Planning around a major surgery


I have a major surgery coming up in one year. The advice is that you’ll not be able to exercise at all for four weeks, and no strenuous exercise until eight weeks after surgery. It’s jaw surgery for sleep apnea and bite correction.

Currently I am just cruising on 250mg Test U and haven’t done anything else for about two years now. Pretty much just a slightly overdone TRT that gives me 1200ng or so. I doubt I could ever PCT off at this point.

I would like to look my best in Summer 2026 which means I will need to try and add some muscles. Either way I will do a tren cycle once the 8 weeks recovery period is up but I’d like to use the preceding year to make some gains as well without endangering my health for the surgery.

It would be nice to run higher dose test U through the surgery to prevent muscle wasting during the 4-8 weeks but I’m not sure if this is sensible medically.

Has anyone been through a similar experience and have suggestions on what to do? The base case of course is just not to change anything and stay on 250mg but obviously I won’t make much progress this year if I do that. Likewise I’m not sure if there’s any point doing a blast this year (with all the health impact it implies) if it will just all atrophy away during the recovery anyway.
I had spine fusion on L5-S1, so kind of major surgery. I came off completely 3 months before surgery to clear my bloodwork. 1 week after surgery I started test around 200 mg/week, hgh 5iu, tb500/bpc157, 10 mg anavar/day. Im little bit past 2 months and Im still on that stack except bpc and tb, and im doing pretty good, walking around 7-10 km a day and doing some light excersises at home. Doctors said full on recovery takes 10
Months and im sure im going to take few months off usual recovery time. If I can help you in some other way feel free to ask.
I have a major surgery coming up in one year. The advice is that you’ll not be able to exercise at all for four weeks, and no strenuous exercise until eight weeks after surgery. It’s jaw surgery for sleep apnea and bite correction.

Currently I am just cruising on 250mg Test U and haven’t done anything else for about two years now. Pretty much just a slightly overdone TRT that gives me 1200ng or so. I doubt I could ever PCT off at this point.

I would like to look my best in Summer 2026 which means I will need to try and add some muscles. Either way I will do a tren cycle once the 8 weeks recovery period is up but I’d like to use the preceding year to make some gains as well without endangering my health for the surgery.

It would be nice to run higher dose test U through the surgery to prevent muscle wasting during the 4-8 weeks but I’m not sure if this is sensible medically.

Has anyone been through a similar experience and have suggestions on what to do? The base case of course is just not to change anything and stay on 250mg but obviously I won’t make much progress this year if I do that. Likewise I’m not sure if there’s any point doing a blast this year (with all the health impact it implies) if it will just all atrophy away during the recovery anyway.
I had surgery to repair w hernias above my belly button 6 weeks ago.. I come off cycle and cruise test/primo at 225/200 about 2 months before. And during.. taking testosterone around a major surgery will increase your risk of a post optical pulmonary embolism..
Either way , I'm not doing intense ab workouts yet but I hoped back on the week and away we go my friend.. NBD just listen to your dr.s and be honest with them about what you are putting in your body at the time regardless of what other people say.. listen to the medical professionals advice, heal up and get after it!!!
I have a major surgery coming up in one year. The advice is that you’ll not be able to exercise at all for four weeks, and no strenuous exercise until eight weeks after surgery. It’s jaw surgery for sleep apnea and bite correction.

Currently I am just cruising on 250mg Test U and haven’t done anything else for about two years now. Pretty much just a slightly overdone TRT that gives me 1200ng or so. I doubt I could ever PCT off at this point.

I would like to look my best in Summer 2026 which means I will need to try and add some muscles. Either way I will do a tren cycle once the 8 weeks recovery period is up but I’d like to use the preceding year to make some gains as well without endangering my health for the surgery.

It would be nice to run higher dose test U through the surgery to prevent muscle wasting during the 4-8 weeks but I’m not sure if this is sensible medically.

Has anyone been through a similar experience and have suggestions on what to do? The base case of course is just not to change anything and stay on 250mg but obviously I won’t make much progress this year if I do that. Likewise I’m not sure if there’s any point doing a blast this year (with all the health impact it implies) if it will just all atrophy away during the recovery anyway.

You have a lot of time to run a more typical cycle and get testosterone levels back down to normal before the surgery (Test U is rarely used for a blast).

Are you hell bent on Test U? Or maybe a shorter ester + whatever other compound you like.