Pharmaqo Labs

I sent you a message here about my issue the missing items I will resend
You lucky guy - i should charge you but its not Mr Ps way of business.
Sorry for this - replacment items added to shipping list.
You will get tracking on backend soon.
Well, it's nice to finally see our members being taken care of. I don't know why, and it won't matter much if guys are all taken care of, it took so long for this source to finally acknowledge members with legitimate issues and then reship and refund them?

Things weren't looking good and frustration and tempers were both riding in the red. A lot of the anger could've been avoided but this source chose to ignore members instead of engaging them and discussing how things were going to be handled. Maybe he didn't know how things were going to play out? Maybe he has a boss(I was under the impression he was high on the food chain?) who left him hanging without any support or answers to his asking for help. Wouldn't be the first time a rep was treated like a speed bump without support.

Maybe he is really a US citizen and was waiting for his tax refund? I would hope this source has learned something from this debacle and will handle issues differently in the future? If not, we'll be here to let him know he is starting to suck ass again.

I didn't like the shills. A good source will ask members who look and act like shills to stop posting because he knows its only hurting the brand. That's IF they aren't shills. If they are he'll thank the pos for his "Honest review". Did that happen here?

I also don't like how this source didn't take any responsibility for the shit way he was handling things for the last few months. Instead, he takes the scumbag way out. He treats us like circus animals watching guys forget the shit treatment he gave us and get all excited teasing a sale to erase the short memories of some.
"Should we do that?" What you should do is behave like a responsible adult and be accountable. It doesn't look like this source will ever admit he has ever made a mistake. What kind of bullshit is that? What it tells me is that nothing has changed. Time will tell with this one. Enjoy things while you can. I don't expect much in the way issues are handled.
Well I have only posted my expiriences with the brand since 2020. Kinda shilly yes but honest reviews. I do think that Mr P should be more active on this board and address any and all issues. Can only boost his brand


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