Pharmacom TestE 500 - 12wks

Day 43:

13th pin, right glute. Pretty simple at this point. I'm noticing a huge difference in my mass. My chest is starting to look just as I've wanted, my arms are swelling up, and my bloating is very low. This second half is going to be awesome!
I'm pretty impressed. These mid-bloods were taking ~58 hours post injection of 250mg of Test E. Middle of week 6. PLEASE let me know if there's anything I need to fix or if you think everything is in a good range.


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Day 47:

14th pin, left delt. My pre-workout came in last night so I used it today and had good, clean energy and a decent pump. Nothing to make my head spin, but a good change from 300-350mg of Caffeine I've used the first 6 1/2 weeks. I took a break from pre-workout when my cycle started to let my body cleanse and tolerance levels drop, as well as seeing the pure results from Test alone. Now I've added Pulse from Legion. The Blue Rasberry was a really good flavor and it worked alright. I'll be switching to one with Creatine at Week 13, post last injection, to help keep gains.

Random mid-week post-upper body progress photo because there's nothing else to report!

Oh ya, I think I hit my farthest home-run ever at softball last night.

Time for some chicken, rice, and salad:p


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I'm thinking of upping my Exemestane from 12.5mg 2xWK (every 3.5 days) to 12.5mg EOD. I feel like my energy and libido could use some improvement and I have excessive bloating after eating as well as some acne.

Looking at my mid-bloods I posted, my TT is 3,979 ng/dl and E2 is 52.1 pg/ml. Is this ratio fine or should I try to bring E2 closer to 30 pg/ml? The sides are more just aesthetically displeasing, but the energy and libido would be nice if they could increase. I just want to see some opinions as I know everyone's is different on this matter.
Same question about E2. felt like I never had it dialed in first run. Also I think my body didnt take well to aromasin for some reason (12.5 x1/week). Always felt foggy and tired after taking it. It was reliablerx's, not pharma grade but everything else there has been gtg. Going try switching to dex next one

Meticulous log. Pip sucked the life out of my quads the first too. Don't pin em anymore.
Same question about E2. felt like I never had it dialed in first run. Also I think my body didnt take well to aromasin for some reason (12.5 x1/week). Always felt foggy and tired after taking it. It was reliablerx's, not pharma grade but everything else there has been gtg. Going try switching to dex next one

Meticulous log. Pip sucked the life out of my quads the first too. Don't pin em anymore.

The second go-round with the quads wasn't bad. I think the GSO had a lot to do with easing the PIP. I'm about to go round 3 on my right one tonight and I don't expect it to bother me anymore. I know I've read a lot of instances where people just can't pin certain muscles because of the PIP but I feel one's body will adjust to the circumstances causing the PIP and it will improve with repetition. I know I'll need them when I start with shorter esters so I figure I might as well get them used to it now when they have more time to recover with longer esters.

If I can dial in the AI or whatever influences are causing the minor issues I'm having, I know it'll make my future runs more comfortable. Unfortunately, I may just have to experiment and fuck up a few more times! Lol
Treat the sides, not a number.

I feel that I have excessive bloating and I also wake up some mornings with super-swollen fingers. Libido and energy are probably where they were pre-cycle. From what I've read, they should be increased on-cycle if levels are optimal. Is that something you would care enough about to up your AI? Or is there more benefit during a bulk and powerlifting cycle to deal with those sides and keep E2 a little higher?

I feel like experimenting with 12.5mg EOD instead of 2xWK to see how it effects me since this is my first cycle and it's a good time to learn how I react. But at the same time, I don't want to crash my E2 and leave myself in a worse position.
Titrate up your AI dose slowly and see if it relieves the issues... You would have to take it up considerably to enter crash territory.
Titrate up your AI dose slowly and see if it relieves the issues... You would have to take it up considerably to enter crash territory.

Okay, I'll check it out then. I appreciate it, you've brought a lot of good shit to the table. I got my Pulse finally and have used it the past week now. It's helping with my early morning workouts.
Okay, I'll check it out then. I appreciate it, you've brought a lot of good shit to the table. I got my Pulse finally and have used it the past week now. It's helping with my early morning workouts.

Good deal man... happy this cycle seems to be working for you.
Hahah u know im a little crazy but my life is improve,today i was talking with 2 hotties,im recovering the wasted time
Day 50:

15th pin, Right Quad.

Little late on this post, it was 3 days ago but I forgot to update the thread. I just wanted to say I did up my AI dosage starting this week from 12.5mg Exemestane 2xWK to EOD to bring my E2 down from the 50s. I hope this will improve my energy and libido and help to finish off this cycle with decreased bloat so the results will be more prevalent.

I will be doing another rep max test in 2 days to see my strength gains after 2 months so I will be updating my stats as well as some progress photos this weekend.

On a side note, I will be ordering some cycle assist and TUDCA to take during PCT. I also plan to purchase Accutane to take post-PCT. I will probably take a mild dose since my acne isn't out of control. It's only slightly present, but I know this could change post-cycle. My plan is to decrease calories by 150-200 every 2 weeks starting week 13 and then start an 8 week keto diet starting post-PCT to cut to around 8-10%. I think I should probably do a cleanse the couple days before starting keto after eating all this shit. Then I will reverse diet with normal macro ratios at the start of my next cycle in January.

Please let me know if this plan sounds like shit! Or anything else for that matter...
Whays your weight?

Curious to know if you sourced accutane yet. Like the cheap research chems from research stop but they appear to have closed. Considering usa peptide