Primobolan worth the extra money?


Golden Labs Representative
Thinking to order some primo from it really worth the extra cost? And to get goos results from it you need to run at least 600?
Cause when i run mast e at 400mg I get Great results
Thinking to order some primo from it really worth the extra cost? And to get goos results from it you need to run at least 600?
Cause when i run mast e at 400mg I get Great results
Different compounds, but I would choose Mast over Primo, based on cost and results. Mast is a better fit for me overall.
Different compounds, but I would choose Mast over Primo, based on cost and results. Mast is a better fit for me overall.
I Always get great results with mast but i've never used primo before so was wondering is it really so much bettter and worth extra cost
It is worth it. Dont know about pharmacom but real primo is worth it. With real primo you need to run 300 and your gtg. I would never choose mast over primo.
Yes, and yes.

Love primo and has provided solid, quality gains that stay for me. It is slower and requires more volume, but hands down favorite. I run with Mast, typical spring cycle is test 400-700/ primo 800/ mast 400. Feel amazing entire time (do get tired of all the pinning by end) and simply works. I get no noticeable sides and run 16-20weeks. I will sometimes add in var for 6 weeks somewhere along the cycle—which will give me some sides seen in my lipid profile and muscle pumps. Primo/mast/var gives me wicked pumps, and have to slam a ton of water or go directly from pumps to cramps.

I personally view my results from primo as more solid and aesthetically appealing than anything else I’ve run except maybe tren. Newer to tren and results have been amazing, so see why folks run it, but also comes with additional costs. I only have a short time each year I can suffer the cardio impact, and both it and NPP makes me feel lethargic and typical heartburn/sleep issues suck. For me, if I had to choose only one compound to run with test and that was it, now and forever, it would be primo without a doubt.

I personally prefer Pcom’s primo great primo since It’s 200mg and all testing I’ve seen (anabolic labs) has been on point. It has a higher EO content I believe, but I don’t have reaction to EO so perfect for me. If EO sensitive, I’d suggest trying another lab. Other thing is Pcom’s cost for their 200mg which is ridiculously high compared to other UGL, but always proven worth it to me. I don’t mind spending more for peace of mind that what I am running is legit and sterile.

if looking to run lower dose, one of the sources here on Meso has 150mg primo E that doesn’t have EO, uses GSO as carrier and have run it a few times. Was on point in my experience, and hellova bargain at his price. I liked it enough that I recently grabbed more.
Yes, and yes.

Love primo and has provided solid, quality gains that stay for me. It is slower and requires more volume, but hands down favorite. I run with Mast, typical spring cycle is test 400-700/ primo 800/ mast 400. Feel amazing entire time (do get tired of all the pinning by end) and simply works. I get no noticeable sides and run 16-20weeks. I will sometimes add in var for 6 weeks somewhere along the cycle—which will give me some sides seen in my lipid profile and muscle pumps. Primo/mast/var gives me wicked pumps, and have to slam a ton of water or go directly from pumps to cramps.

I personally view my results from primo as more solid and aesthetically appealing than anything else I’ve run except maybe tren. Newer to tren and results have been amazing, so see why folks run it, but also comes with additional costs. I only have a short time each year I can suffer the cardio impact, and both it and NPP makes me feel lethargic and typical heartburn/sleep issues suck. For me, if I had to choose only one compound to run with test and that was it, now and forever, it would be primo without a doubt.

I personally prefer Pcom’s primo great primo since It’s 200mg and all testing I’ve seen (anabolic labs) has been on point. It has a higher EO content I believe, but I don’t have reaction to EO so perfect for me. If EO sensitive, I’d suggest trying another lab. Other thing is Pcom’s cost for their 200mg which is ridiculously high compared to other UGL, but always proven worth it to me. I don’t mind spending more for peace of mind that what I am running is legit and sterile.

if looking to run lower dose, one of the sources here on Meso has 150mg primo E that doesn’t have EO, uses GSO as carrier and have run it a few times. Was on point in my experience, and hellova bargain at his price. I liked it enough that I recently grabbed more.
Thank you for your detailed answer brother, appreciate that!!

