MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Yet another pcom international order successfully landed in under 15 days, thanks for not keeping me under suspense too long!
[QUOTE="Pharmacom Labs,[/QUOTE]

How long does it usually take this guy to reply. In the past its been pretty quick but lately, it doesn't seem like hes around
I'm thinking about cashing in on this crazy sale. How long does international usually take?

Also i recall hearing horror stories of PC not reshipping in case of international seizures.
@pharmacon helper

How is the myostatin vaccine going??

Any progress to report?
Hi, tomorrow I will check Russian boards and try to find something interesting
Im hoping @Pharmacom Labs or @Pharmacom Helper will comment on the thing
Ofc, it's our Russian store. And yes, few years ago we were selling balkan PCT line because in Russia was almost no PCT drugs in stores and how you know PCT line from Pharmacom started few days ago (we don't sell PCT line from balkan in Russia ~2-3 years)
[QUOTE="Pharmacom Labs,

How long does it usually take this guy to reply. In the past its been pretty quick but lately, it doesn't seem like hes around[/QUOTE]

It's been a while since I've seen him. Probably hoping we forgot about another bad gh test from pharmatropin.

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And I forgot about Balkan gear, we were selling ~2-3 years ago last time
How long does it usually take this guy to reply. In the past its been pretty quick but lately, it doesn't seem like hes around
It's been a while since I've seen him. Probably hoping we forgot about another bad gh test from pharmatropin.
How I know he waiting results of chromo analysis of GH and he will reply as soon as he receive
Anybody have any experience of running Pharmacom gear for a contest cycle? or just a cutting cycle in general and have any input on the results.
Go read the "generic" GH assay thread on the HGH and Peptides part of Meso. There Pharmatropin measured like 3.6 IU a vial. Really under dosed.
I him my experience with pharmacom

Gotcha. Just adding that Pharmacom HGH "pharmatropin" measured less than 4 iu a vial. That would be why you are not feeling anything on "10 iu". I have had good luck with their Test and Anavar. Both have worked well for me.