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Same here....the primo,eq,and test cycle continue!!! It's gonna be a long one.
Years ago I ran mast., primo, test and EQ.... I still believe it was the best cycle I've ever run. I put on 20 or so pounds that i've maintained with other cycles and added to, but none have been so dramatic as that cycle.... It just worked. I believe adding winstrol or mast. to this would be agreat idea.
Years ago I ran mast., primo, test and EQ.... I still believe it was the best cycle I've ever run. I put on 20 or so pounds that i've maintained with other cycles and added to, but none have been so dramatic as that cycle.... It just worked. I believe adding winstrol or mast. to this would be agreat idea.
20lbs that is a good one..I'd be happy with half of that. Maybe I'll add mast for the last 4-5 weeks. I have some prop leftover. Kicks in pretty quick. Have to say mast is one of favorites. Later bud.
@Grandpa Gainz just eat eat eat bro, and when you can't anymore eat more and more...I honestly think it's more mental because my mind doesn't feel hungry but once I sit down in front of the plate by the time I realized I'm already getting up for more. I feel drained if I don't eat..jmo
Im having hypoglycemic problems from my cycle i think its from the tren but since ive been on cycle my appitite has been fucking shit, normally i can eat like theres no tomorrow now its like im on speed and cant eat i have to force myself to do so even when these hypoglycemic reactions occur. Unfortunately i have to throw in the towel on this cycle because this shit has been to scary. Im gonna give my body a break from mix 6 and use it a few cycles down the road
Im having hypoglycemic problems from my cycle i think its from the tren but since ive been on cycle my appitite has been fucking shit, normally i can eat like theres no tomorrow now its like im on speed and cant eat i have to force myself to do so even when these hypoglycemic reactions occur. Unfortunately i have to throw in the towel on this cycle because this shit has been to scary. Im gonna give my body a break from mix 6 and use it a few cycles down the road
That is a very mature decision to make. It's very tough to bail on a cycle after all the planning and hard work. But u know your body better then anyone else. If you feel like its not right then chances are you are right. Good job brother.
Guys, i question to discuss. I am prepairing new texts for our pamphlets which come together with vials. Question about nandrolone. There is an opinion that tamoxifen shall not be used after 19-nor modifications of testosterone because it can increase side effects of progestogen. I always thought this is true and never used it. However i looked in the web and found this opinion:

There is a myth within the bodybuilding community that nolvadex, what could be termed a synthetic estrogen or an estrogen blocker (selective estrogen receptor modulator, ie SERM) depending on the perspective, can increase PGR activation when used in conjunction with progesterone AAS (ie trenbolone, nandrolone). The myth holds that using tamoxifen with nandrolone or trenbolone will worsen gyno symptoms.

I'd like in this post to point out why this myth was started and why this myth is false. I'd also like to add anecdotal information of my own at the end.

There were a few studies of tamoxifen noting how this drug increased PGR activation. [somebody have time to find these studies search pubmed: tamoxifen estrogen agonist endometrium].

The flaw is that tamoxifen is a mixed agonist/antagonist. In endometrial tissue (ie the cells of the uterus) the drug is an agonist, meaning it activates the estrogen receptor in similar way that estrogen itself does. Big surprise, there are estrogen receptors in the lining of the uterus! Also PGR receptors. Activating estrogen receptors is important cascade step in activating PGR receptors. Remember, no activation of estrogen receptors means no activation of PGR.

In breast tissue however, the drug is an antagonist, meaning it 'blocks' the receptor from being activated (by estrogen or an analogue). This is why the drug is primarily used to treat breast cancer in women (as well as for our purposes). If the estrogen receptor is blocked in breast tissue then the PGR receptor will not be activated despite the presence of progesterone AAS such as nandrolone (deca, NPP).

treatment for any type of gyno symptoms should include nolvadex therapy. Estrogen levels should be controlled by an aromatase inhibitor as a first line defense.

So, what do you think, where is the truth? I wanted to include this precaution about tamoxifen into the pamphlet, but not sure now.

