MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Stop posting details about shipments you winning little brats. You are fucking morons. Take it to PM or a fucking email instead of posting details for the whole world to see.
Just want to remind you about our notification system in case of lack of some products:
If some items are not available (EU/US stocks) - instead "order" button you will see "notify" button in your order basket. If you will click this button -> site prompts you to enter your email -> after restock of our store you will receive notice by email from us that product is available now
Hey, Frank. Apparently there are pharmacom reps that aren't identifying themselves as such.
In the spirit of good faith and full disclosure, are there any pharmacom reps masquerading as meso members in this thread?
It was like pulling teeth to get @IronJulius to come out of the closet? What say you?
Frank, you said you don't store people's name, adress, and order info if they delete their order, but in this post from the pharmacom testp100 thread in the steroid lab testing forum you clearly say you do. So which is it frank?

I don't have a problem with you, I just think people should know what there getting into/ putting at risk
i quoted this post from the Naps Gear thread. It would be not right to reply there about Pharmacom.
Yes we did. Any server has backups. We have daily backups of our server, this is a simple protection of our system in case of any malfuctions, so that we are able to restore all the latest info. Any more or less decent store does back-ups, there is just no sense to hide this. If a source says - no, we don`t do backups and don`t store info, this source is not honest with you or too stupid. Backups are a must, this is just a fact. And backups without latest updates of latest info on the server are just senseless, so all the info is backed-up, this is purpose of a backup. So, yes info was stored in encrypted backups on the server, which is offline, which is not rented, it is our property. And only 3 persons have access to it.
But we changed this policy today. Here is how it is working now. From today all orders will be deleted automatically 2 month after an order got the status - shipped. Or - reshipped. You can delete your orders manually at any moment, but this will be so called soft deletion. You won`t see this order, but it will be still available for restore within 2 months. Or i will be able to see info about it. It is required in case of any issues for better customer service. If an order is deleted, we will be not able even to check if you placed it or not. So, within 2 months it is still stored. After 2 months it is removed indeed, physically. In this connection we shall be responsible for any possible issues only within these 2 months. If you did not address us within 2 months after your order got the status - shipped, we consider it as completed and don`t provide any assistance regarding this definite order. Because we just won`t be able to check any info and whether this order was placed at all or not.
If your order is shipped and you did not get it, you have 2 months to complain. We check it and in case of a seizure reship it. After an order got the new status - reshipped - you have 2 month again. However, as per ordering conditions we reship only once, so second 2 months are even not needed.
This system will ensure that all orders over 2 month are physically deleted from hard drives. Only account info and email will be stored without any time restrictions. If you have any other ideas, please share, we will discuss them.
Just to clarify. You're not selling/giving the shirts with the tiger logo to US customers, correct?

That is the logo of as we said before. Just looking out so you don't get a love letter from their lawyers.

