Pristine Anabolics Intro

Sorry gentlemen, I have to apologize because I have only been back on the boards a little over a month, but is there something I am not clear about when it comes to Jano. Seems like every source uses them. If there is something I am not aware of please direct me to the proper channels

He has a shady past. Wouldn’t surprise me if he took money from labs to show positive reports.
Lol, sorry for laughing but when researching them, which I have to admit I did very lil of,and hearing people were paying for an analysis by little lab in poor ass eastern block country to test products I though something had to give
Lol, sorry for laughing but when researching them, which I have to admit I did very lil of,and hearing people were paying for an analysis by little lab in poor ass eastern block country to test products I though something had to give
I’ll be honest - I don’t know what to think of him. I’ve read the good and the bad. I find it hard to believe he isn’t running tests and is just making up numbers. Because of the blind testing BOP is doing through him now, 2 labs were tested as bunk and banned or left on their own.
Gentlemen, I just got back from the gym about 40 mins ago, and I just want to say that PA’s products are straight up incredible. Still very early in the game, but I thought I would touch on the fact that his Masteron Prop is without a doubt legit. After drilling 100mg into my quad this morning about 30mins later I found myself in the restroom at the Gym I work at Trying to fight off the most massive erection I have in almost a decade. As soon as I thought it was under Control I started to make my way through the gym from the locker room to the front desk and had to turn around half way because there was no way I was going to great a new client with a raging hard on. Anyhow just thought I’d share that with you guys. You can always tell good di-Prop based on the if you good wood following your shot. At least for me.
Gentlemen, I just got back from the gym about 40 mins ago, and I just want to say that PA’s products are straight up incredible. Still very early in the game, but I thought I would touch on the fact that his Masteron Prop is without a doubt legit. After drilling 100mg into my quad this morning about 30mins later I found myself in the restroom at the Gym I work at Trying to fight off the most massive erection I have in almost a decade. As soon as I thought it was under Control I started to make my way through the gym from the locker room to the front desk and had to turn around half way because there was no way I was going to great a new client with a raging hard on. Anyhow just thought I’d share that with you guys. You can always tell good di-Prop based on the if you good wood following your shot. At least for me.
I have never rerun Mast but will soon. I didn’t realize it had that effect.
Not sure if I have ever read anything about legit masteron and boners. But I know I have seen threads, questioning whether or not masteron will effect Libido or not, but find myself never reading any further, because I ALWAYS run Test. On two compound I have ran by themselves. Tren Ace and Deca. Back in the day I bought some component-TH and a ANIMALKIT brewed my own tren. Honestly, I loved it. My first cycle ever was a cycle of deca 300 2 x wk 10wks. The worst ten weeks of my life ever spent using a compound. Found out the hard way what deca dick was.
Hey has anyone or Better yet IS anyone currently using PA’s NPP???? I have never used NPP, only used deca 1 time in my life but everyone rants and raves that it has all the good qualities of deca!
Hey has anyone or Better yet IS anyone currently using PA’s NPP???? I have never used NPP, only used deca 1 time in my life but everyone rants and raves that it has all the good qualities of deca!
Use it once, you’ll never use deca again. Or I haven’t anyways..
I think I'll be switching sources . Keep it up PA, because my current I think is under dosing and not filling the vials complete .
I have never rerun Mast but will soon. I didn’t realize it had that effect.
Masteron is a great compound. Being as it’s a DHT derivative it has a positive effect on libido. Never mind wood, can you say steel! Your girl will appreciate the upgrade.