You're not quoting me correctly. I didn't imply a handjob or any type of sexual innuendo?
"Stroking" as in to stroke one's ego. I read your post like you're shining frank on.
You interpret the back and forth as pharmacom handling this member's situation?
He's tired of lip service and promises of a resolution when his order is clearly in limbo someplace and he hasnt been able to find anyone to help him out.
Pharmacom acknowledged his pack was returned to them and in the next breath promise to resend?
This implies acceptance of responsibility by pharmacom, does it not? If the pack was addressed as directed by the customer and then returned the onus would be on him. The tone taken by the source would be much different.
Your arrogance in the above post is surpassed only by your ignorance.
An opinion should be drawn by weighing and considering the facts as we know them to be...not on some "feeling" you claim to be experiencing? Could be gas?
You "feel" as if this member is a rook because the faceless pharmacom reps still don't have a fucking clue where his order is? They continue to pass the buck in an attempt to shut him up. I'm frustrated for this meso member who is showing more restraint than I could muster.
At this point I'd like to see someone from this source who's able to make things happen get another order out immediately and shoot some new tracking #'s to this guy or get a refund out to him with an apology.
@Harmswhey...You "feel" our member is probably the one fucking up when pharmacom has promised to resend? You consider yourself a veteran to all this?
Why bother to comment when the only thing you manage to accomplish is to embarrass yourself and reveal a learning disability that makes basic reading comprehension an exercise in futility.
I'm sure you're frustrated by it, you can't begin to fathom where I find myself after this brief encounter.