Pristine Anabolics Intro

so Jano is g2g if it's what the source claims? Then if not Jano is bad?
I spoke about this in another thread, it was only a matter of time before it happened.


this is the guy the spammed the board all summer, dont pay him any mind
No, this was totally someone else.
If I send off finished bold c from this same batch to the other testing company on this board, are those results gonna mean anything if they differ from these? Would I be accused of doctoring the sample if the results came back as they should?
If I send off finished bold c from this same batch to the other testing company on this board, are those results gonna mean anything if they differ from these? Would I be accused of doctoring the sample if the results came back as they should?
That’s a tough call. Would be better if the original person sent off from the same bottle or another if he bought 2. But for your own piece of mind, I’d send it off.
That’s a tough call. Would be better if the original person sent off from the same bottle or another if he bought 2. But for your own piece of mind, I’d send it off.

If I pm the other user on this board that I know bought some, and offer to pay for him to send it off, is that shady?
if u wanna send me some sdrol ill send it in and show blood work when im done and a lft;)

and ill shill like a bitch *shhhhh*
Who the fuck am I shilling for? Maybe you want to bring R&R back here and vouch for him?

I don't think I even posted in the R&R thread.

You make an account and the only thing you do is wait for an opportunity to source bash.

Did you buy or test anything from here? Do you have anything to actually contribute?

Just chill around until you sniff out an opportunity to tell dude to close up shop.

Just seems odd.

More power to you if that's just your thing or something.

I was joking for the most part.
If I pm the other user on this board that I know bought some, and offer to pay for him to send it off, is that shady?
No, but you are seeming shady. Every screw up so far has been "not your fault".
Every broken promise to the people of this board has an excuse.
Men have stood up for you and tried to defend your brand over and over again. I believe it is time for you to either rise to the MESO LEVEL or shutdown this 3 ringed circus until you can get it right.
I don't think I even posted in the R&R thread.

You make an account and the only thing you do is wait for an opportunity to source bash.

Did you buy or test anything from here? Do you have anything to actually contribute?

Just chill around until you sniff out an opportunity to tell dude to close up shop.

Just seems odd.

More power to you if that's just your thing or something.
Do you even know what the hell a shill is? If I was a shill, I would be in this very thread singing the praises of Pristine and covering up for him.

And my apologies on the R&R accusation. That was another member.
No, but you are seeming shady. Every screw up so far has been "not your fault".
Every broken promise to the people of this board has an excuse.
Men have stood up for you and tried to defend your brand over and over again. I believe it is time for you to either rise to the MESO LEVEL or shutdown this 3 ringed circus until you can get it right.

How am I seeming shady? I offered a refund for people that have purchased the product and I'm sending the raws in question off for testing. What would you like me to do, bro?