What differentiates your website from www.deuspower.shop

The pricing looks the same.

Tell me why I should order from you and not your Indian brother?

Why would I spend more to order from either of you when I can get it from www.expressped.ws for a little cheaper.

If I want it right away I can order from AlphaUSA, cause we actually LIKE @NandroXL

I’ll wait for your bullshit answer.

Quite so... Either way, you can chose your own way, where to buy products.
Not Python script. We just love that - " Thank you!"

Question = answer

Someone already told ya to gonna read other sources thread to find out what do we need here from Sources...

I wonta rewrite them 4 u because you have to dedicate some time to that...

You spent a lot more time writin stupid messages asking nothing and saying nothing when you would had already read the whole Panda thread 3 times
Guys,,, we realized that our entrance was lousy. Ask any questions about our shop, it will be better if you help us fix our mistakes and become better in your eyes.

Fuck you
I'm not going to repeat myself.
Scroll back
Read my post
Answer my questions

Are you literally retarded?

You're a guest here

Answer or eat a bag of dicks
and I'll call over @Gbro to post up some more fatties if you dont

Trust me, you dont want Gbro unleashing on your thread
Yeah, that one is pretty good. Machine learning has sure come a long way.
Yes and will become more prevalent. Many times you call a customer service line you might be greeted by an AI-enhanced chatbot that has a realistic voice or even if you use a chat function on some company's website. The line between humans and machines is blurring.

If you have an iPhone, Siri's also been getting better and better.
Fuck you
I'm not going to repeat myself.
Scroll back
Read my post
Answer my questions

Are you literally retarded?

You're a guest here

Answer or eat a bag of dicks
and I'll call over @Gbro to post up some more fatties if you dont

Trust me, you dont want Gbro unleashing on your thread
In your first reply, I see only one question - here it is - Are you an AUTHORIZED reseller?
In your first reply, I see only one question - here it is - Are you an AUTHORIZED reseller?

I guess you missed the part about third party testing and testing incentives?

Why dont you have them?

Let's see here.

Not Friday
No third party testing. (Even though it is Deus)
I want to know your not faking this.

Are you an AUTHORIZED reseller?

Testing incentive

Just to start

Your intro is shit, that's all the time I have for you

Are you blind?
Or just dumb?