Pristine Anabolics Intro

Well I'll just see if it continues as I move along. It's not a big deal, but I just wanted to see if anyone else knew what I was talking about. I'm sure it does in fact have something to do with the Anavar, but I have also been eating like a fucking horse lately too. We shall see.
VAr fucks up my stomach man. @Roger rabbit said High dose L-Glutamine may help. It didnt really work for me but it may for some.
I have been looking into B6 and their doesn’t seem to be any consistent dosing info? I keep Caber on hand just in case.

I came on to see if their were any weekend promos and not only did I find a great promo, but I have this magic box to type in now. It took me 6 tries to set up and get confirmed for some reason? I had almost given up.

I know, I know, I should be posting a new member introduction like the other FNG’s!
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Yeah bro you've got the right idea for sure. The less you use of the seasoning they give you, the healthier it is. That's where alot of the high sodium comes from. I always take the noodles and boil the shit out of them, and then pour that water off, and then do it a little more to wash all of those starches off. Dudes in prison would boil a bunch of ramen and then pour off that starchy water and save it. They would take a clean rag and rub that same water down on their nice prison whites(the ones we would wear to visits), and then stick them under the mattress laid out when they slept. The next day when they would take them out, the clothes would be stiff and look like they came from the dry cleaners. True story. That's when I made the decision to start cleaning the noodles first lol

lol people come up with clever things when they need to, pretty funny extracting starch from the ramen water.

Btw the excessive sodium in the seasoning is what makes it taste so good lol.
lol people come up with clever things when they need to, pretty funny extracting starch from the ramen water.

Btw the excessive sodium in the seasoning is what makes it taste so good lol.
I always thought it was INSANE the way dudes would Make tattoo guns and run there wire under doors
My favorite is doing it in the car. Lock the windows right before you do it, lower the back window just enough to get some circulation going, then roll it back up.
T-Bag I bet you're one of those who likes the smell of his own farts huh? Lol