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OK guys.. in regards to the very often discussed underdosed claims based on feelings et cetera i had the same trust problem so i have decided to send a sample to @janoshik ... The Report ist attached below but i have to mention that i did not follow the rules to send a complete unopened vial for testing. Tested was a vial of Pharmacom Testosterone E300 with 0.5ml left.
My First thought was that i have contaminated the vial with EQ during my cycle but after a short Talk with janoshik it is clear that no contamination with EQ or any other active Component was detected.
The result ist very much above the label claim
But again.. the vial was already opened and used by me.
I can upload a picture of the Sample as well but the vial is one of the ones shipped stealth. @Pharmacom Helper @Pharmacom Labs please let me know if i am allowed to do.
Anyway guys i dont care If you trust me or Not.
I am happy that it is not underdosed and contains the correct agent.
Again thank you very much @janoshik for your great and fast communication and service.. you have a new customer!

View attachment 92919

Thank you for sharing the results @Klimmzugernie -- your efforts and contribution are appreciated.

Those results seem that it could be from the same batch that AL tested here:
Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Test E300 Lab Test Results - Anabolic Lab

This has been talked about a lot already in this thread.
First, let me say, yes, I agree with some people that it is not good to be that much over for those running TRT and trying to be extremely accurate.

I do not know why this result is so much over.
When I saw it myself it gave me concerns because while I do not mind some extra testosterone, my issue would be between switching from a higher dosage down to a lower during a cycle (if I had two vials from different batches).
I like to keep moving dosages UP over the length of a cycle.
Like some of you, I would prefer it to be over but not too much over lol :cool:

All I can guess is that in this era of people getting HPLC testing, it was an attempt to show that Pharmacom does NOT underdosed.
Some customers are impressed by getting much more testosterone than for which they paid.

Regardless, and this statement does not excuse sources overdosing at all (instead, it is simply relevant advice), one should ALWAYS have AI on hand and ALWAYS get blood work to determine how he or she is reacting to a dosage.
Even if in the past you reacted one way, the next time you may react different OR the product may be of slightly different concentration.
You can not guess ta these things -- ALWAYS get blood work with sensitive E2 and make the adjustment to your AI dosage according to the real data at that time (not data from a previous version of yourself at some other time).

Even FDA approved prescription products legally obtained from a pharmacy in the USA may have +/- 10% divergences.

Ever notice how crude proscribing guidelines are? for example, a drug may be prescribed at 10mg a day for someone under 200 lb and 15mg a day for someone over 200 lb -- those are the crude guidelines medical doctors are given and follow.
That would be drastically different effective dosages between a 195 lb person and a 205lb person.

But, if that were not already enough chaos, then also, we each metabolize differently, have different receptor density, different tolerances, and respond differently.

Finally, you physiologically change -- one cycle out of the same Watson Test dosage may put you at 700 TT while another time from the same batch might put you at 600 TT (all these differences are why there is no hard rule correlating dosages to TT to use with bloodwork -- some get 4x dosage while I have actually witnessed some get 10x dosage).
Even the endocrinologist will blood test TRT patients multiple times and year to raise or lower dosages accordingly in an attempt to keep testosterone at a target level.

Therefore, and again to be clear I agree a product should not be overdosed even if many customers are exited by big numbers and like it that way, one need to always get blood work and adjust dosages accordingly as to how he or she is reacting in that moment.


@janoshik you should take @mands advice quoted below (quote is from your thread) and promote your business only in your own thread. I do not remember the other testing services such as @Analyzer etc coming to post here.

I am NOT trying to be disrespectful toward you, but I have to say that some very respected members have explained they have doubts about the accuracy of your service and until I see a post from them saying things are resolved and better, I am skeptical.
I ask you to understand this without a debate here -- it is simple logic, if multiple very well-known respected members have posted both publicly and messaged privately with evidence and warning that you may have provided inaccurate results, I have trouble being confident in such results until I see that those specific members have a resolution and made a post or message in support of your business.

Obviously, I understand that you are free to post wherever you choose; however, its more of a courtesy and board culture sort of thing.

There is obviously a good reason why I wouldn't extend credit given to me by @janoshik to the community. Me doing so is telling any member here that they can trust his results.

The dude can't even stay in his own thread. @janoshik if you need to answer a members tag or question from another thread. Just simply quote it and then reply in your own thread. It's not that hard to follow rules. You kinda follow rules like you do your testing, half assed.

