Pristine Anabolics Intro

But let’s trust them with taking charge of our healthcare and protecting us when they confiscate our guns! What could POSSIBLY go wrong?
The problem is too many people want others to do all their dirty work because they are lazy and entitled. Independence is lost on many of our countrymen and it will eventually cause an implosion.
The problem is too many people want others to do all their dirty work because they are lazy and entitled. Independence is lost on many of our countrymen and it will eventually cause an implosion.
And that’s what the socialist libtards want apparently.
Yep, going back to the days of serfdom
Actually, when the globalist came to power a long time ago, they set us on the path to that. Look at the trade agreements for the last 30 years, and implemented by both sides of aisle
Actually, when the globalist came to power a long time ago, they set us on the path to that. Look at the trade agreements for the last 30 years, and implemented by both sides of aisle
And like sheep, people have fallen for it. It’s sickening.
Does anyone have any shipping problem with Pristine?
ItsI been weeks and I haven't received the package.
It's USPS this time of year. The mail system is getting hammered and they are behind. It's been a week for me from another source and when asked tracking said in transit with later than usual delivery time.
Current Promos:

- All orders on Saturday and Sunday get a free pack of cialis
- Buy 3 get 1 free on orals and oils
- Test E 300 $20/vial (Low Stock)
- Orders over $500 get 5 free vials chosen from:
Test C/Sust/Deca/EQ/NPP/Inj Sdrol

It's USPS this time of year. The mail system is getting hammered and they are behind. It's been a week for me from another source and when asked tracking said in transit with later than usual delivery time.

This is spot on. Postal system can't handle the volume, just like every other year. I was in a post office a couple days ago dropping something off for the wife and there were literally multiple columns of packages stacked from floor to ceiling. I don't envy these postal workers.
212B41DE-CCEA-488A-A0A1-3D85BFC4F971.png D1A2D446-A942-4793-938F-9A586F28BFA0.jpeg 3EA82958-8E11-4470-8C43-F46F2F9E8881.jpeg Results from recent testing of NPP batch # 025 from @Trenity

Thank you @Trenity for the excellent coms, great prices, fast TA and most of all....putting out a good/legit product. Came back exactly what it was supposed to be. Sent in sample blind. Didn’t tell @janoshik what it might be. He asked if it was one of the common AAS compounds and I said yes. Thank you Jano.
View attachment 102334 View attachment 102333 View attachment 102332 Results from recent testing of NPP batch # 025 from @Trenity

Thank you @Trenity for the excellent coms, great prices, fast TA and most of all....putting out a good/legit product. Came back exactly what it was supposed to be. Sent in sample blind. Didn’t tell @janoshik what it might be. He asked if it was one of the common AAS compounds and I said yes. Thank you Jano.

Thank you for testing bro! Hopefully this puts some of the "crashing" convo to rest. Sometimes a product not crashing is just a result of good brewing.

You have $250 in store credit @Horimono, just hit me up when you want to use it.
Forgot to mention, @Horimono, could you please post this in the lab testing section as well just so it doesn't get lost in the thread? Thanks bro.