I am thinking only about pharmacom primo, their quality is always 100%, everything i'v used from them was great
How long did u run? Results?
I didnt really run a full cycle of it but i pinned 300mgs a couple times and saw results right away. Leaner midsection(serratus), new veins popping, skin looking better, just looking awesome. Its an aesthetic drug and builds real solid muscle. I dont know about size, but size is not what im after.
Otherwise i run it 100mg with trt. Some will say its a waste, but i like it as an addition to the cruise. Just makes me look better(skin&physique).
I didnt really run a full cycle of it but i pinned 300mgs a couple times and saw results right away. Leaner midsection(serratus), new veins popping, skin looking better, just looking awesome. Its an aesthetic drug and builds real solid muscle. I dont know about size, but size is not what im after.
Otherwise i run it 100mg with trt. Some will say its a waste, but i like it as an addition to the cruise. Just makes me look better(skin&physique).
Would u compare it more to EQ or primo?

My plan was to run it 400mg around 20 weeks
Primo is the best drug to hold muscle on a calorie deficit hands down as far as for building muscle it's very slow need 800mg to see it shine. Dont expect big muscle growth just some slow quality gains over time. But for dieting its unbelievable to hold on to muscle.
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Primo is the best drug to hold muscle on a calorie deficit hands down as far as for building muscle it's very slow need 800mg to see it shine. Dont expect big muscle growth just some slow quality gains of time. But for dieting its unbelievable to hold on to muscle.
Thnx for info bro!
Primo is amazing if! you are patient, have the money, willing to spike yourself with a lot of oil, and want solid good clean gains without really feeling like you are on something. In a way its a total mind fuck, we all like to feel what we are on! Primo is not like that. Best way is to run 3 or 4 cycles of it IMO. Over time say a year or 2, the results are without compare. Most people like the bloated dog shit look from cheaper wet compounds that fill you out. Masteron is fucking amazing too! A bit of a feel and if you are lean WOW!
A great cycle is npp primo and winny.
Hit the npp 400 mg for 12 weeks primo at 600mg
At 12 weeks drop npp bump primo to 1000mg add winny 50 mg for 6 weeks. 18week piece after 12 weeks diet hard. Then go to the beach and go get your dick sucked every night.
I've only run it once and for the cost id spend my money on something else. Not saying that what others have said isn't true but I feel you can get the same or better gains with other compounds for alot less money. I know some will flame me but I'd go with tren anyday over primo. Works great for me whether I'm dieting or bulking.
I've only run it once and for the cost id spend my money on something else. Not saying that what others have said isn't true but I feel you can get the same or better gains with other compounds for alot less money. I know some will flame me but I'd go with tren anyday over primo. Works great for me whether I'm dieting or bulking.
I agree. Tren is in a different class for sure. All depends on your goals, diet, training and overall lifestyle. My main downside with Primo is the oil volume required for weekly administration to see the results I look for. But Primo has its place in certain cycles.
I mean.

You can drop $300 on a hooker, less if you supply the blow, or $1000 on a high priced 'escort.'

The $300 hooker is fine as fuck and the pussy hits. Plus she'll do lines off your cock.

Either way you're busting a nut though.
A bottle cost home brewed at 200mg/ml is around $35-$40
Same bottle from pharmacom is $125
For that price you can buy all the filters and supplies you need to brew it yourself and still come out at half the price.

If you can’t homebrew it I wouldn’t. Unless your rich of course.
A bottle cost home brewed at 200mg/ml is around $35-$40
Same bottle from pharmacom is $125
For that price you can buy all the filters and supplies you need to brew it yourself and still come out at half the price.

If you can’t homebrew it I wouldn’t. Unless your rich of course.
Impossible to homebrew in my country here in EU so I would have to go with pharmacom
I would like to stress the importance of the quality of the primo. The raw powder is very expensive 15-20$ per gram. So it seems very reasonable that the labs will underdose because they save a lot.
Lets say you put 100mg on the label, but yyou really put in 50mg, you almost double your profit.
A bottle cost home brewed at 200mg/ml is around $35-$40

Bro, thats impossible... 2.000mg of legit primo will cost you $35(just powder). No wonder you guys are getting bad results.. You are all pinning underdosed primo or no primo at all. Thats a price for test, not primo.