MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Thanks I'll share it later I'll send you a pm. This is recent as well I usually post in meso biggest thread. But pharmcom wanted to give my honest review of what I have tried from pharmcom


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Thanks I'll share it later I'll send you a pm. This is recent as well I usually post in meso biggest thread. But pharmcom wanted to give my honest review of what I have tried from pharmcom

AJ11 72-10's nice dude! Looking large

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
i quoted this post from the Naps Gear thread. It would be not right to reply there about Pharmacom.
Yes we did. Any server has backups. We have daily backups of our server, this is a simple protection of our system in case of any malfuctions, so that we are able to restore all the latest info. Any more or less decent store does back-ups, there is just no sense to hide this. If a source says - no, we don`t do backups and don`t store info, this source is not honest with you or too stupid. Backups are a must, this is just a fact. And backups without latest updates of latest info on the server are just senseless, so all the info is backed-up, this is purpose of a backup. So, yes info was stored in encrypted backups on the server, which is offline, which is not rented, it is our property. And only 3 persons have access to it.
But we changed this policy today. Here is how it is working now. From today all orders will be deleted automatically 2 month after an order got the status - shipped. Or - reshipped. You can delete your orders manually at any moment, but this will be so called soft deletion. You won`t see this order, but it will be still available for restore within 2 months. Or i will be able to see info about it. It is required in case of any issues for better customer service. If an order is deleted, we will be not able even to check if you placed it or not. So, within 2 months it is still stored. After 2 months it is removed indeed, physically. In this connection we shall be responsible for any possible issues only within these 2 months. If you did not address us within 2 months after your order got the status - shipped, we consider it as completed and don`t provide any assistance regarding this definite order. Because we just won`t be able to check any info and whether this order was placed at all or not.
If your order is shipped and you did not get it, you have 2 months to complain. We check it and in case of a seizure reship it. After an order got the new status - reshipped - you have 2 month again. However, as per ordering conditions we reship only once, so second 2 months are even not needed.
This system will ensure that all orders over 2 month are physically deleted from hard drives. Only account info and email will be stored without any time restrictions. If you have any other ideas, please share, we will discuss them.

Nice your system is crazy secure now.
You guys take an amazing approach to your security. Your system rejected like 1000 bots and scripts I sent at it in the past week. I'm glad to see someone around here takes their security serious.

As a general note to people call it what you will. But pharmacom is one of the the few around here that actually wanted to secure their website and go above and beyond. The fact that they did says alot to me about them. An the fact I couldn't gain access says even more to me. None of you know me and I'll keep it that way so you will have to take it for what it's worth as words. But pharmacom has seriously secured the fuck out of their website.

Fucking outstanding frank and the pharmacom team. Great fucking job.
I don't know if I could have done it better myself. But the fact you brought it down to 3 great job.

I wish I knew how to properly express in a way that doesn't sound like gibberish how outstanding their security is to everyone in the forum.
Nice your system is crazy secure now.
You guys take an amazing approach to your security. Your system rejected like 1000 bots and scripts I sent at it in the past week. I'm glad to see someone around here takes their security serious.

As a general note to people call it what you will. But pharmacom is one of the the few around here that actually wanted to secure their website and go above and beyond. The fact that they did says alot to me about them. An the fact I couldn't gain access says even more to me. None of you know me and I'll keep it that way so you will have to take it for what it's worth as words. But pharmacom has seriously secured the fuck out of their website.

Fucking outstanding frank and the pharmacom team. Great fucking job.
I don't know if I could have done it better myself. But the fact you brought it down to 3 great job.

I wish I knew how to properly express in a way that doesn't sound like gibberish how outstanding their security is to everyone in the forum.
In all fairness your statements are worthless considering you have been here a total of what 3 months? Then you state everyone needs to basically "take your word for it". Problem being, what is your word even worth here?
In all fairness your statements are worthless considering you have been here a total of what 3 months? Then you state everyone needs to basically "take your word for it". Problem being, what is your word even worth here?
I know my word is worth nothing here don't give a shit if it is or isnt. Doesn't change my statement.

I said "take it for what it's worth as words" never said take my word for it. That's pretty much all anyone can say in this place is words. In the end it's up to the individual to place if those words have any value. On every aspect of this community and whats discussed. I'm just a guy who lives in a van down by the river who thinks pharmacom dId a hell of a job listening to people's concerns. Being highly responsive to the community and representatives in securing the shit out their fucking website. I guess im sorry you don't know enough about Internet security to make that determination for yourself. But without detracting from my original statement great job pharmacom.
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I know my word is worth nothing here don't give a shit if it is or isnt. Doesn't change my statement.

I said "take it for what it's worth as words" never said take my word for it. That's pretty much all anyone can say in this place is words. In the end it's up to the individual to place if those words have any value. On every aspect of this community and whats discussed. I'm just a guy who lives in a van down by the river who thinks pharmacom dId a hell of a job listening to people's concerns. Being highly responsive to the community and representatives in securing the shit out their fucking website. I guess im sorry you don't know enough about Internet security to make that determination for yourself. But without detracting from my original statement great job pharmacom.

