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I havent replied to anyone that hasn't posted to me..i did something owned up to it and get bashed over and over so I'm defending write to me after you see that I say Im done and tell me to shut the fuck up and stop replying?? your saying one thing but your actions are showing something different, I'm done , ive been done but people like you have to get your opinion in and follow the herd and rehash an issue
Shut up !
Just ordered some Test/EQ/and dbol to start collecting for my pre contest cycle
Used bitcoin, will see how this goes lol. It was fairly easy. I'll keep you guys updated if anyone is interested.
I still need to order some tren, winny, and mast but there is a $300 limit on circle app.
Just ordered some Test/EQ/and dbol to start collecting for my pre contest cycle
Used bitcoin, will see how this goes lol. It was fairly easy. I'll keep you guys updated if anyone is interested.
I still need to order some tren, winny, and mast but there is a $300 limit on circle app.

Yea, I'm still interest to see how your bloodwork comes out.

Just ordered some Test/EQ/and dbol to start collecting for my pre contest cycle
Used bitcoin, will see how this goes lol. It was fairly easy. I'll keep you guys updated if anyone is interested.
I still need to order some tren, winny, and mast but there is a $300 limit on circle app.

Just did about the same except var instead of dbol. If you know what to expect going in everything went exactly as should. You in US?
I will, I'm gonna be running a heavy cycle next so I will be getting bloods. The first pharmacom cycle I did I posted blood work up as well. I was in the 3k range at 500mg split 2x a week with my TRT pin of 100mg weekly on top of that and I was running deca 600. Went up 22 lbs a lot of water, kept 12 of it lean muscle ad cut fat, ended at 194 16-17%
Wow dude, that much water and that much BF. Do you check your BP on cycle? Take BP meds? Be careful bro...
Just ordered some Test/EQ/and dbol to start collecting for my pre contest cycle
Used bitcoin, will see how this goes lol. It was fairly easy. I'll keep you guys updated if anyone is interested.
I still need to order some tren, winny, and mast but there is a $300 limit on circle app.
Not if you request more...
Wow dude, that much water and that much BF. Do you check your BP on cycle? Take BP meds? Be careful bro...
I started at around 22% after a year and a half of testing for low t. No change in diet, I went from 14 to 22 or so. From there I dropped to about 19 % before I started my cycle. These are estimates on body fat. Most people think I'm in the low 10's right now but I consider myself at 15 so it's subjective. I controlled my bp, but my ai was .25 adex EOD. So for 600t and 300 deca it may have been too little. I also started the cycle as a bulk and cut the last 3 weeks on blast onto my cruise.

Edit: my e2 was in the high 40's but I was functioning well as far as mood swings and erections. But that's probably what led to the excess water retention
Yea, I'm still interest to see how your bloodwork comes out.

Yeah im for sure doing BW this time because im not about to dish out a lot of money on pre contest drugs if they're underdosed.
Just did about the same except var instead of dbol. If you know what to expect going in everything went exactly as should. You in US?
Yeah i'm in U.S. I've ordered from them before just never used this payment method haha
Not if you request more...
I know but that takes a week, i didnt feel like waiting
I started at around 22% after a year and a half of testing for low t. No change in diet, I went from 14 to 22 or so. From there I dropped to about 19 % before I started my cycle. These are estimates on body fat. Most people think I'm in the low 10's right now but I consider myself at 15 so it's subjective. I controlled my bp, but my ai was .25 adex EOD. So for 600t and 300 deca it may have been too little. I also started the cycle as a bulk and cut the last 3 weeks on blast onto my cruise.

Edit: my e2 was in the high 40's but I was functioning well as far as mood swings and erections. But that's probably what led to the excess water retention
Glad you're aware of the potential issue and keeping an eye on it. That's life-shortening, if not life-threatening, stuff. Don't want to see people hurt themselves.
Yeah i'm in U.S. I've ordered from them before just never used this payment method haha

It's supposed to be direct and cut out the accepting payment period but my mg was picked up n accepted within a day or two so really only conveniences you by not having to leave the house. And didn't know if you knew but I think after 7 days circle either automatically increases limit or that's when you can manually increase it. You might even be able to request it now and it could go through on day 7. Not sure on that though.
Anyone have verification codes come back as FAKE!? Just popped mine in and got some real some fake.... . And yes it was ordered right.
I've had communication after order so I know it was definitely not some wrong website I ordered from. I definetly ordered from frank and everything was good. I never checked my verification codes since I knew they were just batch numbers or whatever and didn't give much info, and since I knew my order was good I didn't see the point. But I was bored today and they were within arms reach so I started popping them in and for the most part all were coming up as real and hadn't been checked before but not all. Got the message "this product is fake" in red letters instead of " this product is real and been checked 1 times" in green. No matter what I hear from this point forward I'm gonna always worry if I'm using half fake half real and won't be able to feel the difference because there's no way around "secluding" it in my cycle.
One bottle of test e 300. The one I thought would be least likely to come up fake. I got three Eq 300 that came up real and a test 500 came up real. My orals had no codes so who knows there...
One bottle of test e 300. The one I thought would be least likely to come up fake. I got three Eq 300 that came up real and a test 500 came up real. My orals had no codes so who knows there...
Ok so it's easy go get your baseline then blast that btl right away 2 pins a wk with the EQ and at wk 5 draw bloods. You will have the answer and proof whether or not these guys are selectively scamming or not. It would be a HUGE contribution to the community to find out the truth.
I'm getting bloods regardless but will it sucks I'm going to have to finish out my cycle on straight 500 now because the plan was to ratio half 300 half 500... or you know what I mean .... To cut the pip. Looks like I'll finally find out what 500 does to an ass cheek though! Lol fugggg it.
Oh so your already mid cycle ? If that's the case hold on to the btl to start off your next run. No point mixing that btl in the current cycle if your already on imo. GL