Pharmacom test p 100!!!

Even if they don't send you
Atleast someone got their pharmacom LOL. I'm still waiting on my tracking and it's been 11days still can't cry yet though. INT takes time

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I didn't get mine in an email like I used to. But I logged into my account and looked up my order info and it was posted there. You might want to look there.

Not with this gimmik acct you havent... don't worry I'm sure you've made a few others by now....
Do you guys really think he's a troll? Or are you guys just fucking with him? I'm a gullible fuck sometimes. Idk I'm still new on this board. I'm new to forums in general. Would someone really lie about all this?
I think he is a troll or maybe a complete fucking idiot that shouldn't be pinning gear in the first place

But obviously he ain't pinning shit so he is a troll
I personally don't think he's a troll but... if your going to bring up a problem with a ugl as big and popular as the one he did you need to have all your shit in order to make your case. Maybe he is just new to this and has no experience with reverse shilling and if that's the case he needs to get all of his evidence out there.
Lol you made the same mistake to me a couple hrs ago. I know I said I didn't wanna argue, but you are FOS!!
I know this guy seems all over the place with dates and promos but I'm kinda leaning towards giving him the benifit of the doubt on his batch of test prop since i have same batch and had poor results. Both my orders where from Feb this year. One from domestic (Darius) and one from big promo from international store after there break. Batch numbers from both orders where the same and matching what this guy posted. Looking back on thes guys posts he did post that he received prop on May 26 which is just shy of 4 weeks from date on his labs. I sent pm to pharmacom and waiting for response. I will send to Simec if they offer.
I know this guy seems all over the place with dates and promos but I'm kinda leaning towards giving him the benifit of the doubt on his batch of test prop since i have same batch and had poor results. Both my orders where from Feb this year. One from domestic (Darius) and one from big promo from international store after there break. Batch numbers from both orders where the same and matching what this guy posted. Looking back on thes guys posts he did post that he received prop on May 26 which is just shy of 4 weeks from date on his labs. I sent pm to pharmacom and waiting for response. I will send to Simec if they offer.

You do know that darius isn't domestic right?
I know this guy seems all over the place with dates and promos but I'm kinda leaning towards giving him the benifit of the doubt on his batch of test prop since i have same batch and had poor results. Both my orders where from Feb this year. One from domestic (Darius) and one from big promo from international store after there break. Batch numbers from both orders where the same and matching what this guy posted. Looking back on thes guys posts he did post that he received prop on May 26 which is just shy of 4 weeks from date on his labs. I sent pm to pharmacom and waiting for response. I will send to Simec if they offer.
Ya I think that's the next step.
IMO, for the prices that pharmacom charges I have no clue how they can be tagged multiple times in a 24 hr period and not be in here offering simec testing. Or not be making any kind of presence whatsoever. If it were my brand I'd be making an appearance.

I don't know if OP is fucking around or not but I do know that however sketchy some details may be, he gets the benefit of the doubt before pcom does to me.
How long have you been on cycle btw?

The reason I asked was because I remembered this thread:

Input please!

The new pharmacom I got yesterday is from a good source that everyone on here talks about so I'm pretty sure I'll be good soon. I got some prop to jump start it

The cycle timeline makes sense to me... I think.

It also sheds more light on why OP's blood work looks like it does, because this hasn't really been a 4 week cycle... It's just been four weeks on prop.

Started prop right after the fake Pcom test was sketchy OP?

I don't know anything about pcoms promo's but if OP is lying then he's put in some work that's drug out for months AND with a source that is well known to quickly offer SIMEC testing on questionable products....

@Sabian I don't mean to put you on the spot but - you still got a vial from this batch you thought may be underdosed? Unopened?

Add all of the above with @Trapmonster posts about the anabolic lab results that are less than stellar for a lab that charges some el primo prices... sure doesn't paint a very nice picture to me. I'll still only be 100% convinced once simec testing comes back though.

But I guess we'll just wait for the reps to arrive... they've only been tagged a couple times in the last 24 hours and have yet to leave the thread that's making them money but ignoring the one that's going to cost them some.
The reason I asked was because I remembered this thread:

Input please!

The cycle timeline makes sense to me... I think.

It also sheds more light on why OP's blood work looks like it does, because this hasn't really been a 4 week cycle... It's just been four weeks on prop.

Started prop right after the fake Pcom test was sketchy OP?

I don't know anything about pcoms promo's but if OP is lying then he's put in some work that's drug out for months AND with a source that is well known to quickly offer SIMEC testing on questionable products....

@Sabian I don't mean to put you on the spot but - you still got a vial from this batch you thought may be underdosed? Unopened?

Add all of the above with @Trapmonster posts about the anabolic lab results that are less than stellar for a lab that charges some el primo prices... sure doesn't paint a very nice picture to me.

But I guess we'll just wait for the reps to arrive... they've only been tagged a couple times in the last 24 hours and have yet to leave the thread that's making them money but ignoring the one that's going to cost them some.
Yes I have vials unopened with that batch number.
AS to Pharmacom paying for Simec testing, i don't know about that shit. If my bloods come back as totally sucking, why the fuck do i even want to send it to Simec. Theoretically you go get bloods at week 8 on say, test e. It comes back at 1000 on a gram of test enanthate a week, or at least what is advertised as 1 gram. At that point i am going to raise a big enough fucking stink that i really don't want them to pay for testing. I don't even feel comfortable that they have any information at all from me because i am going to raise hell and i know they are going to get butthurt in return.

I'm done with a company like that. There isn't anything they can do to make that right. They can't say : "sorry we fucked you over that time, but for our most persistent customers we now can send you the real shit" . Fuck them. That isn't a mistake, it's all out douche-baggery. I don't know exactly where the line should be drawn, but i know that would be well past fucked up. All i can say is the time for pussy0fotting around with these assclowns is well past. People should get their shit lined up and prosecute them in public if you feel you have been fucked over, and especially if you have evidence such as blood work with concrete numbers.

That being said, this guy needs to line things out and come at it a bit more professionally and loaded for bear with correct dates, amounts, and what stage he is at. Most guys will back the truth here one way or another.

