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Super-muscly pigs created by small genetic tweak

There are a bunch of stories like this out of China right now. I don't think they were getting a vaccine though, but actually having the myostatin gene removed from their dna. China is also selling designer beagles with twice the normal muscle mass for around 1500 dollers.

And where can we get this gene taken out at? [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji1303][emoji16][emoji1303]

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And where can we get this gene taken out at? [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji1303][emoji16][emoji1303]

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Pretty sure we would need doc and marty plus your fertilized egg. I'm not 100% but gene doping is a little new to me.
I think the problem still remains. Myostatine has a important role in the body. With nothing close to a long term study I'm on this stuff one could end up very fucked.

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I think the problem still remains. Myostatine has a important role in the body. With nothing close to a long term study I'm on this stuff one could end up very fucked.

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I watched a documentary over boy born without the gene. The kid didn't show much muscle as he was only like 8-9 years but kid was strong as an ox. Apparently it is a rare disorder in humans but is expected to live very normal his life as in the other cases.

But being born with it and have a gene altered I think could be considered two different situations. But how awesome would this be for people with not so great genes that don't build muscle well.

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I think the problem still remains. Myostatine has a important role in the body. With nothing close to a long term study I'm on this stuff one could end up very fucked.

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Yes I was making that point a few pages back. The risk to reward just isn't there for me. I don't know the importance of myostatin but from a simple Google search there are a lot of articles talking about its responsible for aging and that modifying the gene could also reverse aging of cells. Some articles were saying up to 30% others were stating 60% but China is putting science in God mode!
It will be interesting to see what comes of this. I'm sure before long it will be a multi step process. Take myostatin out, and cut some other gene as to not affect the age process and so on.

If only we could cycle something to cut myostatin out for a select period of time.

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I watched a documentary over boy born without the gene. The kid didn't show much muscle as he was only like 8-9 years but kid was strong as an ox. Apparently it is a rare disorder in humans but is expected to live very normal his life as in the other cases.

But being born with it and have a gene altered I think could be considered two different situations. But how awesome would this be for people with not so great genes that don't build muscle well.

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Pfizer has a pdf file floating around about a drug that works with myostatin to help with M.s and other genetic muscle wasting disorders and should be in human trials soon. I wish I would have saved the article. Some of the meso dr's may know but I thought that I read myostatin controls fat regulation as well as muscle volume so I'm sure there will be benefits for obesity and cancers that attach to fat. Also interesting articles on keto dieting preventing a host of cancers preventing them to attach to anything. But all of this may not be interpreted by me correctly seeing as I'm a grease ball mechanic.
It will be interesting to see what comes of this. I'm sure before long it will be a multi step process. Take myostatin out, and cut some other gene as to not affect the age process and so on.

If only we could cycle something to cut myostatin out for a select period of time.

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That is I think the point of the "vaccine".
As far as frank has told us you take one or two shots and that last for 3/4 months or so. But he has been secretive about it. I hope it's marketing and not bc he doesn't know.

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That is I think the point of the "vaccine".
As far as frank has told us you take one or two shots and that last for 3/4 months or so. But he has been secretive about it. I hope it's marketing and not bc he doesn't know.

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Frank needs to get on the ball and let us know. I have a feeling this will be a very hot subject once it hits.

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As to the boy story.
There are a few people running around out there with low myostatine. I think flex wheeler being one of them.
As matter of fact I think a few massive Bodybuilder we have seen had this in some state more or less. I think that's the prime thing when everything talks about "good genetics".
Problematic with China made stuff. Like said they play god. And since there is more than one type of myostatine who knows if it flicks off the right one. Any idea what became of the boy?

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On the update they played at the end of the show it showed him healthy and starting to hit puberty and he was very lean as well. I'm sure he is going to exploid with muscle and the doctors on the show said that all the cases they have seen all lead a healthy life, nothing abnormal except extra muscle and strength

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vaccine is a real vaccine. it is based on e.coli and contains miostatine in the form, which makes our body to think this is a disease. Our body starts producing anti-bodies against miostatine. I can not say yet when it will be available for sale. We are testing it and collecting results and reports from our athletes.

Another thing. Only one sentence: pharmaprim 200 (primobolan 200 mg/ml) is in stockin our international warehouse!
vaccine is a real vaccine. it is based on e.coli and contains miostatine in the form, which makes our body to think this is a disease. Our body starts producing anti-bodies against miostatine. I can not say yet when it will be available for sale. We are testing it and collecting results and reports from our athletes.

Another thing. Only one sentence: pharmaprim 200 (primobolan 200 mg/ml) is in stockin our international warehouse!
Will these reports and test be available to look at in raw form?

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Will these reports and test be available to look at in raw form?

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we have video reports and just text reports but they all are in russian. i guess in english reports will be available later when we start selling the vaccine.
we have video reports and just text reports but they all are in russian. i guess in english reports will be available later when we start selling the vaccine.
So it's barely scientific? Is there at least real scientific method involved? I don't want to see bro science papers that say "эй братан я придерживаюсь иглу в моей жопные дырки и миостатином заставил меня супер рип сверхчеловек огромный и я чувствовал себя прекрасно" which means "hey bro I stick a needle in my butthole with myostatin and made me super superman huge rip and I felt great". But post em up in russian I'll translate it all for meso.