Pristine Anabolics Intro

Well, this is fucked. This isn't user error, I only have one batch of bold cyp and it was filtered with a brand new filter. Guess I know the other raw I'm sending off tomorrow. Doesn't make much sense, Bold Cyp is cheap as hell, don't know why it would be cut with a more expensive compound.

I think I've sold a total of 6 bottles of bold cyp, and I remember who I sold them to. If you ordered it from me, email me and I'll issue a refund or replace with something else.

Still have half the raws that made this batch of bold cyp. Sending that and var off tomorrow.
Well, this is fucked. This isn't user error, I only have one batch of bold cyp and it was filtered with a brand new filter. Guess I know the other raw I'm sending off tomorrow. Doesn't make much sense, Bold Cyp is cheap as hell, don't know why it would be cut with a more expensive compound.

I think I've sold a total of 6 bottles of bold cyp, and I remember who I sold them to. If you ordered it from me, email me and I'll issue a refund or replace with something else.

Still have half the raws that made this batch of bold cyp. Sending that and var off tomorrow.
Did you get a heads up on these results and that is what spurred the sudden testing of raws ?
Well, this is fucked. This isn't user error, I only have one batch of bold cyp and it was filtered with a brand new filter. Guess I know the other raw I'm sending off tomorrow. Doesn't make much sense, Bold Cyp is cheap as hell, don't know why it would be cut with a more expensive compound.

I think I've sold a total of 6 bottles of bold cyp, and I remember who I sold them to. If you ordered it from me, email me and I'll issue a refund or replace with something else.

Still have half the raws that made this batch of bold cyp. Sending that and var off tomorrow.
Could it have been a mistake made by one of the other 4 partners of pristine? For example, someone laid down this filter with one hormone and someone mistakenly picked said filter up and used bold cyp?
Only reason raws are being tested now is because I got a few bills paid off and can afford to pay for the tests.
First of all you are not my bro. You are a source who has once again failed. If you had of been doing as YOU said you were going to in the beginning this would not be an issue.
This is tuff. Second guessing about ordering from him. Good thing friday is in 2 days right!
This is tuff. Second guessing about ordering from him. Good thing friday is in 2 days right!
What’s to even question or second guess? This is 3 screw ups. The first was “negligible” with one compound having a small amount of another in it. He chalked that up to his hoses not being fully flushed. Now the Bold Deca and now his Var testing as Dbol. I think this source needs to close up shop because he has not lived up to his word of testing raws and doing regular tests on finished products.
What’s to even question or second guess? This is 3 screw ups. The first was “negligible” with one compound having a small amount of another in it. He chalked that up to his hoses not being fully flushed. Now the Bold Deca and now his Var testing as Dbol. I think this source needs to close up shop because he has not lived up to his word of testing raws and doing regular tests on finished products.
Only reason I would consider buying from this source now is if I decide not to pay 200 as minimum from another. But i’ll prolly just pay the 200 after all the fuck ups with pristine. I wasn’t aware of the 2 other mistakes
Only reason I would consider buying from this source now is if I decide not to pay 200 as minimum from another. But i’ll prolly just pay the 200 and stack up a lil after all the mistakes with pristine. I don’t cycle much
Yeah but what happens if you drop 100 here get mixed product and have to order again then you’re out 300 and prolonged results.
What’s to even question or second guess? This is 3 screw ups. The first was “negligible” with one compound having a small amount of another in it. He chalked that up to his hoses not being fully flushed. Now the Bold Deca and now his Var testing as Dbol. I think this source needs to close up shop because he has not lived up to his word of testing raws and doing regular tests on finished products.

Pipe down shill.
Var was dbol (labmax)
2 oral packs with no labels
1 item missing
cap counts all over the place (shorted on multiple)

The dbol does seem to be dbol though. So, thats nice.

Disclaimer: Haven't tried dbol before.

Obviously, heard this from a friend, who knows a guy, that has a cousin who read about this in some bathroom stall at some undisclosed time and location; theoretically.

Sorry I’m an idiot sometimes, is this sarcasm or na?
What’s to even question or second guess? This is 3 screw ups. The first was “negligible” with one compound having a small amount of another in it. He chalked that up to his hoses not being fully flushed. Now the Bold Deca and now his Var testing as Dbol. I think this source needs to close up shop because he has not lived up to his word of testing raws and doing regular tests on finished products.

My var never tested as dbol. One dude said var labmaxed as dbol. I've sold 3 times more var than any other oral and nobody has had anything bad to say about it besides that one dude. The differences between var and dbol are vast and obvious, wouldn't you agree?

Two separate users sent in DHB from the same batch, one came back with 9mg of tren e in it, the other one didn't, not sure what to make of that.
lmao saw this on another thread, had me dead
It’s a Jano test. :rolleyes:

Retest it with a legit tester please. One that hasn’t been caught for fraud or one that is admitting that they are making errors due to being overloaded.

Jano? Really? Don’t jump to conclusions guys.

Such a waste of money for a test. This isn’t conclusive.
so Jano is g2g if it's what the source claims? Then if not Jano is bad?
I spoke about this in another thread, it was only a matter of time before it happened.

So when someone else uses Jano and the results come back clean or good, it’s ok, but a blind sample is sent in and finds Deca in Bold Cyp and all of a sudden it’s inadmissible?
Oh man... glad someone else’s woman didn’t take the Var like the poor chick who took AEL’s “Var” and wound up losing all her hair. WTF is going on?
this is the guy the spammed the board all summer, dont pay him any mind