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this is the symbol of a community in sort of russian facebook, nothing more. I don`t think anybody will be able to do anything with it. Finally even Pharmacom Labs does not exist de juro, who they will be sending this letter to? I don`t care much about it. I know the guy who created the group, he just found a picture in internet severl years ago, he had no idea about some tigerfitness.
Ah ha! You got another one of us dirtbags trying to get over. It almost seems like an obsession of yours?
Pretty nifty making some guys feel as though the source is above reproach and not the party that bears watching. Reverse scamming isn't something that's unique to pharmacom. It's something that all sources have to contend with.
But, c'mon, let's be honest here. We both know reverse scamming isn't something that's going to make or break you people. Reverse scammers make up an extremely small % of the complaints you receive.
I'm not suggesting you send out replacements to everyone with issues without looking into the complaints. However, I also hope you don't spend an inordinate amount of time playing detective when there are clearly other more pressing issues our members are having that could use your attention.
We'd all be more impressed if you guys could get a handle on inventory and letting guys know where their orders are going to be shipped from.
Instead of posting your "bust" here on meso you save it for your employees in your weekly sales meeting. Imo, you're a little out of line posting it here.(also, the asf link) I don't see other companies advertising their catching shoplifters and the like? Nope, just looked through some flyers and I don't see a one.
To all meso members.....please don't feel as though you will be jumped for posting issues and questions. Please don't apologize or feel as though praise must be handed out before telling us what's on your mind.
We don't need help from any source in regards to how we handle our members posting complaints. If we feel they are full of shit we have no problem telling them so. We've done a fine job before pharmacom got here and we'll continue long after they're gone.
Hey. Frank. I'm expecting a ridiculously long winded response from you, as usual. I haven't insulted you. It was brought to my attention that you told me to "stop talking like a small child" in a response to one of my posts? Fuck you. Who exactly do you think you are? Handle your business and you won't hear from me. This is out thread, not yours.
You could learn some people skills from Darius. You're a guest here. I suggest you get over yourself and act like one.
hi. the response will be not very long. LOL :D:D:D.
this is not obsession, this is a fact and reality i have to work with daily. And you are not right in this term. We receive some complains regarding shipping time or some organizational issues, but not really many complains about products quality. Lot of them are trials of reverse scamming. Well I have to clarify, i mean not only the US and international boards, the biggest part comes to our russian boards. So, I probably carry my way of communication with russians to this arena. Maybe it looks rude from side. I apologies if so, there are still differences in our mentality. It has a definite impact. But i am not going to give away gear to everyone who asks for it, no one business works like this. In fact the situation is very simple.
If someone is not happy with the quality of products, he needs to provide some evidences. Not just he doesn`t feel... there can be lots of reasons why he doesn`t feel. I don`t say this person is a scammer. But i can see who is trying to scam and who reports his real opinion. There is no detective games. I have a standard reply. If you think that the product is bad, please send it to the lab, it will test it. If it is bad we pay for testing and replace the item. If it is good, you pay for testing, we replace nothing. Isn`t it fair? Isn`t it a regular way to solve similar situations with official sellers? If you buy protein and come in one week saying - i don`t feel it, it is not working, the seller won`t replace it at all. Or if you buy, say, a smartphone and in one week you notice - gps is not working anymore, the seller does not replace it immediately. First expertise and than decision, whether the guarantee covers it or the client shall pay. Same with us. We provide guarantee for our products, but please be so kind to get through this expertise.
nothing difficult here. This is the standard official position of Pharmacom Labs, of Basicstero, of Darius. He will also insist on testing. You say i need to learn some skills from Darius, well this is your opinion. Let him be more polite as me. But it does not change the sense. He will also ask for testing. And, finally, i think lot of members can confirm I am absolutely polite when replying Pms and emails. It nerves me only when people say what they have no idea about and this was the case with you and your last post. You did not even tried to fill in on the matter of cases but came up with lot of discontent in your post. In such cases i will nobody let spoil our reputation because of things you are not entirely aware of. But your posts are public and lot of people are reading them, they influence someone`s opinion. Why shall I not reply to such posts? It has nothing to do with whether I am a guest here or not. I am human and I am a rep of a company with the perfect reputation within last several years, this is already enough. I apologies again if i was rude, but i don`t start to argue and loose patience because of nothing. I can remind you what i was not satisfied with in that post.
1. you said we have a growing number of problems. Again, your words influence the opinion of those, who is reading this. This is not the estimation i would expect. But it does not matter what i expect. There are facts. If you say there are problems i would like to see them listed like
and i would reply to any of them. However, i do not see any problems. There are some situations and questions from customers which are solved daily. With every source so.
2. you said there is no consistent method to be sure what is what in our stealth orders. This also influences the opinion of those who is reading this. But you never addressed me to inquire more about this. I don`t understand how you can share these doubts if you haven`t even asked us. Yes i think this is not fair to post it here. Delivery and shipping details shall not be discussed publicly at all. If someone has questions regarding his/her shipping i always help privately.
3. you said that the members safety is not our first concern. I also don`t agree with this. Otherwise we would not do what we do. If i repeat the same what i replied this post will be ridiculously long indeed. But you`ve read what i replied there.
4. You were not aware of the situation with that order returned and accused us again... but you really don`t know how everything happened.
And so on...Virtually your entire post was about things which you were whether not aware about.
So, who I think I am? I am a board member as well as you. I am a rep defending honor and reputation of our great company. And I do it in a simple regular way, which any company would do it.
There is a lot of words here, but the main things stay very simple:
1. If a customer has a question or needs help he addresses us and we help him. Sometimes it takes longer due to different reasons, but 99% of the customers are taken care of. The residuary 1% are those who whether did not read our rules and terms or as one of the customers said recently don`t fucking care of them. This is is beyond our responsibility.
2. If you doubt the quality of any of our products we are always happy to help you. But don`t think that we replace it at your first request. The fact you don`t feel something does not mean it is bunk. Let`s test it. If we screwed up we take full responsibility, we pay for testing, we pay for your posting expenses, we replace bad items.
How many sources offer this opportunity?
To short it cut, i do not see real reasons to bash us. If someone is not satisfied with something he shall contact us and we will work on it. Simple.

