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@Pharmacom Helper @Pharmacom Labs

Do you have any HPLC or any other analysis results for
"PHARMADRO E 200" (Drostanolone Enanthate) and
"PHARMA MIX M 300" (Drostanolone propionate & Drostanolone enanthate mix)?
Or do you have a link to somewhere that has anything about those posted?

@Pharmacom Helper @Pharmacom Labs

Do you have any HPLC or any other analysis results for
"PHARMADRO E 200" (Drostanolone Enanthate) and
"PHARMA MIX M 300" (Drostanolone propionate & Drostanolone enanthate mix)?
Or do you have a link to somewhere that has anything about those posted?

I just ran the Mix 300 with Tren E and Test E. Can't say much about it tho. I started it half way through my cycle and I got these massive, very hard, mildly painful (like soreness/tenderness), pimples on my back. Didn't get that with their MastP in the Mix 2. However, I was using 300mg E3D vs 100mg EoD with the prop. Take that for whatever its worth to you. I'd like to see HPLC as well.
I just ran the Mix 300 with Tren E and Test E. Can't say much about it tho. I started it half way through my cycle and I got these massive, very hard, mildly painful (like soreness/tenderness), pimples on my back. Didn't get that with their MastP in the Mix 2. However, I was using 300mg E3D vs 100mg EoD with the prop. Take that for whatever its worth to you. I'd like to see HPLC as well.

How was their Tren E?
How was their Tren E?
I like it. Was my second time running it. But I can't compare it to much. Never used any other lab's Tren E. Also ran their Ace 2x. I like E because the sides aren't as bad as Ace for me. But I definitely feel stronger on Ace. Unfortunately I also feel more murdery...
I like it. Was my second time running it. But I can't compare it to much. Never used any other lab's Tren E. Also ran their Ace 2x. I like E because the sides aren't as bad as Ace for me. But I definitely feel stronger on Ace. Unfortunately I also feel more murdery...

Haha that's good! Thanks for your input. Yeah I'm an emotional reck on tren sometimes, but I'm looking to use it in a contest prep. Can't beat the results you get from it! & im surprised by that! Usually people feel tren A has less sides.
What is that? A combo of all 3 tren esters?


I am doing Mix 3 right now but wanted a bit extra Tren. So I pulled in some of this. From the first shot I can taste it and within a week I'm feeling the sides. I haven't done just E of PC before but I love the Tri blend.
With mix 3 i'd get 100mg of Tren-E and then i'm .5ML of the tri blend. So about 200MG/ML twice a week for me.
  • Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/ml
  • Trenbolone Enanthate 100 mg/ml
  • Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 50mg/ml
when cabergoline will be available?
1-2 weeks
you are shipping to Brazil ?
Yes, we can ship to any country from our INT store.
@Pharmacom Helper @Pharmacom Labs

Do you have any HPLC or any other analysis results for
"PHARMADRO E 200" (Drostanolone Enanthate) and
"PHARMA MIX M 300" (Drostanolone propionate & Drostanolone enanthate mix)?
Or do you have a link to somewhere that has anything about those posted?

Hello, If I remember well we already sent mast E. to Simec few weeks ago, still waiting for result.
About Mast Mix - I need check

I am doing Mix 3 right now but wanted a bit extra Tren. So I pulled in some of this. From the first shot I can taste it and within a week I'm feeling the sides. I haven't done just E of PC before but I love the Tri blend.
With mix 3 i'd get 100mg of Tren-E and then i'm .5ML of the tri blend. So about 200MG/ML twice a week for me.
  • Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/ml
  • Trenbolone Enanthate 100 mg/ml
  • Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 50mg/ml

Damn... might try it out haha
@pharmacon helper

Any word or update on the myostatin vaccine?

You mentioned you would have a update by now.

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@pharmacon helper

Any word or update on the myostatin vaccine?

You mentioned you would have a update by now.
Hello Roger, sorry but nothing interesting on Russian boards.
Only 1 review review for last 2-3 weeks:
"first injection of M2 (2d version of vaccine) was 7 weeks ago in the end of cycle test-3tren-bold (last 3 weeks). Weight 92kg
Currently 4th week of Test solo - weight 98 kg.
Positive facts:
- increase of appetite
- good pump effect on test solo (like on cycle)
- retained level of physical strength after cycle "
Just an update. I'll be short and brief. All the birds made it home safely and turn around time was just over 2 weeks. They came home just as they should, all there and unscathed. Customer service was stellar due to a few quick questions being answered literally within 30 mins. All in all I'm very pleased, as I was the last few times they flew. Look for a log coming up soon on my birdies progress.

This is what i got. You can see the PC logo on the glass. But whats up with the label though?