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@Toiletminds lmfao.. you ordered open up the package and you don't even know Wtf it is lmfao!!!!! You can easily see it has pharmacom all over it!!!I would pay $1000 to see the dumbass look on your face when you realized how much of an idiot you are
1. The act of moving, proceeding, or acting in acovert way.
2. The quality or characteristic of being furtive orcovert.
3. Obsolete The act of stealing.
1. Not disclosing one's true ideology, affiliations, orpositions: a stealth candidate.
2. Having or providing the ability to preventdetection by radar: a stealth bomber; stealthtechnology.

Not to be confused with "fast".
1. The act of moving, proceeding, or acting in acovert way.
2. The quality or characteristic of being furtive orcovert.
3. Obsolete The act of stealing.
1. Not disclosing one's true ideology, affiliations, orpositions: a stealth candidate.
2. Having or providing the ability to preventdetection by radar: a stealth bomber; stealthtechnology.

Not to be confused with "fast".
Tards, what can you expect.

Just an update. I'll be short and brief. All the birds made it home safely and turn around time was just over 2 weeks. They came home just as they should, all there and unscathed. Customer service was stellar due to a few quick questions being answered literally within 30 mins. All in all I'm very pleased, as I was the last few times they flew. Look for a log coming up soon on my birdies progress.

You jump on the bandwagon and talk shit about people posting shipping and TA time info and then do it yourself?!?
hey I admit that was a dumb move on my part and I take responsibility but if it wasnt there in the first place it wouldnt have been done, it was already there, with dumb asses confirming its the "stealth pacckage" so cover has been blown, my bad on my part though
sounds like you got the point, had to expect u were gonna catch a lot of shit for that one.
well i really dont care about catching a lot of shit about it, Im on my phone an when i was writing the reply it didnt show the pic so i didnt think about it, but i do think its funny that some of the same people that have shit to say are the same people saying thats the stealth package take that down, not much smarter, if you ask me..I admited my fault but you guys can beat a dead horse and keep saying how stupid it was but what is that gunna do?? have people wonder "what did this kid do that was so stupid and go back and look, yet giving it more exposure
can't take back all the orders being stopped from pharmacom too now hehe jk probably not that much on there game but ya never know.
is there a moderater in this forumn that can delete all of peoples stupid posts about it and all the idiots quoting it? because even I can still see it..can we just all click "report" to their post will that get rid of it
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is there a moderater in this forumn that can delete all of peoples stupid posts about it and all the idiots quoting it? because even I can still see it..can we just all click "report" to their post will that get rid of it

If there was one , he probably killed himself with this much stupidity.
There should be a moderation queue for posts with images or external links, so that they get reviewed before being listed.
Another fine example when a lab turns into the "Wal Mart" of gear. Many of it's customers have no business buying not to mention even running fucking gear. :rolleyes:
well i really dont care about catching a lot of shit about it, Im on my phone an when i was writing the reply it didnt show the pic so i didnt think about it, but i do think its funny that some of the same people that have shit to say are the same people saying thats the stealth package take that down, not much smarter, if you ask me..I admited my fault but you guys can beat a dead horse and keep saying how stupid it was but what is that gunna do?? have people wonder "what did this kid do that was so stupid and go back and look, yet giving it more exposure

Your posts are what keep me coming back to this forum, entertainment. You jumped on dumb-dumb, calling him out for posting pictures and now you want to tell everyone, "but you guys can beat a dead horse and keep saying how stupid it was but what is that gunna do". You obviously can't see how hypocritical your statement really is, but that's fine, I got a good laugh.