Pristine Anabolics Intro

I would def buy Proviron/Cialis caps, maybe 75mg/25mg; that would be the breakfast of champions. Come up with a good name for it and it might be a best seller! Lol
I vote for EQ....looking to make a large order for a 20 week cycle. It takes time to kick in so there is a delay until you know if it’s legit.
Just got done with some nolva, aromasin, and test from this source. I vouch for that batch for sure.
Quick question I'm about to run my first cycle and get a lot of people telling me to get pharm ai and pct not to mess with ug. Be nice to get everything in one place. So thru nolva and Aromasin kept your estro in check? Any input on PA pct/ai would be appreciated. Thx fellas
Quick question I'm about to run my first cycle and get a lot of people telling me to get pharm ai and pct not to mess with ug. Be nice to get everything in one place. So thru nolva and Aromasin kept your estro in check? Any input on PA pct/ai would be appreciated. Thx fellas
Theoretically can’t go wrong with pharma AI. But Pristine’s aromasin and arimidex kept my shit in check. I’m prone to aromatization and gyno sides and i got it back in to range pretty quickly with my first time going above 500mg test.
I had bad experience with fake arimidex and aromasin. Caused me really bad gyno. Been going to TRT clinic just for arimidex. The test shots are ridiculously expensive. $30 for 30 pills of American grade arimidex is so worth it.
Guys I don’t want to sound like an idiot but I have been away for 6 yrs. where can I get my bloodwork done that provides uncapped results, like the bloodwork trenity requires for Credit. Someone told me LabCorp caps theirs at 1500 is this true?
So I am sending two raws in for testing as soon as I get the ok from the lab. I only want to test raws I have in bulk so the number stays good for a while. First 2 I am thinking:

Var and 1 of:

Test E
Test C
Tren A
Mast P

Any thoughts on which should take priority?
Sustanon or Masteron. Trenity, any feedback on whether or not the t400 has bite to it??
I had bad experience with fake arimidex and aromasin. Caused me really bad gyno. Been going to TRT clinic just for arimidex. The test shots are ridiculously expensive. $30 for 30 pills of American grade arimidex is so worth it.

This is why testing is so important for those of us who depend on UG sources.
This is why testing is so important for those of us who depend on UG sources.
Honestly, if a source is found to sell fake arimidex or Aromasin, and or fake VAR cut with something else, I think members should pool there money together to go on a manhunt for the fucker that gave us gyno or our chicks dicks
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