You are right. But there were No crystals at all. I have tested that month ago... Put a 1ml bottle of pharmagrad testosterone enanthate from jenapharm and a syringe of Pharmacom testosterone for 48h Into the freezer at -18 degree C. no crystalisation at all. Is seems not to be that sensitive. I store my hormones always at 8 degree C. See below...
But maybe you are right i never Shake my vial before filling a syringe. Maybe that ist the root cause!? I do Not know.
But thats exactly why i noted that i have sent an opened and used vial.
Again thats not to blame Pharmacom i am very satisfied with their products and service. The Intention was that the customer should not trust his feelings instead of hwve the Gear tested in an Independent lab.
View attachment 92922 View attachment 92923 View attachment 92924

Those cystals are nothing to be worried about at all (actually what you have there is VERY pure active compound that crashed out of solution -- a recrystalization).
Those are simply very pure crystals of the active ingredient.

Google recrystalization if you would like to know more about how doing this on purpose is used to isolate pure samples of the solute.
Recrystallization (chemistry) - Wikipedia

Temperature and/or solvent evaporation would be the common root causes that may contribute to recrystalization.
There are no problems, risks, or damage to the chemical (although if you get concentration tested it will not be accurate).

If it were solvent evaporation (like if you put a glass of salt water out and over time some water evaporates causing salt to crash out of solution) that would contributed to your higher concentration testing results.

You can return them into solution by warming the solvent (oil) and shaking.
I use dry rice in a bowl for this (And to warm oil for smoother injection in general). I keep the same bowl of rice and use it many times. Simply heat the rice in the microwave, check that it is VERY warm but not too HOT to touch, and then push your vials down into the warm rice as pictured until the oil is very war; I also take them oil and shake every couple minutes:

@janoshik you should take @mands advice quoted below (quote is from your thread) and promote your business only in your own thread. I do not remember the other testing services such as @Analyzer etc coming to post here.

I am NOT trying to be disrespectful toward you, but I have to say that some very respected members have explained they have doubts about the accuracy of your service and until I see a post from them saying things are resolved and better, I am skeptical.
I ask you to understand this without a debate here -- it is simple logic, if multiple very well-known respected members have posted both publicly and messaged privately with evidence and warning that you may have provided inaccurate results, I have trouble being confident in such results until I see that those specific members have a resolution and made a post or message in support of your business.

Obviously, I understand that you are free to post wherever you choose; however, its more of a courtesy and board culture sort of thing.
Thank you for a respectful advice and information provided, it is appreciated.

From our point of view we were tagged and thanked the user for using our services and sharing the results - which we view as common courtesy.

(If you search Analyzer's posts, you can see he did indeed post into Underground section. )

Regarding sources posting outside of their threads, especially when they are tagged, their posts are relevant and when it's not used for advertising, this had just recently been addressed by @Millard Baker
Thank you for a respectful advice and information provided, it is appreciated.

From our point of view we were tagged and thanked the user for using our services and sharing the results - which we view as common courtesy.

(If you search Analyzer's posts, you can see he did indeed post into Underground section. )

Regarding sources posting outside of their threads, especially when they are tagged, their posts are relevant and when it's not used for advertising, this had just recently been addressed by @Millard Baker

I understand and see you were tagged (you did not just come in for no reason -- someone tagged you and you replied).
Fair enough sir, like I said, I respect you may post wherever you choose.
Thank you for replying in a professional way and not turning this into a debate.
I have recently decided to give the Pharma Test E500 a try in my own next cycle and I think it would be cool to share my experience.
Its not here yet, I just ordered it, so I still have time to plan and I wanted to cruise for a few more week anyway.

Many have asked about PIP etc -- but I have never personally used a high concentration product.

But to be honest here, I have heard it has some bite.
Even in the catalog there is a warning at the end of the product description that reads:
"WARNING: if you are going to use a high concentrated drug for the first time, we strongly recommend that only ½ ml is injected to check the body's reaction and to prevent possible side effects which can include post injection pain (PIP), high body temperature, lumps, etc."

My plan is to run 1cc of it per pin mixed in the same barrel with another 1.5 to 2cc of other more typical concentration gear. I am hoping it will be no issue at all since it will be "cut" (diluted) with some other products.

I will be sure to post how I feel from my own experience and results/conclusions here in this thread.
You can easily mix it with EQ and/or Primo ... Very smooth


I know for sure I will also have 1cc of Deca300 in with it.
That should help (I get zero PIP from the deca).

Room for one more cc in the pin (and to hit my target mg per week).
I want a DHT because I have a littler gyno and it flairs when I run 19-nor even with E2 controlled (even with E2 crashed).
So yes, maybe Primo or more likely Mast.

I have always enjoyed EQ, and I have tie to plan/think, so maybe I will go really BIG haha...
I have time to finalize the plan.
Thank you for sharing the results @Klimmzugernie -- your efforts and contribution are appreciated.

