Pristine Anabolics Intro

Do you not have var or winny on hand right now?

If not, and if you are looking for a little bulk at the end of this cycle like you said, I would run the dbol now. Save the drol, get some winny, and run them together on your next one...and run them at the end again like you are doing this time.
The Drol and winny together gives you some good, dry, mass. Running the dbol at the end of this one may make you have some wet gains, but I'm assuming you're good with that.
I don’t have var or winny on hand. So I will just hold off on the drol til I get some and maybe run it in the next cut.
Appreciate the insight from you and @Roger rabbit

(Apologies for the late response, just got back from the gym.)
I don't handle most orals well, so my experience may not be a good one to gauge what you may experience. I am running Var now and am doing fine, but its mild compared to those two. I'm sure if you dose the two reasonably you will be fine. If you did like 50dbol then 50drol
How much var are you running?
Adding drol plus dbol will bring on the lethargic feeling.

Drol+winny like mention before is better. Helps skip out that experience of lethargy and other sides.

Winny+ drol is very synergistic.

Kinda like the same way Drol & Tren are synergistic. That combination helped changed my physique to another level.
I guess you're getting the same amount of ‎17a-methyl toxicity in your liver so its not as bad as it sounds.
Exactly... if you cycle them out properly, and don't go crazy on the dosages.
But cycling out the winny and drol will also cut out some of the undesirable sides you would get from running straight drol, or even cycling drol and dbol. I didnt get real lethargic and didnt hold water when cycling drol and winny
Someone in here asked about Pristine Anavar, Lady Var in particular. All I will say is my wife will literally not let me rest; for the first time I can remember she’s wearing me out, not the other way around. May not be a side effect for some women, but it is for her. On the more concrete side of things she’s down about 4lbs and recomped a few in there too after 6weeks (goal wasn’t to add mass, just look better).
Someone in here asked about Pristine Anavar, Lady Var in particular. All I will say is my wife will literally not let me rest; for the first time I can remember she’s wearing me out, not the other way around. May not be a side effect for some women, but it is for her. On the more concrete side of things she’s down about 4lbs and recomped a few in there too after 6weeks (goal wasn’t to add mass, just look better).
I'm open with my wife about my AAS usage, and surprisingly, she was cool. I've been thinking about getting her some of that Var too. I'm glad that you posted this now.

What dosage schedule did your wife use?
I'm open with my wife about my AAS usage, and surprisingly, she was cool. I've been thinking about getting her some of that Var too. I'm glad that you posted this now.

What dosage schedule did your wife use?
She started at 10mg (5 2x per day) for 4 weeks and bumped it to 15 to finish out 2 more weeks. She’s 5’, 130, doesn’t take much.
She started at 10mg (5 2x per day) for 4 weeks and bumped it to 15 to finish out 2 more weeks. She’s 5’, 130, doesn’t take much.
My wife is about 5'6" at 120lbs. My wife already has an amazing physique. But something she wants to do is really focus on her legs, glutes, back, and shoulders going into the spring. I think I'll pull the trigger on that and stick her on that 10mg split. Appreciate the feedback man.
My wife is about 5'6" at 120lbs. My wife already has an amazing physique. But something she wants to do is really focus on her legs, glutes, back, and shoulders going into the spring. I think I'll pull the trigger on that and stick her on that 10mg split. Appreciate the feedback man.
I am not responsible for your dick being out of service in 3-4 weeks.
I am not responsible for your dick being out of service in 3-4 weeks.
Lmao. It will be great timing because I'm on tren, and I am like a porn star on that shit. I'm not as worried about me and her being worn out as much as I am about our bed frame a couple months from now lol.
Current Promos:

- Buy 3 get 1 free on orals and oils
- Test E 300 $20/vial (Low Stock)
- Orders over $500 get 5 free vials chosen from:
Test C/Sust/Deca/EQ/NPP/Inj Sdrol

DHB and NPP are restocked now. Test E, Mast E, and var will be here early next week. Proviron should be soon after.