MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Dumb shit. Dumb shit everywhere.
Got a lot of Pharmacom.
Probably won't use it exclusively nor buy anymore things are unstable of late it seems.

I can't argue with your statement. I used Phamacom for a while but my last bulk order was early last year. Everything was spot on.

Was about to pull the trigger when Meso folks starting to complain about the lab results.

It seems like this shit goes through waves.

Hey pencil dick, I hope you're not comparing clicking on a "like" button to you posting pictures of gear from an illegal company's stealth mode tactics.

How the fuck were you the quickest sperm out of MILLIONS to reach the egg??


P.S. You're still a douche.
First of all I didnt post the pic I replied to it, which still wasnt smart but I didnt post it and yes I comparing it because you LIKED that fucking reply you fucking sheep boy. If it was so fucking stupid (which I agree it was) why would you fucking like it?? fucking dumbass where is the logic in that?? Run along now to the herd sheepboy

ps thanks for spelling it out for everyone who may have not knew what it was and confirming exactly what it is
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That really sucks, will he refund your money since sending it isn't really an option?

Of course not, since when has that ever happened. All they said is that they would include my promo items that I ordered with the promo back then. Hopefully they stay true to their word considering it's been almost 8 months. It would be a shame if they try to act or pretend as if we never agreed on it. Just waiting to see when they roll in the new stealth and I'll contact them and see
run along sheep boy keep riding others dick

Dude, chill.

It's been four pages now of this. There's other places to talk about it like PM's. You will not be able to win the argument no matter what you say because you were the one who did something wrong wether it was an accident or not. And I don't know why you are getting so bent outta shape when the the post in question is bashing someone the EXACT SAME way as the ones your getting so pissed about. It's over... Done ... Finito... Fin.
Of course not, since when has that ever happened. All they said is that they would include my promo items that I ordered with the promo back then. Hopefully they stay true to their word considering it's been almost 8 months. It would be a shame if they try to act or pretend as if we never agreed on it. Just waiting to see when they roll in the new stealth and I'll contact them and see

Did he email you saying he would honor the promo deal?

Dude, chill.

It's been four pages now of this. There's other places to talk about it like PM's. You will not be able to win the argument no matter what you say because you were the one who did something wrong wether it was an accident or not. And I don't know why you are getting so bent outta shape when the the post in question is bashing someone the EXACT SAME way as the ones your getting so pissed about. It's over... Done ... Finito... Fin.

Well said...I'll close the door on my end. 4 pages is enough.

I have an email confirming all that, I believe with Frank as a matter of fact. So I have high hopes they will honor it

He'll honor it.

If and when you get the gear, can you post the bloodwork for us. I've used Frank a lot in the past but I'm really concerned about his product due to information from this year alone.

It could be all BS but I've never seen Pharmacom take this much heat ever.

Dude, chill.

It's been four pages now of this. There's other places to talk about it like PM's. You will not be able to win the argument no matter what you say because you were the one who did something wrong wether it was an accident or not. And I don't know why you are getting so bent outta shape when the the post in question is bashing someone the EXACT SAME way as the ones your getting so pissed about. It's over... Done ... Finito... Fin.
Dude I had a good chuckle just now. This is a great example of why we shouldn't talk about delivers lol ;):D
Dude, chill.

It's been four pages now of this. There's other places to talk about it like PM's. You will not be able to win the argument no matter what you say because you were the one who did something wrong wether it was an accident or not. And I don't know why you are getting so bent outta shape when the the post in question is bashing someone the EXACT SAME way as the ones your getting so pissed about. It's over... Done ... Finito... Fin.
im just replying to people saying shit to me like im replying to you, saying i should go kill myself and disrespecting me and you know your adding to this 4 pages right? suck my dick i was done
He'll honor it.

If and when you get the gear, can you post the bloodwork for us. I've used Frank a lot in the past but I'm really concerned about his product due to information from this year alone.

It could be all BS but I've never seen Pharmacom take this much heat ever.

I will, I'm gonna be running a heavy cycle next so I will be getting bloods. The first pharmacom cycle I did I posted blood work up as well. I was in the 3k range at 500mg split 2x a week with my TRT pin of 100mg weekly on top of that and I was running deca 600. Went up 22 lbs a lot of water, kept 12 of it lean muscle ad cut fat, ended at 194 16-17%
I will, I'm gonna be running a heavy cycle next so I will be getting bloods. The first pharmacom cycle I did I posted blood work up as well. I was in the 3k range at 500mg split 2x a week with my TRT pin of 100mg weekly on top of that and I was running deca 600. Went up 22 lbs a lot of water, kept 12 of it lean muscle ad cut fat, ended at 194 16-17%

Good man...

I hope all this talk is BS, but I've read enough to pay on his product abc service.

I wish you luck brother.

im just replying to people saying shit to me like im replying to you, saying i should go kill myself and disrespecting me and you know your adding to this 4 pages right? suck my dick i was done

Not a single thing I said was offensive at all... You gotta chill out man. This is my last words on the subject. So make sure you get one more in real quick. I will have ignored you, but maybe someone else will chuckle at you yelling at me to do sex things to you again. I'll bet anyone 1,000$ that he just HAS TO reply.
im just replying to people saying shit to me like im replying to you, saying i should go kill myself and disrespecting me and you know your adding to this 4 pages right? suck my dick i was done
Please, I'm begging you, don't hit the reply button again and SHUT THE FUCK UP!
this is what you call egging someone on, I stopped and you want to tell me to shut the fuck up? fuck you ill reply just for you precious fuck boy
No it's called sick of seeing your idiocy. You haven't stopped. Keep at it. You just look dumber by the post. If that's even possible at this point.
No it's called sick of seeing your idiocy. You haven't stopped. Keep at it. You just look dumber by the post. If that's even possible at this point.
I havent replied to anyone that hasn't posted to me..i did something owned up to it and get bashed over and over so I'm defending write to me after you see that I say Im done and tell me to shut the fuck up and stop replying?? your saying one thing but your actions are showing something different, I'm done , ive been done but people like you have to get your opinion in and follow the herd and rehash an issue