Pristine Anabolics Intro

There are shills and counter shills.
IF you took time to read around before speaking, you would see my intro. I’ve lurked for years here and know the Meso ways.

Who I buy from is my business, but thank you for asking.

I believe the word you’re looking for is a critic or a villain. Can’t say I’ve ever heard of a counter shill, but whatever floats your boat.

How long have you been here? Just a little longer than me but you want to throw shit my way because I’m checking out sources?
How am I seeming shady? I offered a refund for people that have purchased the product and I'm sending the raws in question off for testing. What would you like me to do, bro?
Once again, do not call me bro, you are, as I said before, a source not a brother. I WOULD LIKE YOU TO GET IT RIGHT.... maybe that's just to much to ask though.
IF you took time to read around before speaking, you would see my intro. I’ve lurked for years here and know the Meso ways.

Who I buy from is my business, but thank you for asking.

I believe the word you’re looking for is a critic or a villain. Can’t say I’ve ever heard of a counter shill, but whatever floats your boat.

How long have you been here? Just a little longer than me but you want to throw shit my way because I’m checking out sources?

Your getting suspiciously worked up over this.
I don't know about you but I am very serious about what I put in my body. I mean if you don't care what you pin then nah bro, not serious at all.
im just talking about the "bro" thing, hop off the tren and then talk to me
im just talking about the "bro" thing, hop off the tren and then talk to me
When he became a source he lost the right to be one of us. He is no longer a brother. Our job is to hold up a standard and make damn sure anyone sourcing upholds that standard.