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Your posts are what keep me coming back to this forum, entertainment. You jumped on dumb-dumb, calling him out for posting pictures and now you want to tell everyone, "but you guys can beat a dead horse and keep saying how stupid it was but what is that gunna do". You obviously can't see how hypocritical your statement really is, but that's fine, I got a good laugh.
on the same page that it was posted on but yet 3 pages later your still talking about it?
@Pharmacom Labs @Pharmacom Helper is what this idiot @Toiletminds posted the new stealth shipping method? If so he probably just fucked it up for everyone, and if not please enlighten us when it will roll out. I've been waiting since April for my reships waiting on this new stealth method since south west region with la customs sucks!

Fuck, you still haven't received your reshipped gear yet?

I know this is INT, but that's a very long time.

on the same page that it was posted on but yet 3 pages later your still talking about it?

You're a douche.

Posting picks of the stealth method from this brand is unacceptable.

Please keep your month shut since your intelligence isn't your strong suit and may fuck others over.


P.S. You're a douche.
You're a douche.

Posting picks of the stealth method from this brand is unacceptable.

Please keep your month shut since your intelligence isn't your strong suit and may fuck others over.


P.S. You're a douche.
shut the fuck up you fucking sheep, your nobody to tell anyone what the fuck to do
Stupid runs deep in you...just like the cock you took last night.


P.S. You're a douche.

Nice one, shoulds equivalent to what a 15 grader would say, i see you on here dickriding everyone and not being able to form your own opinion just going with the flow . your a sheep
PS Im stupid huh? your the stupid ass that liked the reply of the pic I wrote, lol fucking sheep
Nice one, shoulds equivalent to what a 15 grader would say, i see you on here dickriding everyone and not being able to form your own opinion just going with the flow . your a sheep
PS Im stupid huh? your the stupid ass that liked the reply of the pic I wrote, lol fucking sheep

You're a douche.

My words are my thoughts and are not influenced by anyone. I will always jump on ppl that expose others witheir health or they're gear.

And I did liked that post since I thought it was slamming your dumbass but I was mistaking - IPhone's screen is shattered and it was tough to view - unliked


P.S. You're still a douche.
You're a douche.

My words are my thoughts and are not influenced by anyone. I will always jump on ppl that expose others witheir health or they're gear.

And I did liked that post since I thought it was slamming your dumbass but I was mistaking - IPhone's screen is shattered and it was tough to view - unliked


P.S. You're still a douche.
haha what a fucking joke sheep boy, nice makes a lot of sense
Just like your parents, I wished you weren't born.

Continue to post actions of illegal businesses on the net.


P.S. You're a douche.
Says the fucking sheep that "liked" that said post right? logical thinking boy and I didnt post shit, I replied to a post that had it , on accident sheepboy

ps your post really are exposing your age with shit like "i wish you werent born"??? grow up
Says the fucking sheep that "liked" that said post right? logical thinking boy and I didnt post shit, I replied to a post that had it , on accident sheepboy

ps your post really are exposing your age with shit like "i wish you werent born"??? grow up

If common sense was so's cruel, you can take a pill to increase muscle mass but unfortunately in your case, you can't pop a pill to increase intelligence.

And I really don't dislike you brother, I'm just not that excited about your existence.


P.S. You're still a douche.
If common sense was so's cruel, you can take a pill to increase muscle mass but unfortunately in your case, you can't pop a pill to increase intelligence.

And I really don't dislike you brother, I'm just not that excited about your existence.


P.S. You're still a douche.

You keep speaking about how stupid the post is but you liked it, showing your fucking stupidity and then you claim it was to slam me? then you back and unlike it once i brought it up. I dont care if you like/dislike me or not, i dont fucking know you therefore It doesnt fucking matter. Plus I really dont like sheep..sheepboy
You keep speaking about how stupid the post is but you liked it, showing your fucking stupidity and then you claim it was to slam me? then you back and unlike it once i brought it up. I dont care if you like/dislike me or not, i dont fucking know you therefore It doesnt fucking matter. Plus I really dont like sheep..sheepboy
View attachment 50168

Hey pencil dick, I hope you're not comparing clicking on a "like" button to you posting pictures of gear from an illegal company's stealth mode tactics.

How the fuck were you the quickest sperm out of MILLIONS to reach the egg??


P.S. You're still a douche.
Nice one, shoulds equivalent to what a 15 grader would say, i see you on here dickriding everyone and not being able to form your own opinion just going with the flow . your a sheep
PS Im stupid huh? your the stupid ass that liked the reply of the pic I wrote, lol fucking sheep
Lol 15 grader? U must have been held back as a senior 3 times
Dumb shit. Dumb shit everywhere.
Got a lot of Pharmacom.
Probably won't use it exclusively nor buy anymore things are unstable of late it seems.