MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

That's their indian site. No worries

I wasnt worried per se, I had never heard of it as an affiliated site. the promo in fact pointed me to the .info site. The thing that got my attention was on the .in site in addition to the regular pharmacom line, they're also selling balkan.

it was interesting to me
@movingiron88 First I want to apologize for bein a smart ass

Second, I would have a dedicated email account for, you know, shady dealings

when I look at my dashboard my previous orders arnt there, I do retain my frequent buyer discount. so there is probably something marked on my account to reflect that.
@movingiron88 First I want to apologize for bein a smart ass

Second, I would have a dedicated email account for, you know, shady dealings

when I look at my dashboard my previous orders arnt there, I do retain my frequent buyer discount. so there is probably something marked on my account to reflect that.
No problem, thank you for the apology. I am just questioning how all of these companies don't keep info, but still get promotional emails and can track orders etc.. you know what I'm getting at.
somehow the point is kinda missed though.
they have some goodies at that site now. Balkan and some peptides. the peptides are out of stock but still. I would love to find a more legit peptide source.
No problem, thank you for the apology. I am just questioning how all of these companies don't keep info, but still get promotional emails and can track orders etc.. you know what I'm getting at.

its a catch 22. First we have to take the source at his word that he's is dumping the records after a set period of time. Then, there has to be some kind of physical record in case there is an issue with the purchase. Sometimes the problem comes up well after the pack has landed.
Like I said my previous orders are deleted, I believe he is doing his what he said.

Also I should point out, I like pharmacom gear, Im running it now, but I am not being compensated for my remarks. ie, I am not a shill or a rep
I think Frank posted they keep an offline place for customer data, but will delete it if asked to? Don't quote me on this, but I think I remember him saying that.
I think Frank posted they keep an offline place for customer data, but will delete it if asked to? Don't quote me on this, but I think I remember him saying that.
also the thought occurred to me that being on a mailing list is not a record of purchase. Im on a ton of mailing lists,It doesnt mean I bought anything.
I should mention I emailed them and told them to delete all of my information. I still don't like having my info stored anywhere. I didn't get the promo email, so I'm assuming they deleted everything. I hope anyway.
they also commented a while ago on that

they mentioned something about Ruanabol a long time ago I don't recall. in there production promo videos they advertise at the end someone asked I can't recall what they said, and I can't find it in when I search.

damn man, you sir have a good memory. a single mention back on page 32.

I wonder, if one asked, if you could buy balkan through them. They had some orals I wanted to try
yea @Geterdun is right, Frank explained it when the big naps customer dump happened. they keep information and its encrypted or something or other.
Yes, he covered this in some detail. There were privacy concerns as well as lifetime bonus discount retention concerns. It's in this thread somewhere, but buried in troll shit.
somehow the point is kinda missed though.
they have some goodies at that site now. Balkan and some peptides. the peptides are out of stock but still. I would love to find a more legit peptide source.

yeah, I was also wondering about the Balkan and peps etc -- a couple different things there that we do not have listed on the .info
The eagle has landed. Have along gonig on for more detail. I have post my last cycle bolos and free bloods being done 2 weeks later.