Pristine Anabolics Intro

If I pm the other user on this board that I know bought some, and offer to pay for him to send it off, is that shady?
You should offer store credit to ones that have already purchased even if a little extra store credit is needed to maybe get other samples of the bold c tested.
It be best if the same person sent off to another lab to compare analysis and is issued store credit to do so. I also think you should send out your own product of bold c to test. Keep things out in the open and not in the shadows if you don’t want to look shady.
You are offering to replace and refund anyone that has already purchased bold c from you so I think that’s a good start. It should also be pulled from your list until issues are resolved.
Once you figure out where the problem occurred then maybe implement things in your procedure to assure these kind of incidents don’t keep repeating. Communicate openly on what those changes will be.
Lastly, try to be more active here in your thread, I’ve already mentioned this before...

My 2 cents...
Funny thing is that trenity is no where to be found. It doesn't take that long to think up a lie. Store credit to anyone who purchased an exotic. I am sure that is where the problem lies. Looking at to many other sources list. I just do not understand. Wtf is deca is doing with the bold-cyp. Sounds like someone is reusing 500ml beakers. And not changing filters. anyone second that motion
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Well, this is fucked. This isn't user error, I only have one batch of bold cyp and it was filtered with a brand new filter. Guess I know the other raw I'm sending off tomorrow. Doesn't make much sense, Bold Cyp is cheap as hell, don't know why it would be cut with a more expensive compound.

I think I've sold a total of 6 bottles of bold cyp, and I remember who I sold them to. If you ordered it from me, email me and I'll issue a refund or replace with something else.

Still have half the raws that made this batch of bold cyp. Sending that and var off tomorrow.
bro I would like to have your back the reality is take accountability for it. Shit I would have more respect for the guy that said thank you for bringib it to my attention I am recalling the product and crediting as well as adding a vig on top for everyone body who ordered the items hastle. But no accountability is super red flag homeboy. Your next promo better be enticing
bro I would like to have your back the reality is take accountability for it. Shit I would have more respect for the guy that said thank you for bringib it to my attention I am recalling the product and crediting as well as adding a vig on top for everyone body who ordered the items hastle. But no accountability is super red flag homeboy. Your next promo better be enticing
I probably still wouldve gave him a chance and ordered if he took responsibility for it instead of tryna act like it wasn't his fault.
bro I would like to have your back the reality is take accountability for it. Shit I would have more respect for the guy that said thank you for bringib it to my attention I am recalling the product and crediting as well as adding a vig on top for everyone body who ordered the items hastle. But no accountability is super red flag homeboy. Your next promo better be enticing

If I thought I fucked it up, I would certainly cop to it. I've been here for 6 months, I've made mistakes and admitted to them, and I've made things right when needed. I just can't see how 25% of the product being another compound can happen by accident. That batch of bold cyp was 500ml, so that would mean 125ml of deca was mixed in there. I know I didn't mix deca raws with bc raws and I didn't mix finished deca with finished bc. I'm just not sure how else to explain it. I'm sending raw and finished to get tested and go from there, don't know what else I can do.
If I thought I fucked it up, I would certainly cop to it. I've been here for 6 months, I've made mistakes and admitted to them, and I've made things right when needed. I just can't see how 25% of the product being another compound can happen by accident. That batch of bold cyp was 500ml, so that would mean 125ml of deca was mixed in there. I know I didn't mix deca raws with bc raws and I didn't mix finished deca with finished bc. I'm just not sure how else to explain it. I'm sending raw and finished to get tested and go from there, don't know what else I can do.
If you are claiming it is a raws problem all your raws are now suspect. I'd say you need to consider closing up shop until you can test everything.
If it turns out that an overworked Jano/Jano associate dropped the ball on this one, there's gonna be sooo much egg on sooo many faces.

Also, @Sdryx is going to have a fucking field day if the aforementioned turns out to be true. So there's that to look forward to.

i'm going to keep my pitchfork at the ready, but there will be no stabby stabby until more testing answers all the questions that remain unanswered.
If it turns out that an overworked Jano/Jano associate dropped the ball on this one, there's gonna be sooo much egg on sooo many faces.

Also, @Sdryx is going to have a fucking field day if the aforementioned turns out to be true. So there's that to look forward to.

i'm going to keep my pitchfork at the ready, but there will be no stabby stabby until more testing answers all the questions that remain unanswered.
I can assure you, there is no possible chain of events that could lead towards that happening in this sample.
If I thought I fucked it up, I would certainly cop to it. I've been here for 6 months, I've made mistakes and admitted to them, and I've made things right when needed. I just can't see how 25% of the product being another compound can happen by accident. That batch of bold cyp was 500ml, so that would mean 125ml of deca was mixed in there. I know I didn't mix deca raws with bc raws and I didn't mix finished deca with finished bc. I'm just not sure how else to explain it. I'm sending raw and finished to get tested and go from there, don't know what else I can do.

I would highly suggest sending your raws to be tested by @weights and measure

Get a second party to look into your raws. And one that has so far been 100% trustworthy.
I would highly suggest sending your raws to be tested by @weights and measure

Get a second party to look into your raws. And one that has so far been 100% trustworthy.
Agree with this and would probably consider having all raws tested before further operations commence. Are you the only one brewing @Trenity? You mentioned a team of about 5 in your intro - what do the others do?