Recently I have ordered from Pharmacom international warehouse. Before ordering I read through the FAQ to gather any required instructions. The order was placed and payment was made with no communications with Pharmacom at all. Tracking number was sent as soon as the package left China. Again with absolutely no communications with Pharmacom. So beyond all apparent belief of the noobs in this forum, you don't need anyone to hold your hand while ordering from Pharmacom. Just read!!!

Oh and t/a was great for international ordering. 12 days from time the order was placed.
Thank you for the feedback sir. Unfortunately lot of customers don`t read FAQ. They don`t even read text in the emails they receive from us.
I really need someone from pharmacom to wb.
Fuck. Why don`t you show photos here? Exactly such cases make me peaced off. This is only your problem that you did not know that packages come without check codes. We have a clear notice about this during the ordering process when you choose discreet shipping.
I don`t understand at all why to check these bloody codes? What for?!!! We are Pharmacom Labs, we are not resellers, we manufacture these products. Why would we ship fake products?! There was no one case of a fake code ever. Forget about stupid codes. If you buy from us you don`t need them at all. You get full manufacturers guarantee. Somebody please delete his post with sensitive info.
Better communication from PL would be appreciated.
the guy sent me a pm 3 minutes after his post and asking for better communication...

I'll give my update and experience so far. Had about 4-5 orders so far. Used 24k as well but now he's gone I'm using pharmcom more. Ran the anvar for my show it was great. Cruised on test 500 .4 cc a week. So around 200 a week. Was pretty thick had to cut it with grape seed. Did that for 9 weeks. Now I'm blend 2. Tren mast prop 1 cc every other day. And vascularity is coming out for sure and not sweats which I always get from tren. I'm 2 weeks in running for 8 weeks then back to cruising on there test. I have dbol and Decca from them as well I will be running in the fall/winter. Wanted to give me input. This pic is at 2 weeks on the tren and eating bad. Pizza and pancakes for sure. I eat clean 6 days a or so. But trying to add size for my next show. So I've added a lot to my diet and staying fairly lean. Id call this a mini bulk since I just did a hardcore cut for my show a few months back not ready to cut that's for sure. I don't like to get bloated or lose my abs really but eating a good 5000cal a day or so 7 meals
Great physique! Indeed!Thank you for the feedback.
Just received my order, EU Domestic. So far so good.

Bloods are taken 6 weeks after first injection, right?
6 weeks after injection of what? It depends.

