Pristine Anabolics Intro

You guys are hilarious.

TaKe OwNeRsHiP bRo. The only ownership to be taken immediately is to not having all raws tested prior to this. Beyond that, keep reading.

The raw is going out for test, or so we’re told. That leaves two scenarios assuming we trust whoever tests it:

1. Raw is clean, we have either @Trenity human error mixing products or Jano fucking up another test.

2. Raw is dirty.

1 means assuming nothing brewed is clean because how could we until every batch is tested. Would also like to see Cyp from the same batch to to another lab other than Jano. Trenity should help this activity in any way possible with incentives.

2 means Trenity tests all his raws and/or changes suppliers and tests raws anyways.

Either of these is downtime for Trenity.

Logic goes out the window though, i guess.
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Agree with this and would probably consider having all raws tested before further operations commence. Are you the only one brewing @Trenity? You mentioned a team of about 5 in your intro - what do the others do?

I am the only one who touches product until it's bottled. No help with brewing. I only have 2 others beside me now, a shipper and a re-mailer.
If you are claiming it is a raws problem all your raws are now suspect. I'd say you need to consider closing up shop until you can test everything.
Ditto that shit, we gave you a way out with the accountability route, that was a gimme, as they call it in golf, FOR YOUR SAKE. Why the fuck would anyone waste their hard earned money to test raws, do to a mix up like this. If this is what it takes to get you to test, how about this, your Winstrol caps seem like they are dbol. You are smarter than that trenity. Please just stop homeboy.
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How do you guys have time for more than one forum on this topic :confused:
I never really go over there maybe once every few weeks. Pm box is always full of spam from sources. Some decent stuff in the training section there but the source area is full of dick worshippers and people looking for free stuff.
I'm was being a little facetious. Though I do think to get to the bottom of this we need to eliminate all the possibilities. Including who sent the sample in.

It's a simple case of someone posting on anothers behalf because someone isn't capable of posting, for the time being.
You want a conspiracy ? Try this :

If a member tested damn near every compound on 1 sources list and they all came back well within acceptable ranges, then why would that same member create a new handle to test a different sources stuff ?

Granted, I don’t follow either source close enough to know how their prices or stock compare.
You want a conspiracy ? Try this :

If a member tested damn near every compound on 1 sources list and they all came back well within acceptable ranges, then why would that same member create a new handle to test a different sources stuff ?

Granted, I don’t follow either source close enough to know how their prices or stock compare.
The plot thickens
You want a conspiracy ? Try this :

If a member tested damn near every compound on 1 sources list and they all came back well within acceptable ranges, then why would that same member create a new handle to test a different sources stuff ?

Granted, I don’t follow either source close enough to know how their prices or stock compare.

He’s tested Pristine’s stuff before though.