Prep Log. Nutrition+training+gear 20 weeks out

why u doing fasted cardio so far out? id also take ur test up to a gram from 15-10 weeks out then drop the tren and short esters in at week 10, drop the orals in at week 6 and get hard as nails..using any gh??

im dropping in short esters 5 weeks out. should i do it sooner? im doing fasted cardio now because I want to see how lean I can get. no gh.
im dropping in short esters 5 weeks out. should i do it sooner? im doing fasted cardio now because I want to see how lean I can get. no gh.

Slow and steady wins the race, and it's probably unnecessary for you at this point. But if need be then go for it. Just weird that if you already have striated biceps you need to do fasted cardio that far out.
I'd do short esters the final 8 wks but if u kno ur body then 5 is prob fine. I only liked fasted cardio when I had high test mast and winny. it stripped size on my legs when I wasn't running enuff gear. I'm noticing a combo of 2 days steady state 2 days HIIT is working best for me in keeping leg size and delts. if ur 13% u should have no prob getting contest ready bro, good luck kill it
I'd do short esters the final 8 wks but if u kno ur body then 5 is prob fine. I only liked fasted cardio when I had high test mast and winny. it stripped size on my legs when I wasn't running enuff gear. I'm noticing a combo of 2 days steady state 2 days HIIT is working best for me in keeping leg size and delts. if ur 13% u should have no prob getting contest ready bro, good luck kill it

I remember something about a 4 pack becoming visible, so 13% is a generous estimate.
Personally would put him closer to 17%, but 15 weeks out he should have no problems losing it.
Ive done short esters befure and by week 5, i was dried out and had the grainy feel. Ill see how I look 8 weeks out and go from there. I plan to win 1st or at least place so I can move on to provincials 4 weeks later.

A friend of mine told me not to cut yet. He saw me this morning doing the step mill. he said clean bulk for another 4 weeks, since im 18 weeks out. And since i started tren E and test E a few days ago, he said to defiantly keep bulking.

I store fat very easy. as a kid, i was a fat fuck. so when i cheat or fall off for a few days, i gain a few pounds. so my diet is really dialed in right now and im seeing results already. my lower belly and love handles are going away again.

This pic was when I was at my leanest. then when i got to that low of a bf percentage, i started running gear


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Ive done short esters befure and by week 5, i was dried out and had the grainy feel. Ill see how I look 8 weeks out and go from there. I plan to win 1st or at least place so I can move on to provincials 4 weeks later.

A friend of mine told me not to cut yet. He saw me this morning doing the step mill. he said clean bulk for another 4 weeks, since im 18 weeks out. And since i started tren E and test E a few days ago, he said to defiantly keep bulking.

I store fat very easy. as a kid, i was a fat fuck. so when i cheat or fall off for a few days, i gain a few pounds. so my diet is really dialed in right now and im seeing results already. my lower belly and love handles are going away again.

This pic was when I was at my leanest. then when i got to that low of a bf percentage, i started running gear

That is a pretty impressive natural transformation, honestly.
Everyone always says they wanna lose weight but few people actually take the steps to achieve it. Good job...
Thanks a lot guys. It was a 1.5 year transformation. Its very hard for me to lose fat. I store it so easy. But I didnt want to touch gear until i was healthier.

I did morning cardio almost everyday and my diet was the same as my 1st post here.
I dont feel like posting a big log today

20min morning cardio

12 egg whites
1cup oats

2nd meal
40g protein whey

3rd meal
8oz chicken
half cup white rice

4th meal pre workout
same as above

5th meal post workoutmeal
same as above lmao

6th meal will be
10oz steak

7th meal
40g protein whey

i murdered my legs today. lots of sets and lots of reps

I did a lot of focus lightweight extensions and ham curls. about 20 sets each. i killed them

squats 5 sets. 135 then 225, 225 again, 315, 315. all for 15 reps each set

stiff deads. good mornings

stair master for 10min
I dont have much time to update this log daily. I just started a new job and its 60hrs a week. So ill update on the weekends only.

But ill be sure to update it daily closer to my show.
If you've got the time to answer, I've got a few questions.

1.) Are the shows in Canada?
2.) I don't remember seeing it posted here, but I remember you saying you were shooting for the actual bodybuilder class. Are these actual bodybuilding or are they physique competitions?
There are shows in canada. check out
Ontario Physique Association |

this is my show ill be doing (2016 GNC Allmax Winston Championships | OPA)

Ive had people come up to me and tell me my legs are getting way bigger. so i was going to do classic bb, but i think ill have a shot at bb now.

The shows will have all classes in one day.
So I did tren e at 400mg ew along side test e at 250mg ew

Dropped the tren e and went with tren a

So my cycle is 150mg of tren a eod and 250mg test e a week. Because I'm still using a long ester test, it's being pined e4d so I don't have 3days in a row of pinning.

Been on the tren e for 4 weeks then dropped it, I've been on tren a for 3 weeks now.


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I'll take pics this week but the progress is looking good. But I'll post some pics taken recently

2 days ago I upped the tren to 200mg EOD.

I think I'm 14 weeks out now


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