Hey, Frank. Apparently there are pharmacom reps that aren't identifying themselves as such.
In the spirit of good faith and full disclosure, are there any pharmacom reps masquerading as meso members in this thread?
It was like pulling teeth to get @IronJulius to come out of the closet? What say you?
if i say i am not aware of such, will you believe me? I say, I am really not aware. I will check now who is this IronJulius.
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this is the symbol of a community in sort of russian facebook, nothing more. I don`t think anybody will be able to do anything with it. Finally even Pharmacom Labs does not exist de juro, who they will be sending this letter to? I don`t care much about it. I know the guy who created the group, he just found a picture in internet severl years ago, he had no idea about some tigerfitness.

hi. the response will be not very long. LOL :D:D:D.
this is not obsession, this is a fact and reality i have to work with daily. And you are not right in this term. We receive some complains regarding shipping time or some organizational issues, but not really many complains about products quality. Lot of them are trials of reverse scamming. Well I have to clarify, i mean not only the US and international boards, the biggest part comes to our russian boards. So, I probably carry my way of communication with russians to this arena. Maybe it looks rude from side. I apologies if so, there are still differences in our mentality. It has a definite impact. But i am not going to give away gear to everyone who asks for it, no one business works like this. In fact the situation is very simple.
If someone is not happy with the quality of products, he needs to provide some evidences. Not just he doesn`t feel... there can be lots of reasons why he doesn`t feel. I don`t say this person is a scammer. But i can see who is trying to scam and who reports his real opinion. There is no detective games. I have a standard reply. If you think that the product is bad, please send it to the lab, it will test it. If it is bad we pay for testing and replace the item. If it is good, you pay for testing, we replace nothing. Isn`t it fair? Isn`t it a regular way to solve similar situations with official sellers? If you buy protein and come in one week saying - i don`t feel it, it is not working, the seller won`t replace it at all. Or if you buy, say, a smartphone and in one week you notice - gps is not working anymore, the seller does not replace it immediately. First expertise and than decision, whether the guarantee covers it or the client shall pay. Same with us. We provide guarantee for our products, but please be so kind to get through this expertise.
nothing difficult here. This is the standard official position of Pharmacom Labs, of Basicstero, of Darius. He will also insist on testing. You say i need to learn some skills from Darius, well this is your opinion. Let him be more polite as me. But it does not change the sense. He will also ask for testing. And, finally, i think lot of members can confirm I am absolutely polite when replying Pms and emails. It nerves me only when people say what they have no idea about and this was the case with you and your last post. You did not even tried to fill in on the matter of cases but came up with lot of discontent in your post. In such cases i will nobody let spoil our reputation because of things you are not entirely aware of. But your posts are public and lot of people are reading them, they influence someone`s opinion. Why shall I not reply to such posts? It has nothing to do with whether I am a guest here or not. I am human and I am a rep of a company with the perfect reputation within last several years, this is already enough. I apologies again if i was rude, but i don`t start to argue and loose patience because of nothing. I can remind you what i was not satisfied with in that post.
1. you said we have a growing number of problems. Again, your words influence the opinion of those, who is reading this. This is not the estimation i would expect. But it does not matter what i expect. There are facts. If you say there are problems i would like to see them listed like
and i would reply to any of them. However, i do not see any problems. There are some situations and questions from customers which are solved daily. With every source so.
2. you said there is no consistent method to be sure what is what in our stealth orders. This also influences the opinion of those who is reading this. But you never addressed me to inquire more about this. I don`t understand how you can share these doubts if you haven`t even asked us. Yes i think this is not fair to post it here. Delivery and shipping details shall not be discussed publicly at all. If someone has questions regarding his/her shipping i always help privately.
3. you said that the members safety is not our first concern. I also don`t agree with this. Otherwise we would not do what we do. If i repeat the same what i replied this post will be ridiculously long indeed. But you`ve read what i replied there.
4. You were not aware of the situation with that order returned and accused us again... but you really don`t know how everything happened.
And so on...Virtually your entire post was about things which you were whether not aware about.
So, who I think I am? I am a board member as well as you. I am a rep defending honor and reputation of our great company. And I do it in a simple regular way, which any company would do it.
There is a lot of words here, but the main things stay very simple:
1. If a customer has a question or needs help he addresses us and we help him. Sometimes it takes longer due to different reasons, but 99% of the customers are taken care of. The residuary 1% are those who whether did not read our rules and terms or as one of the customers said recently don`t fucking care of them. This is is beyond our responsibility.
2. If you doubt the quality of any of our products we are always happy to help you. But don`t think that we replace it at your first request. The fact you don`t feel something does not mean it is bunk. Let`s test it. If we screwed up we take full responsibility, we pay for testing, we pay for your posting expenses, we replace bad items.
How many sources offer this opportunity?
To short it cut, i do not see real reasons to bash us. If someone is not satisfied with something he shall contact us and we will work on it. Simple.

