrogen agonist endometrium].

The flaw is that tamoxifen is a mixed agonist/antagonist. In endometrial tissue (ie the cells of the uterus) the drug is an agonist, meaning it activates the estrogen receptor in similar way that estrogen itself does. Big surprise, there are estrogen receptors in the lining of the uterus! Also PGR receptors. Activating estrogen receptors is important cascade step in activating PGR receptors. Remember, no activation of estrogen receptors means no activation of PGR.

In breast tissue however, the drug is an antagonist, meaning it 'blocks' the receptor from being activated (by estrogen or an analogue). This is why the drug is primarily used to treat breast cancer in women (as well as for our purposes). If the estrogen receptor is blocked in breast tissue then the PGR receptor will not be activated despite the presence of progesterone AAS such as nandrolone (deca, NPP).

treatment for any type of gyno symptoms should include nolvadex therapy. Estrogen levels should be controlled by an aromatase inhibitor as a first line defense.

So, what do you think, where is the truth? I wanted to include this precaution about tamoxifen into the pamphlet, but not sure now.