Pristine Anabolics Intro

Deca’s a tad under dosed, but within range.

I didn't even look at the pics and assumed that was deca 250. Definitely too low for my liking, it's a tad bit out of the acceptable range. I don't think any underdosing is good though, I'd rather come up overdosed. I did not overdose that batch at all because my source had a brand new hplc on the deca powder. Showed at 98.9%.
Awesome brother! Thank you for testing once again! $1000 (Gulp) in store credit is yours sir, just shoot me an email when you want to use it.

As for the tren e in the DHB, I'm guessing I didn't flush my polycap well enough between compounds. I will do a more thorough job of flushing from now on.
What's a polycap
So refunds/replacements for Deca 300 being Deca 250 @Pristine Anabloics

Well, it's 2.3 mL out of "acceptable" range and when I moved from deca 250 to deca 300 I didn't change the price. I think refunds are little much to be honest. When I get my new deca raws I will have them tested and dose accordingly. I will move the price down a bit for the rest of this batch.
I didn't even look at the pics and assumed that was deca 250. Definitely too low for my liking, it's a tad bit out of the acceptable range. I don't think any underdosing is good though, I'd rather come up overdosed. I did not overdose that batch at all because my source had a brand new hplc on the deca powder. Showed at 98.9%.
Please don't overdose, that creates lots of problems as well
I didn't even look at the pics and assumed that was deca 250. Definitely too low for my liking, it's a tad bit out of the acceptable range. I don't think any underdosing is good though, I'd rather come up overdosed. I did not overdose that batch at all because my source had a brand new hplc on the deca powder. Showed at 98.9%.
I’d be knocking on the doors of that supplier
First, thanks @BrianNOLA70065 for the testing, that's very much appreciated. Next, thanks to @Trenity for providing the store credit and supporting the testing. Finally, it comes down to how he handles these issues going forward
I’d be knocking on the doors of that supplier

I've already brewed all of the current batch of deca I have. Got a new batch of raw coming. Supposedly the same batch from the supplier. Definitely gonna have that tested before I brew it and go from there.
This is more a comment on Jano’s testing.

Two test results for NPP:

Horonimo 146.99 mg/ml
BrianNOLA 149.77 mg/ml

Those numbers look real close to me. Anyone experienced enough to comment if that’s good correlation? Does that validate Jano’s testing? Or should someone tag master.on in here to comment?
This is more a comment on Jano’s testing.

Two test results for NPP:

Horonimo 146.99 mg/ml
BrianNOLA 149.77 mg/ml

Those numbers look real close to me. Anyone experienced enough to comment if that’s good correlation? Does that validate Jano’s testing? Or should someone tag master.on in here to comment?

Please don’t tag him in here. We don’t need his BS. I don’t look to see, but it’s possible the batches were different.
This is more a comment on Jano’s testing.

Two test results for NPP:

Horonimo 146.99 mg/ml
BrianNOLA 149.77 mg/ml

Those numbers look real close to me. Anyone experienced enough to comment if that’s good correlation? Does that validate Jano’s testing? Or should someone tag master.on in here to comment?

Lol that difference is very very low which is acceptable in any scientific method.
Please don’t tag him in here. We don’t need his BS. I don’t look to see, but it’s possible the batches were different.

That’s exactly why I asked. Trust me, I don’t want him in here either but he sounds more sciencey than the rest of us. I know he’ll comment in the Lab Testing Thread though.
I'd call less than 2% a margin of error.

I'm also surprised that for all the shits Jano gets he seems to be able to identify a lot of blind gear.
I'd call less than 2% a margin of error.

I'm also surprised that for all the shits Jano gets he seems to be able to identify a lot of blind gear.

That’s why I wanted to point out two separate tests on the same product. That’s important. Anyone can assign close random bullshit numbers to anything but having the same thing tested with similar results confirms Jano’s not just bullshitting tests.
Well, it's 2.3 mL out of "acceptable" range and when I moved from deca 250 to deca 300 I didn't change the price. I think refunds are little much to be honest. When I get my new deca raws I will have them tested and dose accordingly. I will move the price down a bit for the rest of this batch.
Not trying to bust your balls here but... at 98.9% would you not do a 1% overdose at least ?