Pristine Anabolics Intro

Any day now I hope. They should have been here over a week ago. I just gotta grab a snickers and get my wait on. DHB, NPP, proviron, var, dapox, mast e, test e, and bold cyp are all expected any day now.
I fuckin love snickers
Oh hell yeah. Paydays are badass! I get 2 of those big ass ones and smash em. Payday is probably my number 2...butterfinger is my number 3
Whatchamacallit is still good but not the same as when I was a kid and they first came out. Pisses me off that they added caramel to it. Though nothing beats Reese’s with KitKat coming in pretty close.
Whatchamacallit is still good but not the same as when I was a kid and they first came out. Pisses me off that they added caramel to it. Though nothing beats Reese’s with KitKat coming in pretty close.
Now that I think about it, there is absolutely nothing in the candy section that I wouldn't eat lol. Now I've got all of these candy bars going through my mind. But trust me guys, my diet is nailed down:rolleyes:
Now that I think about it, there is absolutely nothing in the candy section that I wouldn't eat lol. Now I've got all of these candy bars going through my mind. But trust me guys, my diet is nailed down:rolleyes:
Eh, there’s plenty I won’t touch. Tootsie Rolls for starters. First is good except that one cheat day!
I’m fixing to come out of cruise mode.
Gonna give Tren A a run and the cycle after that gonna try ADROL/WINNY combo.

You’re my santie clause those year, @Trenity
Oh hell yeah. Paydays are badass! I get 2 of those big ass ones and smash em. Payday is probably my number 2...butterfinger is my number 3

I love a butterfinger but damn if I don't hate having to pick half of the damn thing out of my teeth after I eat one. Do they make Charleston Chews anymore? I ate the shit out of Charleston Chews in my younger days. Snickers ftmfw though.

I’m fixing to come out of cruise mode.
Gonna give Tren A a run and the cycle after that gonna try ADROL/WINNY combo.

You’re my santie clause those year, @Trenity

Hope you got a big 'ol chimney bro, and I like oatmeal raisin cookies and almond milk.