positive on steroid test involving custody.


New Member
Is any one familiar with steroid testing. I failed for masteron. I have a script for testosterone cypionate. Due to the dosage of 200mgs every other week. I supplement 250mg from my domestic source. I was also running test propionate. I got my test back from family court which approved the TRT dosage and I did not fail for testosterone but failed for masteron. I have never posted before just been a long time reader. But I am in need of some excuse as to why. Once this gets back to my Ex’s attorney I will diffinitely lose custody of my child for a period of time. I have emailed my domestic source who is very well known and talked about on these kind of forums. And heard nothing back. I need some type of excuse ASAP. Any advice or info would be appreciated. Thanks.
Are you taking masteron or are you under the impression none of your ugl gear is masteron?
Are you taking masteron or are you under the impression none of your ugl gear is masteron?
He was only taking test cyp and prop and popped for master on on the test so he’s under the suspicion one of his vials is actually masteron instead of test... is what I got out of it.
Drop the ugl gear an ask for a retest if possible say it had to be a mistake I no its not very helpfull but u don't have a lot of choices wish I could help more an wish you the best of luck
I believe Both the propionate and the cypionate I was taking have to be masteron. No testosterone was detected in the test. I passed for testosterone. I’m wondering if there’s anything I can say I took or ate. Just a prayer if any one knows anything.
He was only taking test cyp and prop and popped for master on on the test so he’s under the suspicion one of his vials is actually masteron instead of test... is what I got out of it.
Both have to be. Bc I didn’t fail for testosterone. What I’m wondering is what can I say to get me out of this jam. I have pharmacy grade test for my TRT but I really can’t say “oh I was just finishing this illegal test up right quick and apparently it was fake”. Lol
If u had prohormones from pre ban would it be illegal to take those u could say u took a pro hormone if its not illegal but I'm just reaching here I'm not sure I can't find the a specific metabolite they test for if u can u could find something else that has that an say u ate drank or took that
not sure i follow here. as i read this:

You were on 200 mg of test every two weeks for trt, but did not use any of your trt scrip.

instead you were using ugl, 250 mg of what you thought was test cyp or enanthate and some amount of what you thought was test prop.

you had no testosterone detected in your blood.

this correct?
Both have to be. Bc I didn’t fail for testosterone. What I’m wondering is what can I say to get me out of this jam. I have pharmacy grade test for my TRT but I really can’t say “oh I was just finishing this illegal test up right quick and apparently it was fake”. Lol
youre in the US? If you’re in Europe where I believe superdrol is legal, you may be able to say that’s the reason for it showing since they’re similar in structure.
Just throwing out ideas.
Both have to be. Bc I didn’t fail for testosterone. What I’m wondering is what can I say to get me out of this jam. I have pharmacy grade test for my TRT but I really can’t say “oh I was just finishing this illegal test up right quick and apparently it was fake”. Lol
Unload the pharmacy test vial and refill with the ugl and get it tested. That's all I can think of bud. As a father with two baby mamas, one im still with, I sympathize for you broseph.
And I’m kind of new here but am I allowed to name this source and put them on blast or is that not allowed. I got bloods on my first cycle from them and everything seemed to be legit. Gains were thru the roof. I know it’s my fault for not testing the gear first but I feel like you should be able to trust a main stream source.
And I’m kind of new here but am I allowed to name this source and put them on blast or is that not allowed. I got bloods on my first cycle from them and everything seemed to be legit. Gains were thru the roof. I know it’s my fault for not testing the gear first but I feel like you should be able to trust a main stream source.
These are drug dealers. You can’t ever assume they have your best interest in mind. Hope you can figure something out.
Unload the pharmacy test vial and refill with the ugl and get it tested. That's all I can think of bud. As a father with two baby mamas, one im still with, I sympathize for you broseph.
That’s a good idea. So your saying to claim that the pharmacy messed it up and pin it on them? Devious but that might somewhat work.
And I’m kind of new here but am I allowed to name this source and put them on blast or is that not allowed. I got bloods on my first cycle from them and everything seemed to be legit. Gains were thru the roof. I know it’s my fault for not testing the gear first but I feel like you should be able to trust a main stream source.
He'll yeah they should be held accountable for there actions there stupidity or greed could put u in a tough situation
Faking test with mast doesn't make sense financially, a lab would do it the other way around

My guess is the lab mislabeled their stuff, or the raw supplier sent the wrong raws