Thank you for the feedback sir. Unfortunately lot of customers don`t read FAQ. They don`t even read text in the emails they receive from us.

Fuck. Why don`t you show photos here? Exactly such cases make me peaced off. This is only your problem that you did not know that packages come without check codes. We have a clear notice about this during the ordering process when you choose discreet shipping.
I don`t understand at all why to check these bloody codes? What for?!!! We are Pharmacom Labs, we are not resellers, we manufacture these products. Why would we ship fake products?! There was no one case of a fake code ever. Forget about stupid codes. If you buy from us you don`t need them at all. You get full manufacturers guarantee. Somebody please delete his post with sensitive info.

the guy sent me a pm 3 minutes after his post and asking for better communication...

Great physique! Indeed!Thank you for the feedback.

6 weeks after injection of what? It depends.

if i say i am not aware of such, will you believe me? I say, I am really not aware. I will check now who is this IronJulius.
Will deleting orders affect discounts for repeat customers? Do you still track purchases made by each account??
Fucking napsgate 2 :mad:
Havn`t you read what i just told?
absolutely every source keeps data. customer service is not possible without it. even if a source does not have a site, emails only, it still keeps your data, at this at much more vulnerable conditions. if you are so concerned with your security, don`t order anything online at all. don`t use internet finally.
if you wanna your orders to be deleted immediately, no problem, we can do it. but don`t ask us for anything if your order is seized or lost or something comes broken. we will not replace or reship parallelizes customer service. but no data will be stored.
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Will deleting orders affect discounts for repeat customers? Do you still track purchases made by each account??
i have been told there shall be some counters which remember the amount of orders placed even after an order is deleted. but this system is not working yet as far as i know. some technical details are to be discussed yet.
i quoted this post from the Naps Gear thread. It would be not right to reply there about Pharmacom.
Yes we did. Any server has backups. We have daily backups of our server, this is a simple protection of our system in case of any malfuctions, so that we are able to restore all the latest info. Any more or less decent store does back-ups, there is just no sense to hide this. If a source says - no, we don`t do backups and don`t store info, this source is not honest with you or too stupid. Backups are a must, this is just a fact. And backups without latest updates of latest info on the server are just senseless, so all the info is backed-up, this is purpose of a backup. So, yes info was stored in encrypted backups on the server, which is offline, which is not rented, it is our property. And only 3 persons have access to it.
But we changed this policy today. Here is how it is working now. From today all orders will be deleted automatically 2 month after an order got the status - shipped. Or - reshipped. You can delete your orders manually at any moment, but this will be so called soft deletion. You won`t see this order, but it will be still available for restore within 2 months. Or i will be able to see info about it. It is required in case of any issues for better customer service. If an order is deleted, we will be not able even to check if you placed it or not. So, within 2 months it is still stored. After 2 months it is removed indeed, physically. In this connection we shall be responsible for any possible issues only within these 2 months. If you did not address us within 2 months after your order got the status - shipped, we consider it as completed and don`t provide any assistance regarding this definite order. Because we just won`t be able to check any info and whether this order was placed at all or not.
If your order is shipped and you did not get it, you have 2 months to complain. We check it and in case of a seizure reship it. After an order got the new status - reshipped - you have 2 month again. However, as per ordering conditions we reship only once, so second 2 months are even not needed.
This system will ensure that all orders over 2 month are physically deleted from hard drives. Only account info and email will be stored without any time restrictions. If you have any other ideas, please share, we will discuss them.

