Pristine Anabolics Intro

@Trenity is there anything else in the brewing process you might have not "flushed" or reused for different batches?. have had infection with underground labs before so a bit weary. Do most of you on here recommend re filter your gear when you get it?
@Trenity is there anything else in the brewing process you might have not "flushed" or reused for different batches?. have had infection with underground labs before so a bit weary. Do most of you on here recommend re filter your gear when you get it?
I don’t personally do it every time but I’ve had some before from labs that got reported for floaters AFTER I ordered so I refiltered. It def won’t hurt anything.
I've already brewed all of the current batch of deca I have. Got a new batch of raw coming. Supposedly the same batch from the supplier. Definitely gonna have that tested before I brew it and go from there.
So you’re not going to offer credit or replacements for any who got the underdosed Deca?
@Trenity is there anything else in the brewing process you might have not "flushed" or reused for different batches?. have had infection with underground labs before so a bit weary. Do most of you on here recommend re filter your gear when you get it?

It's standard practice for a polycap to be reused for 10+ liters of filtering. That's what they're made for. I flush the polycap with safflower or MCT between each compound to get any leftover from the last run out. All glassware is sterilized between batches, I never reuse glassware without cleaning and sterilizing it first.

So you’re not going to offer credit or replacements for any who got the underdosed Deca?

I'd be willing to offer something but it's hard to determine what is fair. I sold deca 250 for $35/vial, I then brewed a batch at 300 and didn't change the price. Most of the deca I've sold was last weekend at $25/vial. I just don't sell that much of it.

I don't keep emails so I don't know who purchased what or when. I'm pretty much constantly running buy 3 get 1 free which effectively makes it $26/vial. Testing came back at 2.42mg under acceptable range. So what is fair here?
I'd be willing to offer something but it's hard to determine what is fair. I sold deca 250 for $35/vial, I then brewed a batch at 300 and didn't change the price. Most of the deca I've sold was last weekend at $25/vial. I just don't sell that much of it.
Eh, you sold it at the same price, so they got overdosed Deca 250.
Hey, been lurking here for a while. Made my intro post and everything a month or so ago... looking to place an order but I want to secure hcg and clomid as well.. thinking of stocking those anytime soon?
@Trenity is there anything else in the brewing process you might have not "flushed" or reused for different batches?. have had infection with underground labs before so a bit weary. Do most of you on here recommend re filter your gear when you get it?

You can get filter draw needles from on meso
Today's Promos:

- Buy 3 get 1 free on orals and oils
- Deca $25/vial
- Free Cialis with every order
- Orders over $500 get 5 free vials chosen from:

Sust/Test C/Deca/NPP/EQ/Inj Sdrol or 2 Test P

Hey, been lurking here for a while. Made my intro post and everything a month or so ago... looking to place an order but I want to secure hcg and clomid as well.. thinking of stocking those anytime soon?

Yes, but we probably won't have them until some time in January.
@Trenity - question for you, going back to the Deca: if you mix 300g of powder and the yield is 260, something was making up the other 40g of weight.. what was it?
@Trenity - question for you, going back to the Deca: if you mix 300g of powder and the yield is 260, something was making up the other 40g of weight.. what was it?
Could also be mixing the 300g of powder with more oil than needed. Lots of possibilities.

I’m running that batch and if there’s something else in there it’s not causing any complications. That doesn’t say much but..
This is more a comment on Jano’s testing.

Two test results for NPP:

Horonimo 146.99 mg/ml
BrianNOLA 149.77 mg/ml

Those numbers look real close to me. Anyone experienced enough to comment if that’s good correlation? Does that validate Jano’s testing? Or should someone tag master.on in here to comment?
@janoshik - can you explain this discrepancy? Same batch, same product, different results.