Those results seem that it could be from the same batch that AL tested here:
Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Test E300 Lab Test Results - Anabolic Lab

This has been talked about a lot already in this thread.
First, let me say, yes, I agree with some people that it is not good to be that much over for those running TRT and trying to be extremely accurate.
This order arrived end of Feb 2018. Cannot imagine that the batch is the same in regards to the link

I know for sure I will also have 1cc of Deca300 in with it.
That should help (I get zero PIP from the deca).

Room for one more cc in the pin (and to hit my target mg per week).
I want a DHT because I have a littler gyno and it flairs when I run 19-nor even with E2 controlled (even with E2 crashed).
So yes, maybe Primo or more likely Mast.

I have always enjoyed EQ, and I have tie to plan/think, so maybe I will go really BIG haha...
I have time to finalize the plan.
Already tried nolva? This protects the Estradiol receptors from Estradiol ... An AI seems to be wrong drug of you pin things Like deca
This order arrived end of Feb 2018. Cannot imagine that the batch is the same in regards to the link

yes, I agree it is unlikely.
I do not know an answer about the result.
For myself, I would like to see it just a couple % over target.
Maybe, it started overdosed some to begin with surely, but then, because the vial was very empty with all air space, some more volatile solvents/additives vaporized and left a more concentrated solution in the very bottom last bit of product.
Or, even if there was a small leak (maybe even from pinning the septum) that allows evaporation of solvents.
But, I am sure it was overdosed to some degree (as many customer get excited to see and like getting more) to begin with because these speculations would only account for amplifying the result.

I know for sure I will also have 1cc of Deca300 in with it.
That should help (I get zero PIP from the deca).

Room for one more cc in the pin (and to hit my target mg per week).
I want a DHT because I have a littler gyno and it flairs when I run 19-nor even with E2 controlled (even with E2 crashed).
So yes, maybe Primo or more likely Mast.

I have always enjoyed EQ, and I have tie to plan/think, so maybe I will go really BIG haha...
I have time to finalize the plan.

I've cut with Deca 600, bold 500, mast m 300... all work good.
However I pip to primo so the 500 and primo 200 kills me.
If you try the test solo, don't be surprised if 0.5cc bites. I've ran 1cc and cut it with anything but primo and have no major issues.

Look forward to seeing how you feel!
Already tried nolva? This protects the Estradiol receptors from Estradiol ... An AI seems to be wrong drug of you pin things Like deca

yes, I have used nolva.
But also nolva may upregulate the progesterone receptors and can amplify 19-nor related gyno :(.
I am open to try it again though.

I also have Raloxifen on hand -- I am not sure if it effects PgR or what other effect it has (I am trying to research that but finding it difficult to see broad effects clearly).

I get blood work often and even with crashed E2, suppressed prolactin, and a SERM, I have had gyno flair.
I have existing gyno from puberty.

Recently, I have been considering NOT having as low of E2 (after talking with ChestRockwell on a private forum) and instead focusing on balancing the ratio of E2/androgen.

Its all a big experiment -- hopefully I cam learn from it and help some other younger guys.

It sucks being gyno sensitive -- I will need surgery at some point if I want to feel more confident to compete.
But I am middle aged and have much bigger issues at hand, so it is not a big priority at this point.

All I can say is I am JEALOUS of the guys that can run anything, don't monitor levels, and not worry about side effects so much.
Wow would that be nice!
yes, I have used nolva.
But also nolva may upregulate the progesterone receptors and can amplify 19-nor related gyno :(.
I am open to try it again though.

I also have Raloxifen on hand -- I am not sure if it effects PgR or what other effect it has (I am trying to research that but finding it difficult to see broad effects clearly).

I get blood work often and even with crashed E2, suppressed prolactin, and a SERM, I have had gyno flair.
I have existing gyno from puberty.

Recently, I have been considering NOT having as low of E2 (after talking with ChestRockwell on a private forum) and instead focusing on balancing the ratio of E2/androgen.

Its all a big experiment -- hopefully I cam learn from it and help some other younger guys.

It sucks being gyno sensitive -- I will need surgery at some point if I want to feel more confident to compete.
But I am middle aged and have much bigger issues at hand, so it is not a big priority at this point.

All I can say is I am JEALOUS of the guys that can run anything, don't monitor levels, and not worry about side effects so much.
Wow would that be nice!

I feel you RT , definitely sensitive as well. Always having to take something for this and then you have to take something to combat that . Never ends.
I feel you RT , definitely sensitive as well. Always having to take something for this and then you have to take something to combat that . Never ends.

that is why I like to cruise on as low of a dosage on Test needed just to aromatize enough to give E2 in the bottom of the reference range, and then fill out the rest of anabolic needed to feel decent and hold mass with Primo.
I found with this way, I do not need ANY other things and can really give my body a health break from compounds.