MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

looks like i messed up with photos and took some extra posts which i do not need. someone please delete them.

We have now new clothes. I will for sure arrange some contests on ASF, musclescience and other boards. A part will be given away as rewards and the biggest part - about 50 suits and 50 t-shirts will be put into bigger orders as a bonus upon request. I will think about it later.
well, why. it could still proove that hgh is not bunk and you could use it. we are ready to provide you a store credit as compensation for any products so you don`t really loose it.

2nd test is scheduled for tomorrow morning. Should have results Tuesday or Wednesday depending if holiday messes with time.
Well, yesterday I received a letter from the post office customer services, telling me that my dbol order was stuck on customs (for almost a month) and they decided not to charge me (the package didn't seem to have been opened anyway).

Meanwhile, I have another Eu Domestic order from basicstero which is also stuck since 15th of June. This time its a Test E 300ml order, which I believe that will be easier to spot by the customs agents.

Funny how I have done countless of orders from all over the Europe over the years and NEVER found any of my orders stuck on customs.
So much for the free movement of goods...
Anyone know where HCG is located on their website? See other people ordering it from Pharmacom but I've checked several times and feel blind.

Edit: never mind, only have been checking int website, now I see it's only available with domestic.
He asked me to do it at the 3h mark.
For your sake I hope it was a lab error and it's all a big misunderstanding.
I'd be surprised if that's the case.
I've never seen someone test zero then come back a respectable number from the same kit.
Apparently all the gh serum tests have been wrong all along since it's not intended to be pinned IM.