Pristine Anabolics Intro

Without a doubt bro. Sorry I jumped on that train. My apologies.

No worries bro. I'm a skeptic myself so I totally get you not completely trusting some stranger on the internet selling drugs.

Will be in touch shortly. Have questions about the MCT. Is this the only carrier oil used with the injectable superdrol? I have never used MCT. When warmed, is the viscosity thin? Hate to order a bunch of gear in MCT and not be able to tolerate it. I know you said you are going to keep some common compounds in safflower
But it would be nice to have a thin oil. Any suggestions?

Does the $250 credit need to beused in one shot? No pun intended.

MCT is the only carrier for superdrol. I could probably brew it in safflower, but it would probably need a touch of guac or a ton of bb, which aren't very attractive options to me. MCT is very thin even without warming.

You can use the credit however you like, one shot or several. My suggestion would be to order a bottle of something with MCT to try it out before really diving in.
No worries bro. I'm a skeptic myself so I totally get you not completely trusting some stranger on the internet selling drugs.

MCT is the only carrier for superdrol. I could probably brew it in safflower, but it would probably need a touch of guac or a ton of bb, which aren't very attractive options to me. MCT is very thin even without warming.

You can use the credit however you like, one shot or several. My suggestion would be to order a bottle of something with MCT to try it out before really diving in.

Never mind bro. That NPP has MCT. I totally forgot. I will say, that shit did have some bite. Did cause some slight swelling. Maybe I can’t tolerate it well. It was not a deal breaker and definitively not worth mentioning it to anyone, but I just read about MCT causing some local pain and inflammation. That would be why my ass and delts hurt when I pinned that shit. Lol. Live and learn Trenity, live and learn. Am I right?! Lol.
Thank you for testing bro! Hopefully this puts some of the "crashing" convo to rest. Sometimes a product not crashing is just a result of good brewing.

You have $250 in store credit @Horimono, just hit me up when you want to use it.
The crashing convo was one of the more questionable (I'm trying time be nice) conclusion and debates I've seen here
Never mind bro. That NPP has MCT. I totally forgot. I will say, that shit did have some bite. Did cause some slight swelling. Maybe I can’t tolerate it well. It was not a deal breaker and definitively not worth mentioning it to anyone, but I just read about MCT causing some local pain and inflammation. That would be why my ass and delts hurt when I pinned that shit. Lol. Live and learn Trenity, live and learn. Am I right?! Lol.

Just out of curiosity, have you noticed that the pip decreases a bit with each subsequent pin? I've always wondered if the body gets used to the carrier if you keep running it, our body's are typically pretty adaptive. I'm running cyp brewed in mct now and it has a little bite for me as well, but it seems I'm getting used to it now after a couple of weeks.
Just out of curiosity, have you noticed that the pip decreases a bit with each subsequent pin? I've always wondered if the body gets used to the carrier if you keep running it, our body's are typically pretty adaptive. I'm running cyp brewed in mct now and it has a little bite for me as well, but it seems I'm getting used to it now after a couple of weeks.

I read that as well. But not for me it was fairly consistent. Even when diluted with other compounds in SA. One injection of straight NPP in the delt hurt like a bitch for 3 days. But then resolved. I wanna try some Inj superdrol, so I’m not giving up on it.
Just out of curiosity, have you noticed that the pip decreases a bit with each subsequent pin? I've always wondered if the body gets used to the carrier if you keep running it, our body's are typically pretty adaptive. I'm running cyp brewed in mct now and it has a little bite for me as well, but it seems I'm getting used to it now after a couple of weeks.
I’m the same way. After a few pins it’s very smooth. Throw 10% EO in and it’s even better.
Just out of curiosity, have you noticed that the pip decreases a bit with each subsequent pin? I've always wondered if the body gets used to the carrier if you keep running it, our body's are typically pretty adaptive. I'm running cyp brewed in mct now and it has a little bite for me as well, but it seems I'm getting used to it now after a couple of weeks.

I’ll be like @Roger rabbit here. A friend is running 100 mg Test P and 150 mg NPP EOD from you right now. He was getting moderate pip the day after injection and wasn’t looking forward to the EOD pins.

After about 1.5 weeks it all started to level out and life is good again.
I have no problem with the safflower or mct in my delts, my vastus however... first time felt like I had a dead leg for 3 days, 2nd time just a slight limp for 3 days, 3rd time fucking sucked, dead leg, limp, and knee swelling. Didn't stick my leg again after that.
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Awesome brother! Thank you for testing once again! $1000 (Gulp) in store credit is yours sir, just shoot me an email when you want to use it.

As for the tren e in the DHB, I'm guessing I didn't flush my polycap well enough between compounds. I will do a more thorough job of flushing from now on.