You're really shaking those pom poms. Gotta ask, are you affiliated in any way with Frank or pharmacom? Reading your posts it's almost nauseating how hard you ride the dick...with all due respect, of course.
So i've used both Darius and Frank for orders. Currently my last couple came from Basicstero.
I have to say ordering was easy, packaging was great (Stealth) and it was in a timely fashion from the factory.

I've heard complaints about the stealth but my orders came in identifiable and there are no complains from me.
Due to certain things I had a few communications that went with my last 2 orders. My emails and requests were quickly handled and all concerns/issues resolved immediately.

Overall, thanks Basic and A++ across the board for the product and service.
I wrote this note up working out after i thought about my last post. Dont really care to reformat it to be a proper post. Wanted to Add a little clarification and a thought. I'll say upfront I'm an asshole and my words may come off as harsh but I mean no disrespect or Ill intent in advance to anyone. And pre apologize if I offend anyone by my choice of words and shitty post structure.

I don't want anyone to take my word for it. Because you all have the ability to check it out yourself. No matter what you say here someone will be opposed. You all know the address to start. But in reality this has got me thinking on a larger scale about the community. The community sends off and tests these AAS and are all worried about that side. So much enough to pitch in have tests be safe, etc. But what about your safety online? If some people don't have the ability to determine security and audit websites themselves, some even on the most basic of levels. (Something you shouldn't do without cause or purpose in my opinion.) They shouldn't rely on people's words but rather a method or sytem.

But maybe the community needs to come together and audit these websites (Redacted information of course if found). But then do a completely external security audit and present it as a rating. Offer them assistance then try to re-exploit the compromise and revise the audit. It's just a website you can audit it anytime and see it's security. You'd probably piss them off. Idk how you'd get them to join or w.e I don't care about the semantics. Because you all should be responsible for your security. I try to be. But it's a issue the community is able to address.

Back to original point:
I've said it before anyone can learn this stuff. Then they can put the value In those statements. That's why no point in wasting time writing something most will percieve as gibberish or shilling. You know their address. You can see multiple changes by pub dates. To me it's clear as day to see the changes in security. I don't expect people to be able to see things the way I do. But I do believe everyone has the ability to make that determination for themselves if they wanted to. If you don't believe the door is locked go try and open it, would be my logic. I'm not directing this at everyone or anyone. For those who may not get it, I present it as - its not like their on the world wide Web or anything and anyone can travel there on the information super highway. 《Crazy talk I know. I might be crazy but I also believe that's how people find these things and exploit them, without any connection preexisting. I mean that statement towards anyone on the Web not just about this. To me it's ludicrous not see the changes, but that's what I do.

Just my quantification of it all. Also again ill state in a clearer way. The entirety of these words in this post have no value just take them for words if you will. But seriously if you do know about cyber security it's cool that pharmacom is A. Transparent about security and b. Trying to work to get the most secure system possible for their customers. To me it really does show both in communication and directly on their webserver. I'll add to that so fuck me for knowing and saying so. I don't mean that fecetiously either

P.s. TL;DR also I'm not trying to endorse anyone to try and attack frank and pharmacom in some lame script kiddy manner that's just malicious to everyone in this community on both ends of the spectrum.

Nope I'm a customer who understands cyber security and is happy i dont have to worry about my shit. My concern on the larger scale is the safety of innocent people. Dick move I know right. I'm sorry if my thought on the subject is just because someone may have ordered something off the net from one of these sources doesn't mean they deserve to be hurt by someone with malicious intent. in my mind im affiliated with anyone who doesnt want their information exposed which would be the people and unfortunetely with that you have to help even the assholes who may not deserve with all due respect like yourself. The term is a white hat. But seriously I got into a argument with @sin once about people misinterpreting posts and potentially saying frank is g2g when it comes to ordering. So I will come right out and say that I in no way intended that by my statement. Because I'm talking about security not gear. This website isn't about security it's about gear. Id guess even tho i have no math to back it up. 97 out of 100 people don't think about their security until it's to late on some level. Oh? you changed a letter in your name for shipping... how clever, but that's not what I mean. Seriously anyone can test the validity of it for themselves. Because if you can read this post you can goto basicstero and test it. Different logic I guess. In my mind I can't understand how someone can know how to stick a needle in their ass yet not know how a website/server/database works. Which is why I'm at meso. Cause most people think opposite of that and by most I mean 99%. (Also not saying aas is just sticking a needle in your ass!!) I guess people don't want their shit secure? How confusing meso is. People should be happy frank is taking his security to the next level. Regardless of reasoning

I'll end my "3 page will be perceived as a rant" with I didn't take his words about security with any value I chose to give them value to myself. Which is the core of my message to everyone who reads it from the start. I'm sure someone out there will understand that statement. And there is nothing more I can add on this subject. Because it's pretty str8 forward
Actually no never. Genetics. My Brorher has them and never worked out a day in his life. I'm all shoulders and calves no chest here lol


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