MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Pharmacom is the fuckin shit. never ever had a problem that wasn't fixed by them.
Hi, Dr. Nice to see you. Its been a bit. Please don't take this the wrong way...I understand and I'm also happy to hear that you've had success with this source. I can also sense your excitement.
It's really none of my business but I've seen similar situations where there are members having issues with a source and then there are members posting the g2g and thumbs up as if the source can do no wrong.
If I were one of the members havIng an issue it would get under my skin some to read the "All good" posts when clearly there are issues.
You have been around a few years now, dr. Junior members will look to you and your posts and give them weight. I know you wouldn't want a guy to jump in and order based solely on your posts only to run into issues later.
Posting your positive experience is great, but please keep your fellow members in mind as well as the responsibility that goes with being a senior member, which you are.
Maybe post your good experience along with your hope that the issues others are having can be worked out? It's about the greater good...the board as a whole....not just the "I" or "Me".
When you first logged on here at meso you and I exchanged pm's. I don't recall the subject, but you stood out in my mind for some reason.
I believe after being around as long as we both have that we have a greater responsibility to meso and need to keep this in mind when posting.
^^ The "I'm not mad, just disappointed" talk... Boy does that remind me of my dad haha
Subq result. Blood drawn at 3:04
Result: 0.4

while i have been saying how good there hgh is for more than a few months i feel the stuff i ordered around a may time frame is bunk at 5iu a day the last 2 kits have made my cts go away.
I would also stay away from the pharma mix 2 domestic. Chest pain and stomach ache after shots. I have not had this happen since the old days when i put way to much BA in some home brew tren pellets. asked pharmacom helper about it privately a few days ago and no response.
Anyone know if their email changed to .info instead of .com?
Hi, Dr. Nice to see you. Its been a bit. Please don't take this the wrong way...I understand and I'm also happy to hear that you've had success with this source. I can also sense your excitement.
It's really none of my business but I've seen similar situations where there are members having issues with a source and then there are members posting the g2g and thumbs up as if the source can do no wrong.
If I were one of the members havIng an issue it would get under my skin some to read the "All good" posts when clearly there are issues.
You have been around a few years now, dr. Junior members will look to you and your posts and give them weight. I know you wouldn't want a guy to jump in and order based solely on your posts only to run into issues later.
Posting your positive experience is great, but please keep your fellow members in mind as well as the responsibility that goes with being a senior member, which you are.
Maybe post your good experience along with your hope that the issues others are having can be worked out? It's about the greater good...the board as a whole....not just the "I" or "Me".
When you first logged on here at meso you and I exchanged pm's. I don't recall the subject, but you stood out in my mind for some reason.
I believe after being around as long as we both have that we have a greater responsibility to meso and need to keep this in mind when posting.

It's good to see you back bro it's been a minute. I have had a few issues with pharmacom but in the end they all worked out with some patience. I probably should have posted that in my initial post. From missing items to over 1k in bitcoin funds dissappearing to name a few pharmacom came through and worked everything out.
I'm using the pharmacom hgh and recently wrists feel better but my ankles are fucking killing me. I also have a weird purple rash on my feet and only on my feet and there is nothing I can figure would cause this but the hgh. Has anyone else experienced this?
@Pharmacom Labs @Pharmacom Helper
Also has anyone ever pinned teat suspension and than gotten a bruise below injection site? Currently running test eq deca and primo and I did test suspension for first time and put half a ml in left arm than needle clogged and put other hf in right felt and a bruise the size of a baseball maybe a little bigger showed up a day or 2 later and pain is still present
What the fuck is this shit???? Guess I've finally been had. Never expected this from Pharmacom with all the "good" reviews. I ordered 2 vials Pharmasust 300. Ignited livery today. Instead I received 2 vials of 100% organic rose hip oil. Fuck me. View attachment 45640

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You have got to be shitting me... Observe before you act, jackass
Good job deleting the post you made, devil. Don't feel too badly. You don't know til you know.
In the past I've also made the mistake of quoting a post that shouldn't have been made in the first place thereby posting it again! Looks like it may have been taken care of. If not, light...hit Millard up, he should help out without issue.
As a reminder, open discussion about packing and shipping methods should be avoided and not allowed. It's cat and mouse with the authorities. No need to help out the other side.
The original labels are usually available to be shipped separately for a small fee. They are useful to have if resale is what guys are after.
Also has anyone ever pinned teat suspension and than gotten a bruise below injection site? Currently running test eq deca and primo and I did test suspension for first time and put half a ml in left arm than needle clogged and put other hf in right felt and a bruise the size of a baseball maybe a little bigger showed up a day or 2 later and pain is still present

Ive got some TNE in oil. I get a little pip that shows up 24-36 hrs after the pin and lasts a few days. No bruising but there's a bump.
Ive got some TNE in oil. I get a little pip that shows up 24-36 hrs after the pin and lasts a few days. No bruising but there's a bump.
Tne in oil is not bad I've been having really bad shoulder pain I think I got from lifting that is also affecting the pip from suspension but my whole right shoulder is jacked the fuck up. Pain and huge bruise I've never had that before
The only thing I can think of is you pinned through a blood vessel and maybe moved more then usual causing more damage and bleeding. Add the pain from Doms, pip, and bruise, there is no wonder you'd be sore. Just my thoughts on what happened @drgreenthumb628