Yes, it's a myth. I use tamoxifen with your mix 2 on cycle, and the use of caber for tren is also a myth. Don't need it. It's all broscience. You can use nolva for gyno while running any compound.
Guys, i question to discuss. I am prepairing new texts for our pamphlets which come together with vials. Question about nandrolone. There is an opinion that tamoxifen shall not be used after 19-nor modifications of testosterone because it can increase side effects of progestogen. I always thought this is true and never used it. However i looked in the web and found this opinion:

There is a myth within the bodybuilding community that nolvadex, what could be termed a synthetic estrogen or an estrogen blocker (selective estrogen receptor modulator, ie SERM) depending on the perspective, can increase PGR activation when used in conjunction with progesterone AAS (ie trenbolone, nandrolone). The myth holds that using tamoxifen with nandrolone or trenbolone will worsen gyno symptoms.

I'd like in this post to point out why this myth was started and why this myth is false. I'd also like to add anecdotal information of my own at the end.

There were a few studies of tamoxifen noting how this drug increased PGR activation. [somebody have time to find these studies search pubmed: tamoxifen estrogen agonist endometrium].

The flaw is that tamoxifen is a mixed agonist/antagonist. In endometrial tissue (ie the cells of the uterus) the drug is an agonist, meaning it activates the estrogen receptor in similar way that estrogen itself does. Big surprise, there are estrogen receptors in the lining of the uterus! Also PGR receptors. Activating estrogen receptors is important cascade step in activating PGR receptors. Remember, no activation of estrogen receptors means no activation of PGR.

In breast tissue however, the drug is an antagonist, meaning it 'blocks' the receptor from being activated (by estrogen or an analogue). This is why the drug is primarily used to treat breast cancer in women (as well as for our purposes). If the estrogen receptor is blocked in breast tissue then the PGR receptor will not be activated despite the presence of progesterone AAS such as nandrolone (deca, NPP).

treatment for any type of gyno symptoms should include nolvadex therapy. Estrogen levels should be controlled by an aromatase inhibitor as a first line defense.

So, what do you think, where is the truth? I wanted to include this precaution about tamoxifen into the pamphlet, but not sure now.

The few times I have had gyno and treated it with tamoxifen, the symptoms got worse initially before clearing up. I think the myth comes from this issue. Anyone who experiences this and posts about it will be asked if they are on tren. If they say no, it's a mystery. But if they say yes, it's definitely the tren : )
hope within 1 month.

we have difficultiws with its production. or better to say try to make it milder. people report it is painful. we hope to change it. i am not sure when it is ready.
You're having problems, because it's winny is not designed to be oil base. If it was, there'd be tons of it around. Although some are lucky enough to get it to fall in solution, I doubt you will.
hope within 1 month.

we have difficultiws with its production. or better to say try to make it milder. people report it is painful. we hope to change it. i am not sure when it is ready.
Okay, I understand. How about the primo 200? I've heard primo over 100 and primo ace are incredibly painful.
Btw @Pharmacom Labs your mix 2 is the shit!! I'm growing like a weed. Your injectable anadrol also worked incredibly well. I've never ran it before, it gave me bad heart burn constantly and symptoms of low blood sugar though I can't confirm that's what it was. I'm up 16 lbs since beginning with just tren/test/anadrol. Been using mix 2 and adding a bit extra tren to it for a little over a week now, and I'm lean, hard, and I've been having sex at a minimum of 6 times a day since I began cycle about a month and a half ago. Please, if you're going to start a PCT line, I would like to ask again that you include nolva and aromasin in it. If you can, hcg as well. Thank you for the honest product. It's definitely working
Has anyone tryed there liquid dbol what where the pros and cons and what dosages did you use
I was just a trial run so just around 3 weeks at 50mg a day. I used as a preworkout boost. I personally really liked it put on 10 pounds by just playing with it as a preworkout.

It did have some bite nothin major and when i got bloods my enzymes where high but that is exspected. All in all i liked it, im gonna try the injectable adrol next.
I was just a trial run so just around 3 weeks at 50mg a day. I used as a preworkout boost. I personally really liked it put on 10 pounds by just playing with it as a preworkout.

It did have some bite nothin major and when i got bloods my enzymes where high but that is exspected. All in all i liked it, im gonna try the injectable adrol next.
Cool thank you man so you just took it 50 mg 1 injection a day ? I'm planing to use it just for a few weeks in the being of my cycle also it has a little bit of pip to it?