Thats good to hear, because I've made orders from you. Like I said, I'm only hear to get the truth out. Glad to see you made that change
i quoted this post from the Naps Gear thread. It would be not right to reply there about Pharmacom.
Yes we did. Any server has backups. We have daily backups of our server, this is a simple protection of our system in case of any malfuctions, so that we are able to restore all the latest info. Any more or less decent store does back-ups, there is just no sense to hide this. If a source says - no, we don`t do backups and don`t store info, this source is not honest with you or too stupid. Backups are a must, this is just a fact. And backups without latest updates of latest info on the server are just senseless, so all the info is backed-up, this is purpose of a backup. So, yes info was stored in encrypted backups on the server, which is offline, which is not rented, it is our property. And only 3 persons have access to it.
But we changed this policy today. Here is how it is working now. From today all orders will be deleted automatically 2 month after an order got the status - shipped. Or - reshipped. You can delete your orders manually at any moment, but this will be so called soft deletion. You won`t see this order, but it will be still available for restore within 2 months. Or i will be able to see info about it. It is required in case of any issues for better customer service. If an order is deleted, we will be not able even to check if you placed it or not. So, within 2 months it is still stored. After 2 months it is removed indeed, physically. In this connection we shall be responsible for any possible issues only within these 2 months. If you did not address us within 2 months after your order got the status - shipped, we consider it as completed and don`t provide any assistance regarding this definite order. Because we just won`t be able to check any info and whether this order was placed at all or not.
If your order is shipped and you did not get it, you have 2 months to complain. We check it and in case of a seizure reship it. After an order got the new status - reshipped - you have 2 month again. However, as per ordering conditions we reship only once, so second 2 months are even not needed.
This system will ensure that all orders over 2 month are physically deleted from hard drives. Only account info and email will be stored without any time restrictions. If you have any other ideas, please share, we will discuss them.
Havn`t you read what i just told?
absolutely every source keeps data. customer service is not possible without it. even if a source does not have a site, emails only, it still keeps your data, at this at much more vulnerable conditions. if you are so concerned with your security, don`t order anything online at all. don`t use internet finally.
if you wanna your orders to be deleted immediately, no problem, we can do it. but don`t ask us for anything if your order is seized or lost or something comes broken. we will not replace or reship parallelizes customer service. but no data will be stored.
Ok...Frank first of all i have been a US domestic customer of yours...
1) the service communication and quality have been top shelf.
2) I have also been and still am a customer of naps and several of the groups spin off sites. Never had issues with anything there either. Service quality etc.
3) Everyone in the US that does business with you or any other UGL has committed federal and state offenses according to the laws in the US. My advice to all would be...if you arent comfortable with the risk dont order the shit.
Most of us understand that today any type of business that does any kind of volume must keep records of orders shipping and in your business batch numbers to head off potential problems with contamination underdosing etc.
It appears at least to me that the protocols you have put into place at least will mitigate the potential damage done by leaking minimal personal info etc..should a breach occur.
one question that i do have is this...on the info delete /order delete process. Are the drives actually wiped deeply and overwritten or in the event of LE obtaining these drives can they be mined for the info.
I personally dont really give a shit...most everyone in the world is on naps list already and the fact is that the info is about useless for prosecuting an addressee/end user for so many reasons. But its possible that some people depending on jobs or stations in life, could be inconvienienced by their name showing up.
Btw when you address Americans you must at all times be very polite and cordial....we like it much better and our feelings dont get hurt.....then you can stick it in their ass and they will forever say what a nice fellow you are. Because in America we are all about our feelings.......BAHAHAHAHA
Thanks for the good far.
I'll give my update and experience so far. Had about 4-5 orders so far. Used 24k as well but now he's gone I'm using pharmcom more. Ran the anvar for my show it was great. Cruised on test 500 .4 cc a week. So around 200 a week. Was pretty thick had to cut it with grape seed. Did that for 9 weeks. Now I'm blend 2. Tren mast prop 1 cc every other day. And vascularity is coming out for sure and not sweats which I always get from tren. I'm 2 weeks in running for 8 weeks then back to cruising on there test. I have dbol and Decca from them as well I will be running in the fall/winter. Wanted to give me input. This pic is at 2 weeks on the tren and eating bad. Pizza and pancakes for sure. I eat clean 6 days a or so. But trying to add size for my next show. So I've added a lot to my diet and staying fairly lean. Id call this a mini bulk since I just did a hardcore cut for my show a few months back not ready to cut that's for sure. I don't like to get bloated or lose my abs really but eating a good 5000cal a day or so 7 meals

