Pristine Anabolics Intro

ANY Driller is a Solid Dude :)

EDIT:Scratch that, nowadays I wonder about guys. With the name of DaylightDriller I would bet he is Old School
Maybe he just likes to pound out whores in the daytime? Doing some drillin' today, if you know what i mean? He's probably a mailman or a UPS driver. :D
I'm pretty sure Daylight Driller was in the old field, hence the name. His avatar was of the thing they use to burn off gas on an oil rig.
may get more than bargained for with some of these guys
That ain't no joke. I have never seen a thread stay on track past like 10 pages. By page 11 people would be talking about fucking a donkey or some shit like that...wait, there's already a thread like that. Lol
Well yea... Everybody here has probably 5x the amount of test in their system they need. Couple that with horse and cow steroids that donkey probably dont look too bad
That ain't no joke. I have never seen a thread stay on track past like 10 pages. By page 11 people would be talking about fucking a donkey or some shit like that...wait, there's already a thread like that. Lol
That's the one where @T-Bagger was talking about wiping donkey cum off his mouth :eek:
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Ramen noodle casserole bro. We used to make the most elaborate shit with ramen that you could ever imagine. They sell pretty much anything and everything you need to eat well and feel fairly comfortable in there. I was lucky and was always able to max out every store day. I ate well in there
I fucking hate ramen noodles. When I first met my wife, we werd shopping and she went to throw some in the basket and I threw that shit right back on the shelf. I told her I've had enough of that shit to last a lifetime
I fucking hate ramen noodles. When I first met my wife, we werd shopping and she went to throw some in the basket and I threw that shit right back on the shelf. I told her I've had enough of that shit to last a lifetime
I'm the opposite I eat a pack of ramen with a big can of tunafish every day as my afterworkout meal. All those years of ramen noodle hookups got me hooked on them
I'm the opposite I eat a pack of ramen with a big can of tunafish every day as my afterworkout meal. All those years of ramen noodle hookups got me hooked on them
Hell yeah, I still by them by the case. I shit you not, I can make things out of ramen that are so amazing.
Hell yeah, I still by them by the case. I shit you not, I can make things out of ramen that are so amazing.
There were a few guys that could chef up some good shit, but I think it was only relative to not a lot of options. Once out, I stuck with actual good food.