MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Not really sure how ask this or if this is even the correct place to ask, but what are the odds of a package landing in Illinois from the International store? I've heard Chicago is tough to get through... thanks.

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Ive had one land that went through there. It was a different source but still landed.
Hey guys, so after all the trouble (and lack of support by basicstero), I finally received my dbol.
Now, funny thing, I have been following a thread on another Forum, and a lot of people are questioning their dbol (Lucky me, right? ). They have the same batch as me :

I did a 30mg ED last week, this week started on 40mg, not noticed that much of a difference yet, but its still soon, so...

I am wondering if any of you guys have taken their dbol with success?

PS: Yes I am aware it has an AnabolicLab test of 9.9 mg per 10mg pill. However who said they should be trusted themselves? I would rather have actual experience from members here at meso...
Im pretty sure you can trust anabolic lab. There whole purpose is to protect aas users. I dont think millard would stand behind something that was not trying to protect fellow users.
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Hey Pharmacom- or anyone else- I have a question. First, my original order got caught up with customs and you guys did a great job shipping a new batch. Thank you for that! Everything came through just fine on the 2nd try.

Now, my issue. I have the 500mg/ml Test e. After 3 pins, I'm in so much pain I can barely walk let alone workout. I now have 1.5" pins as I think the 1" weren't long enough. I have tried glutes and ventroglutes. I warm the oil first, and inject slowly. The injection itself is fine, but about 12hrs later I'm destroyed. I have swelling that's lasting about a week.
I have read that the 500mg/ml from Pharmacom can be very painful (I'm injecting 3/4ml).
Any tips, anything I can do to make this tolerable? At this point it's not doing me any good because I can't even lift.
Thanks for any help guys.
Hey Pharmacom- or anyone else- I have a question. First, my original order got caught up with customs and you guys did a great job shipping a new batch. Thank you for that! Everything came through just fine on the 2nd try.

Now, my issue. I have the 500mg/ml Test e. After 3 pins, I'm in so much pain I can barely walk let alone workout. I now have 1.5" pins as I think the 1" weren't long enough. I have tried glutes and ventroglutes. I warm the oil first, and inject slowly. The injection itself is fine, but about 12hrs later I'm destroyed. I have swelling that's lasting about a week.
I have read that the 500mg/ml from Pharmacom can be very painful (I'm injecting 3/4ml).
Any tips, anything I can do to make this tolerable? At this point it's not doing me any good because I can't even lift.
Thanks for any help guys.

Why did you go with test 500? Are you mixing anything with it or just test. Your hurting because of the pip from a high concentration per ml.
Yeah that's going to hurt like a bitch unless you add more oil. Get some sterile grape seed oil and add that to your syringe. It should take most of the bite away.

is high dosed gear that much cheaper? I don't understand the attraction to it.
Thanks guys. Why did I go with it? Well, to be honest I'm new to this and it made sense to go with higher concentration and inject less...I see now that was a mistake lol. I have some 250mg/ml as well so I'll transition to that I think and learn about diluting the 500mg/ml that I have.

Edit- no not mixing it, just the test e.
Thanks guys. Why did I go with it? Well, to be honest I'm new to this and it made sense to go with higher concentration and inject less...I see now that was a mistake lol. I have some 250mg/ml as well so I'll transition to that I think and learn about diluting the 500mg/ml that I have.

Edit- no not mixing it, just the test e.

Ya test 250 should treat you alot better. To me its better to pin 1cc 2x a week of that then 1cc 1x a week of test 500.
Thanks guys. Why did I go with it? Well, to be honest I'm new to this and it made sense to go with higher concentration and inject less...I see now that was a mistake lol. I have some 250mg/ml as well so I'll transition to that I think and learn about diluting the 500mg/ml that I have.

Edit- no not mixing it, just the test e.
I also had some pip my first 4 or 5 injections with just the 250, I think it was just my body getting used to the test. I also got flu like symptoms when I started my second cycle with bold.
Thanks guys. Why did I go with it? Well, to be honest I'm new to this and it made sense to go with higher concentration and inject less...I see now that was a mistake lol. I have some 250mg/ml as well so I'll transition to that I think and learn about diluting the 500mg/ml that I have.

Edit- no not mixing it, just the test e.
Great! Another thing to worry about! Because I have another order shipped with test E 500 too. Just great.
Anyone have experience with there t3? I started my cut cycle a couple weeks ago and decided to add the t3 for 2 weeks. Took my first dose yesterday at noon and by 8pm felt like a lump was in the left side of my throat and could feel my pulse there all night. Checked my BP and was 127/83 resting heart rate was 86. Still feels like a knot there today but not as bad. I can only assume the t3 is the culprit, curious if anyone has had this experience?
Great! Another thing to worry about! Because I have another order shipped with test E 500 too. Just great.
If you would read before you purchase they outline the pip issue on the high volume test. Just mix it as mentioned above and you will be fine.
That's true! I was dreading my next pin, but now I'm looking forward to how painless it will be comparatively.

So, it seems to dilute my 500mg/ml all I need to do is draw 3/4ml sterile grapeseed oil, then 3/4 ml test e, then probably put a fresh pin on it and go for it? That a good ratio?