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How would you compare it to serostim as far as results and cost? Bye the way, I'm very happy to be able to communicate with you again, my friend.
  • Sero's hands down! Great to see you back brother, ima hit you up tomorrow, we got some catching up to do.
Heh, 12days now since ordershipped no tracking @Pharmacom Helper @Pharmacom Labs atleast all you guys can run your shit lol!
My order shipped 11 days ago and also don't have a tracking number yet.
7 days here, no tracking number.

When will oxys oral be available in the international warehause? I wanna place an order asap.
@Pharmacom Helper @Pharmacom Labs
Thansk a lot!
Hi, it must be in July ( I will clarify and give a more precise answer)
Any updates on the implementation of the new stealth shipping?
Hi no updates yet. Our production team works on it but I don't have deadline when it will be finished
Hey look!
Pharmatropic 10iu right delt. Bloods @ 2:56
Result: 0.2
Hey guys, I already made a post asking this question before I found this thread but I was thinking of giving mix 2 or mix6 a question is, taking the mix at the recommended amounts would you guys use any kind of anti estrogen or anything? And what if anything would you use for a PCT? Thanks
Hey guys, I already made a post asking this question before I found this thread but I was thinking of giving mix 2 or mix6 a question is, taking the mix at the recommended amounts would you guys use any kind of anti estrogen or anything? And what if anything would you use for a PCT? Thanks
Really? Do some research. There is a lot of good information on this board. You need to know enough to make your own decisions. If not don't be doing it.
I've read alot, now maybe not on this site specifically but why get in here and bash someone for asking the "professionals" their opinion? Isn't that, atleast in part, what this site is all about? Sharing our knowledge and experience with each other or is it more fun and beneficial to be an ass at the first opportunity that arises? I don't believe this site is about the second part of that at all or I wouldn't have's our bodies we are talking about and it would be ashame if someone screwed up because they were uncomfortable asking a question in fear of being criticized for it
Sharing our knowledge and experience with each other or is it more fun and beneficial to be an ass at the first opportunity that arises? I don't believe this site is about the second part of that at all or I wouldn't have joined...

you'd be surprised
Really? Do some research. There is a lot of good information on this board. You need to know enough to make your own decisions. If not don't be doing it.
I like people like you.
People whom will not contribute with anything helpful to the community other than being a complete spamming bot... : "do some research", "use the "search button", "blah blah blah... ".

If you have nothing useful to say either stay quiet like the others or at least link the guy into some relevant thread on the subject which might actually help him.

PS: And just so you know, this is a Forum, you might do yourself a favor and do some research on what that means too.
Hey guys, I already made a post asking this question before I found this thread but I was thinking of giving mix 2 or mix6 a question is, taking the mix at the recommended amounts would you guys use any kind of anti estrogen or anything? And what if anything would you use for a PCT? Thanks
Come on look what this guy is asking. What if any pct should I use. Do I even need an AI. Are you kidding. This isn't a joke. U will seriously fuck up your body if u mess it up. Some guys think it's a joke and will put anything into there body without proper research. It's not about being a dick, I just can't believe u kids will put this in your body strictly on someone else's word.

I repeat do your research u can thank me later.
I like people like you.
People whom will not contribute with anything helpful to the community other than being a complete spamming bot... : "do some research", "use the "search button", "blah blah blah... ".

If you have nothing useful to say either stay quiet like the others or at least link the guy into some relevant thread on the subject which might actually help him.

PS: And just so you know, this is a Forum, you might do yourself a favor and do some research on what that means too.
I'm happy to you give some advice. Go away with your shitty bitchy whiny attitude. A lot of us here did do our own leg work and
Come on look what this guy is asking. What if any pct should I use. Do I even need an AI. Are you kidding. This isn't a joke. U will seriously fuck up your body if u mess it up. Some guys think it's a joke and will put anything into there body without proper research. It's not about being a dick, I just can't believe u kids will put this in your body strictly on someone else's word.

I repeat do your research u can thank me later.
also what if someone gives terrible advice? It happens all the time. That's the real reason people need to figure it out themselves and make an educated decision. Someone could come in and say just use an otc pct and you'll be fine. Since he is so clearly clueless, he would probably take that advice. People need to be responsible for their own health and their own bodies. They shouldn't rely on advice they get from a random stranger on the Internet. By not giving advice we are HELPING him.
Which is the whole reason in asking the people that are can read all about the different products by doing a simple Google search but that doesn't necessarily tell you that you should also run this or that with it...I'm far from a kid...43 to be exact...see what assuming can get you but if you had simply asked then you wouldn't have made the mistake in calling me a kid...guess maybe you should've done your research