Pristine Anabolics Intro

Masteron is a great compound. Being as it’s a DHT derivative it has a positive effect on libido. Never mind wood, can you say steel! Your girl will appreciate the upgrade.
A shot of 100 mg of mast-prop chased by a 100 mg of viagra will have her beggin’ For more. Lol. Listen up PA !! You should add this to your product line, call it man of steel. Right Eazy ??
Not sure if I have ever read anything about legit masteron and boners. But I know I have seen threads, questioning whether or not masteron will effect Libido or not, but find myself never reading any further, because I ALWAYS run Test. On two compound I have ran by themselves. Tren Ace and Deca. Back in the day I bought some component-TH and a ANIMALKIT brewed my own tren. Honestly, I loved it. My first cycle ever was a cycle of deca 300 2 x wk 10wks. The worst ten weeks of my life ever spent using a compound. Found out the hard way what deca dick was.

Next time you run Deca and get “deca dick” throw in some proviron and all will be good. Deca binds to dht and can lower it below normal levels which can cause “deca dick” for some. Some people can produce enough DHT naturally or through higher doses of test and won’t notice “deca dick”. This works for NPP as well as they are the same compound just attached to different eaters. I’m sure you knew that though but some people may not.
Next time you run Deca and get “deca dick” throw in some proviron and all will be good. Deca binds to dht and can lower it below normal levels which can cause “deca dick” for some. Some people can produce enough DHT naturally or through higher doses of test and won’t notice “deca dick”. This works for NPP as well as they are the same compound just attached to different eaters. I’m sure you knew that though but some people may not.
I appreciate the heads up. The experience I was referring to was almost 10years ago. Like I mentioned, If I am running gear it is always accompanied by some ester of test. Right now it happens to be Pa’s Sust and his Masteron Prop.
I don’t disagree, but my statement also wasn’t a general “I’m here for me.” Im in the pristine thread for product and to provide what feedback I can. I’ve posted bloods. I’d like to send finishdd priduct out for testing. But in that light, if domestic UGL has no reasonable hope of benefiting from AL why not leave it to police itself. Let the consumer decide the appropriate risk?

As far as the entire board, my contribution here hasn’t been monetary though; that I can confirm. And part of that is not understanding where this AL fanaticism came from. But I’d be shocked to hear somebody say I consume even 1/10th of the info I try to provide from my own experience.

I didn’t join Meso to make someone else’s drug use safer by testing their gear. I came here for the environment and to share and acquire knowledge which I HOPE accomplishes that for me and others. I do now understand the value of AL though, and as such am donating today.

But as started earlier; this is benefiting those who use Int sources nearly exclusively. Which, by your explanation, also does makes sense.

Is asking Pristine to donate appropriate? Sure, I guess it shows confidence they’re trying to become a standard here. Is expecting him to test his own product appropriate? Of course.

But this is still a black market, and it would seem we have some policing for the sake of policing. In the realm of another industry, this would be like asking Chevy to pay for a European independent lab to test BMW cars. I realize that isn’t 1:1, but to me being a solid, customer driven, clean, responsive source that encourages testing with incentives is more beneficial to Pristine’s customers than an AL stamp.

This is my opinion. I’m not telling you are other members they’re wrong and I respect a lot of the voices in here.
The bottom line is, he said he would donate. I questioned if he was still donating monthly like he said. I get what you’re saying about policing, but this guy needs to be a man of his word. At the very least, he should be testing his raws like he said he would to avoid screw ups.
Not trying to make this sound like a shill. But with those test results and what looks like an extra 1.5cc the it shouldn’t matter whether he’s running a promo. Based on test results product and consistency seem like they are there. We all know customer service is there. What are u guys waiting for.

Gentlemen, I just got back from the gym about 40 mins ago, and I just want to say that PA’s products are straight up incredible. Still very early in the game, but I thought I would touch on the fact that his Masteron Prop is without a doubt legit. After drilling 100mg into my quad this morning about 30mins later I found myself in the restroom at the Gym I work at Trying to fight off the most massive erection I have in almost a decade. As soon as I thought it was under Control I started to make my way through the gym from the locker room to the front desk and had to turn around half way because there was no way I was going to great a new client with a raging hard on. Anyhow just thought I’d share that with you guys. You can always tell good di-Prop based on the if you good wood following your shot. At least for me.

If I may recommend PA’s masteron, I promise you will not be disappointed, the last good masteron I ran was back in the day from Denkall labs, actually IP had good di-Prop too.
Calm down. Source riding is NOT mass transit bro.
Current promo ?

Buy 3 get 1 on orals and oils all day today.

The bottom line is, he said he would donate. I questioned if he was still donating monthly like he said. I get what you’re saying about policing, but this guy needs to be a man of his word. At the very least, he should be testing his raws like he said he would to avoid screw ups.

Made a donation a couple of days ago. Notice the color change on the banner.

I had to go out of town pretty abruptly yesterday, just got done answering emails. Sorry for the delayed replies fellas.

We have added T400 to the list, 200mg Test E, 200mg Test C, in MCT. T400 will be ready to ship on Tuesday.

Yeah buddy. Used as a pre, take 25mg for a great workout, 50mg for PRs & a thicc nasty pump. One of the first things I noticed was my upper chest always felt full and hard on PA dbol. Great stuff.

Have always enjoyed a good dbol Kickstarter... But do new PRs REALLY count with dbol lol?
So I am sending two raws in for testing as soon as I get the ok from the lab. I only want to test raws I have in bulk so the number stays good for a while. First 2 I am thinking:

Var and 1 of:

Test E
Test C
Tren A
Mast P

Any thoughts on which should take priority?
My logic says mast first because it is pretty widely faked, but I thought getting a little feedback would be a good idea.
Next time you run Deca and get “deca dick” throw in some proviron and all will be good. Deca binds to dht and can lower it below normal levels which can cause “deca dick” for some. Some people can produce enough DHT naturally or through higher doses of test and won’t notice “deca dick”. This works for NPP as well as they are the same compound just attached to different eaters. I’m sure you knew that though but some people may not.
Also thanks for the input deca fucks with me without viagra but I love the mass I get from it
A shot of 100 mg of mast-prop chased by a 100 mg of viagra will have her beggin’ For more. Lol. Listen up PA !! You should add this to your product line, call it man of steel. Right Eazy ??
I need to try this as well all gym no play sucks lol