Pristine Anabolics Intro

Your question is very valid because basically those test results push people to Pharmacom, Valkyrie and the other international source. All of which are not by any means cheaper or greater quality than the 2 domestic sources we already have. Thing is, the other lab IS testing raws and has consistent lab work coming back on finished products.
Don’t disagree at all.
I've also noticed that there aren't many tests done considering how much potential money has been donated
You do realize that it costs a minimum of $300 per sample for the cost of testing alone, don't you? Do the math.
I think the question of how long a source needs to be around before they are considered for AL should probably be answered by Millard . I have never personally seen anything posted about this, but it would be good to know.

Perhaps..... there could end up one day being an anabolic lab international
and one for domestic? That, I think would benefit at a greater level for sure.
It's multi-factoral.

Larger, popular and presumably better financed brands with broad distribution are prioritized especially if they have been in operation for several years because the products reach the largest number of consumers.

Brands that oparate in jurisdictions with lax or non-existent anti-steroid legislation are prioritized over brands operating in jurisdictions with heavily enforced prohibitions because they are less likely to go out of business due to law enforcement action.

Of course, the location of "secret shoppers" and the availability and risk of obtaining products is a limiting factor.

Legal considerations explain why U. S. domestic brands are not emphasized as well as why European analytical laboratories are used for lab tests.
I got here when Sas was blowing up and you guys were raping his thread so I didn’t read into it too much.

Glad I posed atleast one good question there. Was another rant...apologize for that. Just want to see this great thing everyone talks about serve the community as much as everyone says it does. Maybe I just haven’t been around long enough.

AL is accessible by anyone on the internet. Including other forums that i know for a fact are aware of it and reference it's database. It helps more people than most people think.

i'm down for finding a happy medium here with Pristine. One that keeps him true to his word, but at the same time, allows him to test and fine tune his product.
My endeavor isn’t to support a lab that doesn’t actually get to testing the products I’m using. My endeavor in being in this thread is to contribute to a personal goal.
That is unfortunate. But I suspect you are correct.

Very few individuals actually donate to - - only a few dozen in the past year.

Most people are only interested in becoming involved in something that will directly benefit them. They have little interest in contributing to the collective good of the community if it does not help them with their personal goals.

And is first and foremost about contributing to the collective good.
That is unfortunate. But I suspect you are correct.

Very few individuals actually donate to - - only a few dozen in the past year.

Most people are only interested in becoming involved in something that will directly benefit them. They have little interest in contributing to the collective good of the community if it does not help them with their personal goals.

And is first and foremost about contributing to the collective good.
The sad thing about AL testing mainly the European labs is that it gives them an advantage of being tested and proven over the domestic UGL. When a new member comes looking for a source, they’re told there are many proven labs in the UG and to go to the the Lab Testing Section. In their mind, that’s the safest route (and probably is) and it’s pretty much a stamp of approval, so they become a PCom customer as a result.
That is unfortunate. But I suspect you are correct.

Very few individuals actually donate to - - only a few dozen in the past year.

Most people are only interested in becoming involved in something that will directly benefit them. They have little interest in contributing to the collective good of the community if it does not help them with their personal goals.

And is first and foremost about contributing to the collective good.
I don’t disagree, but my statement also wasn’t a general “I’m here for me.” Im in the pristine thread for product and to provide what feedback I can. I’ve posted bloods. I’d like to send finishdd priduct out for testing. But in that light, if domestic UGL has no reasonable hope of benefiting from AL why not leave it to police itself. Let the consumer decide the appropriate risk?

As far as the entire board, my contribution here hasn’t been monetary though; that I can confirm. And part of that is not understanding where this AL fanaticism came from. But I’d be shocked to hear somebody say I consume even 1/10th of the info I try to provide from my own experience.

I didn’t join Meso to make someone else’s drug use safer by testing their gear. I came here for the environment and to share and acquire knowledge which I HOPE accomplishes that for me and others. I do now understand the value of AL though, and as such am donating today.

But as started earlier; this is benefiting those who use Int sources nearly exclusively. Which, by your explanation, also does makes sense.

Is asking Pristine to donate appropriate? Sure, I guess it shows confidence they’re trying to become a standard here. Is expecting him to test his own product appropriate? Of course.

But this is still a black market, and it would seem we have some policing for the sake of policing. In the realm of another industry, this would be like asking Chevy to pay for a European independent lab to test BMW cars. I realize that isn’t 1:1, but to me being a solid, customer driven, clean, responsive source that encourages testing with incentives is more beneficial to Pristine’s customers than an AL stamp.

This is my opinion. I’m not telling you are other members they’re wrong and I respect a lot of the voices in here.
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The sad thing about AL testing mainly the European labs is that it gives them an advantage of being tested and proven over the domestic UGL. When a new member comes looking for a source, they’re told there are many proven labs in the UG and to go to the the Lab Testing Section. In their mind, that’s the safest route (and probably is) and it’s pretty much a stamp of approval, so they become a PCom customer as a result.
This might be just as well though. I doubt Pristine could handle the spike in traffic such a thing would bring. I doubt he has anywhere near the infrastructure of even a small euro lab.
The sad thing about AL testing mainly the European labs is that it gives them an advantage of being tested and proven over the domestic UGL. When a new member comes looking for a source, they’re told there are many proven labs in the UG and to go to the the Lab Testing Section. In their mind, that’s the safest route (and probably is) and it’s pretty much a stamp of approval, so they become a PCom customer as a result.
That's an interesting way to phrase it. I would say it definitely gives European consumers an advantage.

But you are correct to point out that UGLs are also using AnabolicLab as a marketing tool. Consumers seem content to allow them to do so and often encourage it.

There is good reason to be disillusioned with this trend. The idealism of crowdfunding has not come to fruition
Would just like to say, second order with @Trenity went great. Worked with me on payment timing and still had a 3 day t/a for 1/2 packs. Assuming my second comes tomorrow since my local P.O. sucks. Thank you Pristine.
Has anyone tested anything? Orals? If so can someone give me a post #? Thnks
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Currently running just 400 a week. Down from 600 durring the first 3. I've been 100% satisfied with both the quality and communication of pristine. Both orals and oils are on point. Next up is gh.


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Sorry gentlemen, I have to apologize because I have only been back on the boards a little over a month, but is there something I am not clear about when it comes to Jano. Seems like every source uses them. If there is something I am not aware of please direct me to the proper channels
Sorry gentlemen, I have to apologize because I have only been back on the boards a little over a month, but is there something I am not clear about when it comes to Jano. Seems like every source uses them. If there is something I am not aware of please direct me to the proper channels
Let’s just say his reputation is less than stellar. But you’ll want to make that decision for yourself. @mands posted his experience with him and it wasn’t good. Lies, cover ups, made up numbers, etc.