Lookin animal as fuck in that pic bro, the vascularity is insane. Good work.
Ah ha! You got another one of us dirtbags trying to get over. It almost seems like an obsession of yours?
Pretty nifty making some guys feel as though the source is above reproach and not the party that bears watching. Reverse scamming isn't something that's unique to pharmacom. It's something that all sources have to contend with.
But, c'mon, let's be honest here. We both know reverse scamming isn't something that's going to make or break you people. Reverse scammers make up an extremely small % of the complaints you receive.
I'm not suggesting you send out replacements to everyone with issues without looking into the complaints. However, I also hope you don't spend an inordinate amount of time playing detective when there are clearly other more pressing issues our members are having that could use your attention.
We'd all be more impressed if you guys could get a handle on inventory and letting guys know where their orders are going to be shipped from.
Instead of posting your "bust" here on meso you save it for your employees in your weekly sales meeting. Imo, you're a little out of line posting it here.(also, the asf link) I don't see other companies advertising their catching shoplifters and the like? Nope, just looked through some flyers and I don't see a one.
To all meso members.....please don't feel as though you will be jumped for posting issues and questions. Please don't apologize or feel as though praise must be handed out before telling us what's on your mind.
We don't need help from any source in regards to how we handle our members posting complaints. If we feel they are full of shit we have no problem telling them so. We've done a fine job before pharmacom got here and we'll continue long after they're gone.
Hey. Frank. I'm expecting a ridiculously long winded response from you, as usual. I haven't insulted you. It was brought to my attention that you told me to "stop talking like a small child" in a response to one of my posts? Fuck you. Who exactly do you think you are? Handle your business and you won't hear from me. This is out thread, not yours.
You could learn some people skills from Darius. You're a guest here. I suggest you get over yourself and act like one.
This sounds reasonable. Well said bb69. Transparency works best on Mesorx.
Ok...Frank first of all i have been a US domestic customer of yours...
1) the service communication and quality have been top shelf.
2) I have also been and still am a customer of naps and several of the groups spin off sites. Never had issues with anything there either. Service quality etc.
3) Everyone in the US that does business with you or any other UGL has committed federal and state offenses according to the laws in the US. My advice to all would be...if you arent comfortable with the risk dont order the shit.
Most of us understand that today any type of business that does any kind of volume must keep records of orders shipping and in your business batch numbers to head off potential problems with contamination underdosing etc.
It appears at least to me that the protocols you have put into place at least will mitigate the potential damage done by leaking minimal personal info etc..should a breach occur.
one question that i do have is this...on the info delete /order delete process. Are the drives actually wiped deeply and overwritten or in the event of LE obtaining these drives can they be mined for the info.
I personally dont really give a shit...most everyone in the world is on naps list already and the fact is that the info is about useless for prosecuting an addressee/end user for so many reasons. But its possible that some people depending on jobs or stations in life, could be inconvienienced by their name showing up.
Btw when you address Americans you must at all times be very polite and cordial....we like it much better and our feelings dont get hurt.....then you can stick it in their ass and they will forever say what a nice fellow you are. Because in America we are all about our feelings.......BAHAHAHAHA
Thanks for the good far.
thank you for the comment, i will take all the info into account. as for deleting process, i will not lie now, i don`t do all these things myself, so i will need to ask our admin how everything is working. i will reply later. however i am pretty sure everything shall be set as safe as possible. otherwise in case of any leakage our boss would just kill us. So, safe data storage is for sure in our interest .
Any updates on another promo in the future @Pharmacom Labs
we are going to put our t-shirts and suits into some orders. i will update you about conditions later.

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Test e. Very fast delivery btw, thanks a lot.
yes, 6 weeks on test e is ok for a blood work.