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Which is the whole reason in asking the people that are can read all about the different products by doing a simple Google search but that doesn't necessarily tell you that you should also run this or that with it...I'm far from a kid...43 to be exact...see what assuming can get you but if you had simply asked then you wouldn't have made the mistake in calling me a kid...guess maybe you should've done your research
Man you have some growing up to do. Plus if you would have started your career at meso by posting an intro we would know a little more about you. But you blew that as well. This is a community of coarse. But it is a forum with a vast archive of posts and knowledge. Take your time and do your own research.
Come on look what this guy is asking. What if any pct should I use. Do I even need an AI. Are you kidding. This isn't a joke. U will seriously fuck up your body if u mess it up. Some guys think it's a joke and will put anything into there body without proper research. It's not about being a dick, I just can't believe u kids will put this in your body strictly on someone else's word.

I repeat do your research u can thank me later.
I agree with you 100%.
If someone is going to ask for that kind of advise they should do enough research that they should be able to post what their plan is and THEN ask what others may think but certainly not come to the table with absolutely no information and then blindly ask that everyone do their work for them and tell them what to do.
Both dangerous and lazy.
If someone has been a member here long enough they'd know that there's no spoon feeding here. You need to show that you're willing to put in the work when it comes to information gathering and then you'll get plenty of help from people. Show that you're not asking to be spoon fed and the brothers will bend over backwards to help. We don't respect any other way.
I don't believe I have growing up to do but rather you and I see it completely different...I on one hand am willing to help when asked and point someone in the right had to learn the hard way and feel that since you did then others should's fine, we agree to disagree, not that I disagree with all that you said...yes I'm new to the forum, no I wasn't aware of a formal introduction and no I haven't read alot of the different topics either...I did notice that there isn't a search bar that I could type in a key word or phrase to I did go and look at a few different topics and told myself, just ask these guys after all that's why you're make sure I do it for my intro, I don't know what all I'm comfortable putting out there but here we go...I'm 43, retired 20 year military vet (2011) this year is my first time to ever use any gear at all, so yes I'm new to all of this but have read alot and done quite a bit of research from places like naps and others...I'm 5'9" and 195....I've worked out off and on for the last 20 years and with my current work schedule I'm in the gym 12 out of 16 days..I hate cardio with a passion but love to lift. Anything else I guess just ask...nice to meet everyone
So again, sorry for offending you guys...I honestly didn't see the harm in asking you guys a simple question on what you'd do if you started one of the two mixes...the new place I have ordered from doesn't break that all down for you like the one I used previously so I was doing what I thought was the right thing to do and ask before doing...Google and you can read up on just about anything you want but why not ask people that know in a forum where you'd have more than just one person say something? I almost fell victim to one site that you guys do discuss here and everything I read said stay away, so I threw the gear away once I recieved I want you to know that I do read and use Google quite abit...yes, I did cut out some research time by asking but is it really that wrong guys? I see your point, I really do and just by me being on this forum should show you that I'm trying to learn...anyway sorry to those I offended
Just conduct adequate research. Look into the SOPs when it comes to running those Compounds, every avenue of approach that can happen, best way to say it like a warno, Opord, Frago if you catch my drift. Lot of poeple learn the game the wrong way, and regurgitate the same things on the net from the beginning and you have generation of men fuckin up the game. Vet, nuff said bro. Now learn this game so it becomes muscle memory and you are 100 % confident with any plan you execute.
Welcome on board, it's a cut throat forum, but dig deep enough learn everything about it and run across some other Vets round here.
Nothing else follows.
In any forum regardless of topic, asking to be spoon fed info that is readily available is asking to get a tongue lashing by vets. However I can most definitely understand the overwhelming information and conflicting advice that comes with reasearching. I don't even want to think about all the reading I've done before I decided to take the leap. In all I spent about a yr reading diffrent forums. Eventually you'll start seeing a pattern in advice thay will aid you in the right choices for yourself. Good luck to you sir and coming from a fellow vet thank you for your service.
Man. You aren't kidding about all the info and like I said earlier, if we had a search tool that you could type in a word or phrase that would help alot too
Yeah that wasn't showing up on my phone but I clicked on the media icon and it started showing up...I don't know what the deal was but it's fine now
I'm happy to you give some advice. Go away with your shitty bitchy whiny attitude.
Well, unfortunately most of this forum's user base are jealous emotional fags who can't stand to watch their boyfriends talking to someone else.

I guess it must be hard for you, now that you have boobs bigger than your d1ck... but you must be strong!

Another advice for you: If you can't handle the AAS psychologically, perhaps you should leave them alone, unlike your a$$ verginity.
Well, unfortunately most of this forum's user base are jealous emotional fags who can't stand to watch their boyfriends talking to someone else.

I guess it must be hard for you, now that you have boobs bigger than your d1ck... but you must be strong!

Another advice for you: If you can't handle the AAS psychologically, perhaps you should leave them alone, unlike your a$$ verginity.
For someone who has only been here three months and has only posted complaining about basicstero's lack of response to you and not having a quick enough t/a you certainly have a strong opinion of the members in our community. If it is so bad please find another forum to act like a child on, or more fitting like evo. Thank you
Well, unfortunately most of this forum's user base are jealous emotional fags who can't stand to watch their boyfriends talking to someone else.

I guess it must be hard for you, now that you have boobs bigger than your d1ck... but you must be strong!

Another advice for you: If you can't handle the AAS psychologically, perhaps you should leave them alone, unlike your a$$ verginity.
A$$? vErginity? You're twelve right?
For someone who has only been here three months and has only posted complaining about basicstero's lack of response to you and not having a quick enough t/a you certainly have a strong opinion of the members in our community. If it is so bad please find another forum to act like a child on, or more fitting like evo. Thank you

Firstly, this Forum is open to public, which means everyone can read what is posted on here. No need to sign up.
Just because my account has 3 months, doesn't mean I am new here.

About basicstero, (I'm glad you took the time to go look for all my posts) yes, I admit I do often complain about their lack of support, but apparently, I must be one of the few guys here who actually care about the money they spend on their stuff. If I pay for a service, I expect to get the service done!
I waited a full month for a product that was supposed to ship in 7 days. I only asked them to get more info on the shipment, so I could be certain if it was seizured or not.
But, like mine, you will often see people here complaining about their lack of support.

I only treat you the same way you treat me, if you think of me as a child, go figure...
As has been said before, ordering illegal drugs on the internet is not ordering flea medicine for your cats off of amazon. You can stomp your feet and have a fit, but it isn't going to make customer service any better that i have seen. We have a lot of garbage posts about tracking numbers and people freaking out about not receiving things in a week. It's repetitive and lame. You wait, maybe check at a month, then hope it didn't get seized. Tracking numbers are garbage. Stuff can get held up at multiple points and tracking numbers will not tell you why and are not much of a data point for you to try and figure it out yourself. I'm not saying delays are right, but they do happen, and really what are we going to do about it?
As has been said before, ordering illegal drugs on the internet is not ordering flea medicine for your cats off of amazon. You can stomp your feet and have a fit, but it isn't going to make customer service any better that i have seen. We have a lot of garbage posts about tracking numbers and people freaking out about not receiving things in a week. It's repetitive and lame. You wait, maybe check at a month, then hope it didn't get seized. Tracking numbers are garbage. Stuff can get held up at multiple points and tracking numbers will not tell you why and are not much of a data point for you to try and figure it out yourself. I'm not saying delays are right, but they do happen, and really what are we going to do about it?
Well done Sir, you are absolutely right.

This doesn't directly apply to my case, but I see your point.