Prescribed clomiphene instead of T-cypionate. This seems like backward for what I want to do?

Hi, I wasn't sure where exactly to post this since clomid isn't a steroid, but this subforum discusses clomid so trying my shot here.

I am 29M, BF 16% and weight of 150. I started working out two years ago but after a bit of newbie gain I just..stopped gaining. I got strong though so, not a total loss. About a month ago, my gym friend suggested that I take a look at thyroids and testosterone. I asked my PCP for a blood panel, and this is what I got:

TSH: 11.4
T4: 1.69
Total T: 275 ng/DL
Free T: 20.2 pg/mL
Prolactin: 11.7 ng/mL
LH 3.4
Estradiol 27.6
SHBG 7.9

First I was prescribed levothyroxine (50 mcg). Then, my urologist whom I talked to after my PCP told me that my T is low but not too low (eyeroll) so they put me on clomid 50mg/day instead. If I have about clomid correctly...

- Clomiphene citrate is a selective estrogen modulators, and clomid is a mix of two isomers of clomiphene where one works as an agonist and another antagonist.
- It signals the pituitary gland to produce more LH, which signals the leydig cells of our testicles to produce more T. Therefore it is used as an infertility medication. It's also used as a post-cycle drug to recover fertility if one has already not used hCG during the cycle.
- may cause vision blurs (!)

I was initially considering to start with testosterone + anavar + zinc/SAM-E/vitamin D/P5P, but now that I got prescribed clomid I feel I am doing this the opposite way. If I want to start my cycle, should I go cold turkey on clomid?
Hi, I wasn't sure where exactly to post this since clomid isn't a steroid, but this subforum discusses clomid so trying my shot here.

I am 29M, BF 16% and weight of 150. I started working out two years ago but after a bit of newbie gain I just..stopped gaining. I got strong though so, not a total loss. About a month ago, my gym friend suggested that I take a look at thyroids and testosterone. I asked my PCP for a blood panel, and this is what I got:

TSH: 11.4
T4: 1.69
Total T: 275 ng/DL
Free T: 20.2 pg/mL
Prolactin: 11.7 ng/mL
LH 3.4
Estradiol 27.6
SHBG 7.9

First I was prescribed levothyroxine (50 mcg). Then, my urologist whom I talked to after my PCP told me that my T is low but not too low (eyeroll) so they put me on clomid 50mg/day instead. If I have about clomid correctly...

- Clomiphene citrate is a selective estrogen modulators, and clomid is a mix of two isomers of clomiphene where one works as an agonist and another antagonist.
- It signals the pituitary gland to produce more LH, which signals the leydig cells of our testicles to produce more T. Therefore it is used as an infertility medication. It's also used as a post-cycle drug to recover fertility if one has already not used hCG during the cycle.
- may cause vision blurs (!)

I was initially considering to start with testosterone + anavar + zinc/SAM-E/vitamin D/P5P, but now that I got prescribed clomid I feel I am doing this the opposite way. If I want to start my cycle, should I go cold turkey on clomid?
Are you trying to recoup your test levels or are you tryna get jacked ? What’s your goal here
TT that low seems at that age seems like nights of poor sleep or bad diet. Could also be related to hypothyroid. I would see about thyroid only first and play with HPTA as a last resort
TT that low seems at that age seems like nights of poor sleep or bad diet. Could also be related to hypothyroid. I would see about thyroid only first and play with HPTA as a last resort
I get 7-8 hours of sleep and eat plenty of good fibers, proteins (mix of chicken and whey protein) and minimize frying (stir or deep). So if its diet induced I have no idea what more I can do. I am not asking anyone here to give me a nutrition advice, I m just saying that this goes beyond what I can control or mitigate without medical intervention.
What is your true bf level? I remember back when I was natty, my bf at 19-20 ish % had my TTT that I got for fun at 300 something. Was 720 before gear when I was like 14% ish. Would’ve probably been even higher if I got to 12%
I get 7-8 hours of sleep and eat plenty of good fibers, proteins (mix of chicken and whey protein) and minimize frying (stir or deep). So if its diet induced I have no idea what more I can do. I am not asking anyone here to give me a nutrition advice, I m just saying that this goes beyond what I can control or mitigate without medical intervention.
You don't need anavar first cycle, just go test; its effects, especially at a lower dose will not be super pronounced and will be harder to track mg -> ng/dl estimations, issues, etc. To answer your question, taking clomid during a cycle would be wasting clomid, it depends on your balls producing testosterone and they won't be. I went from ~550 -> ~800 from enclomiphene b4 gear though, if your goal is to get a good baseline, SERMs would probably be safer and less homeostasis-fucking.
You don't need anavar first cycle, just go test; its effects, especially at a lower dose will not be super pronounced and will be harder to track mg -> ng/dl estimations, issues, etc. To answer your question, taking clomid during a cycle would be wasting clomid, it depends on your balls producing testosterone and they won't be. I went from ~550 -> ~800 from enclomiphene b4 gear though, if your goal is to get a good baseline, SERMs would probably be safer and less homeostasis-fucking.
I know its all up to an individual, but is there any issue of dropping clomid cold turkey and immediately starting T and hCG?

Should I use anavar in ....what cycle, second? Third?
I know its all up to an individual, but is there any issue of dropping clomid cold turkey and immediately starting T and hCG?

Should I use anavar in ....what cycle, second? Third?
Clomid raises LH and FSH, hCG mimics LH; LH is the hormone involved with testosterone production. You'll essentially be replacing it with hCG (although on cycle hCG is primarily for fertility and ball size).

You don't really need to add new compounds by the cycle. You should strive to only run one new compound at once for enough time (at least 4-6 weeks typically) that you can confirm bloodwork is clean and you feel good. Start test and anavar, then you feel like shit, is it the test, is it the var? you have no idea. When you're talking 250mg/wk test and a dash of some var the risk is small, but it's a harm reduction process many follow regardless. Either way, the effects of low dose var are probably going to be pretty lackluster, so you don't need to be in any rush to add it in.
Clomid raises LH and FSH, hCG mimics LH; LH is the hormone involved with testosterone production. You'll essentially be replacing it with hCG (although on cycle hCG is primarily for fertility and ball size).

You don't really need to add new compounds by the cycle. You should strive to only run one new compound at once for enough time (at least 4-6 weeks typically) that you can confirm bloodwork is clean and you feel good. Start test and anavar, then you feel like shit, is it the test, is it the var? you have no idea. When you're talking 250mg/wk test and a dash of some var the risk is small, but it's a harm reduction process many follow regardless. Either way, the effects of low dose var are probably going to be pretty lackluster, so you don't need to be in any rush to add it in.
Good advice. Thanks.
Doctor might be trying to kick start you back up. A typical doctor wouldn't want to put you on trt at 29 unless other things have failed first. Wait it out or try a different doctor.