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Completed my first Bitcoin transaction, man I wish I would have read up on and did it a long time ago, makes so much more sense after you educate yourself on it.
It will be interesting to see what comes of this. I'm sure before long it will be a multi step process. Take myostatin out, and cut some other gene as to not affect the age process and so on.

If only we could cycle something to cut myostatin out for a select period of time.

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I believe thats what this "vaccine"does, it blocks myostatin temporarily.
At least thats the way i understood it.
The Dbol was really nice. I don't have anything to compare it too, but my pumps in the gym were fucking unbelievable at 50mgs a day. The Adex was also on point. Got my bloods and my E was lower than when I started. I adjusted my dosage a little but none the less it defiantly works.

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It gives me cts. I lost weight using it with a ton of aas. But no blood work for it

At 4ius a day my wrists fucking kill me to the point that i am at work and have trouble turning chairs over and stacking them on tables because of wrist pain i am going to move down to 3iu a day. I wish primo 200 came out 2 weeks ago just got a bunch of 100mg and i really would have rather bought 8 primo 200 instead
At 4ius a day my wrists fucking kill me to the point that i am at work and have trouble turning chairs over and stacking them on tables because of wrist pain i am going to move down to 3iu a day. I wish primo 200 came out 2 weeks ago just got a bunch of 100mg and i really would have rather bought 8 primo 200 instead
How many wks you into the GH now? And what dose did you start it at man?
So I started my vacation this week and decided to really dig into this vaccine. This is a link that I believe will describe it in the most comprehensive way. The article describes it as a 315 chain amino acid that is a peptide for follostatin and will block the body from producing myostatin and this manner will keep the body from increasing you organ size only. I would try to use a computer to read it because from my phone it was a bitch.

How many wks you into the GH now? And what dose did you start it at man?

Around week 6 i think i have 22 iu left from first kit. I started with 2iu a day for a week than jumped right to 4. Ive been rxd hgh in past for norditropin pen but that was only 4iu/clicks every 3 days and that shit costs 300 for i believe 300$ from a real/legit pharm that ships them with ice packs. With that though i never had wrist pain. It seems like im better if i dose am and post workout compared to one blast in the am
Thanks for the reply man. I'm just assuming/guessing the jump from 2 to 4 had something to do with sides maybe?
At 4ius a day my wrists fucking kill me to the point that i am at work and have trouble turning chairs over and stacking them on tables because of wrist pain i am going to move down to 3iu a day. I wish primo 200 came out 2 weeks ago just got a bunch of 100mg and i really would have rather bought 8 primo 200 instead

Why didnt you pick up the 300mg ? Ran it cpl times now, good stuff!!
I transferred $300 from circle to bread wallet and only got $260 of it. Am I doing something wrong? I apologize if I sound stupid but I can't figure it out. So I'll need to wait another week for the limit and transfer another $300. In total it's gonna cost me $600 for my $500 order.
I transferred $300 from circle to bread wallet and only got $260 of it. Am I doing something wrong? I apologize if I sound stupid but I can't figure it out. So I'll need to wait another week for the limit and transfer another $300. In total it's gonna cost me $600 for my $500 order.

Yea you lost money transfering it. Its either transaction fee or exchange rate fucking with it. Bext time keep all funds in circle and send when