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In all fairness your statements are worthless considering you have been here a total of what 3 months? Then you state everyone needs to basically "take your word for it". Problem being, what is your word even worth here?
To be fair I've seen some proof the dude is pretty damn good with a computer.
So you attempt to counter my comment about taking his word with the counter point of me taking your word? I give up.
Eh, whatever. I'll return to my usual and just stay out of things I can't truly contribute to. You can pm me if you'd like me to elaborate more on what I said but you've seemed to have already made your mind up, and that's cool. I wasn't trying to counter anything, don't really care to debate.
So you attempt to counter my comment about taking his word with the counter point of me taking your word? I give up.
Hi Rob,
Please don't take this as me busting balls. It's just food for thought. I know you're a contributor here.
I'm one of the first in line when it comes to busting balls for waving a sources flag without respectable motivation or adequate experience or information but if presented correctly and with the proper information to back it up, aren't we supposed to pass along information regarding a source in the sake of safety for our fellow Meso members.
If someone has run the gear and they have enough experience to compare results or if there has been a customer service issue and it was handled well, or maybe not, Isn't it appropriate to share that information in the sources thread?
It seems to me that @Reddog82e has information of another sort that has to do with member safety and he has a skill set that I know I don't have. What he's sharing seems relevant. Just like a review of the gear itself, the info he's sharing can be considered or not. That's your choice or anyone's choice. After enough respected members give the same type of review or enough tests have been shared, of course the infrmation becomes more trustworthy, but not many members share this type of information. The information he's sharing i don't think is going to sway people one way or the other and I've bought from Pharmacom without even having this info.
If he can't share this info in this thread then wherecould he?
No one has to believe him if they don't want to but I don't see where he crossed the line.
I does kinda make me feel better to know that if he's on the up and up that their security is on point but members have been buying from them regardless.
Hi Rob,
Please don't take this as me busting balls. It's just food for thought. I know you're a contributor here.
I'm one of the first in line when it comes to busting balls for waving a sources flag without respectable motivation or adequate experience or information but if presented correctly and with the proper information to back it up, aren't we supposed to pass along information regarding a source in the sake of safety for our fellow Meso members.
If someone has run the gear and they have enough experience to compare results or if there has been a customer service issue and it was handled well, or maybe not, Isn't it appropriate to share that information in the sources thread?
It seems to me that @Reddog82e has information of another sort that has to do with member safety and he has a skill set that I know I don't have. What he's sharing seems relevant. Just like a review of the gear itself, the info he's sharing can be considered or not. That's your choice or anyone's choice. After enough respected members give the same type of review or enough tests have been shared, of course the infrmation becomes more trustworthy, but not many members share this type of information. The information he's sharing i don't think is going to sway people one way or the other and I've bought from Pharmacom without even having this info.
If he can't share this info in this thread then wherecould he?
No one has to believe him if they don't want to but I don't see where he crossed the line.
I does kinda make me feel better to know that if he's on the up and up that their security is on point but members have been buying from them regardless.
How do you know he has done anything? How do you know he isn't just full of bs? When someone says to me "take my word for it, I have done x,y,z but I can't really talk about it". I don't see the point. I never said he crossed any line, I said why would anyone take his word. Basically to me his comments were about the same as a review on a sources gear but instead of bloodwork he says "just trust me it's good".

He can post whatever he wants and I never said he couldn't. I don't blindly follow or believe things so I question situations that perhaps others wouldn't. Really not something I care much about to be honest.
Can somebody please remind me, where to you check "serial" number ( number that you get by scratching off) of your goods on the site, as i just want to check my goods, please
I know my word is worth nothing here don't give a shit if it is or isnt. Doesn't change my statement.

I said "take it for what it's worth as words" never said take my word for it. That's pretty much all anyone can say in this place is words. In the end it's up to the individual to place if those words have any value. On every aspect of this community and whats discussed. I'm just a guy who lives in a van down by the river who thinks pharmacom dId a hell of a job listening to people's concerns. Being highly responsive to the community and representatives in securing the shit out their fucking website. I guess im sorry you don't know enough about Internet security to make that determination for yourself. But without detracting from my original statement great job pharmacom.
If you know it's worth nothing then why post? No one cares about your ability to send scripts to a server or play IT security man on a juice forum.
I know my word is worth nothing here don't give a shit if it is or isnt. Doesn't change my statement.

I said "take it for what it's worth as words" never said take my word for it. That's pretty much all anyone can say in this place is words. In the end it's up to the individual to place if those words have any value. On every aspect of this community and whats discussed. I'm just a guy who lives in a van down by the river who thinks pharmacom dId a hell of a job listening to people's concerns. Being highly responsive to the community and representatives in securing the shit out their fucking website. I guess im sorry you don't know enough about Internet security to make that determination for yourself. But without detracting from my original statement great job pharmacom.
I appreciate it. Thanks Red.
If you know it's worth nothing then why post? No one cares about your ability to send scripts to a server or play IT security man on a juice forum.
Well, we welcomed pumpingiron22's contributions....he's disappeared it seems?
I'd appreciate pi22's contribution to my wallet....he left owing me a few hundo.
image.jpeg Got sum stuff today, and in one vial of test p100 there is a little black dot on bottom of vial, if I tip it over it slowly floats around till it hits the bottom.....
I floated it to where it would be against the label to TRY and get a good photo