Pristine Anabolics Intro

What draws people to this UGl, the $100 minimum and occasional free vial? It’s like a study in human psychology. Buying on blind faith and hope vs buying lab tested and proven gear for same price. Buying from someone who hasn’t followed through on promises vs someone who is on point and so far follows thru with everything he says he’d do? Is it the labels? Pretty vials? Don’t get why people feel cheated. Like hiring a shady contractor...if they don’t do the work, keep making promises, and don’t answer the fucking phone or reply, something is fucking wrong.
Again your gonna take the word of a drug dealer? Take responsibility for you health and test it itself.

I have to agree with this, its so easy to taint some gear, and send it off to a lab to get tested, it would further eliminate competition among sources. As well as its very easy for sources to send off their "BEST QUALITY VIALS" of gear to get tested. This is always a risk for UGL's, and I wouldn't be surprise if sources have different account or is paying someone else to give false testing or send off "tainted" products, again this will always be a risk.
What draws people to this UGl, the $100 minimum and occasional free vial? It’s like a study in human psychology. Buying on blind faith and hope vs buying lab tested and proven gear for same price. Buying from someone who hasn’t followed through on promises vs someone who is on point and so far follows thru with everything he says he’d do? Is it the labels? Pretty vials? Don’t get why people feel cheated. Like hiring a shady contractor...if they don’t do the work, keep making promises, and don’t answer the fucking phone or reply, something is fucking wrong.

you know who made a lot of promises and delivered, and he had great communication? R & R , well look how that worked out , we all know the risk going into UGL, its part of the game, if paranoid AF, then take pharma grade test.
Agreed. Always goes up in flames. Usually anyway. It’s a lot of blind faith no matter what or who. Was just wondering, when one has say, 2 options, what makes them go with option ‘A’ despite a pattern of issues when option ‘B’ , for the same price, is for the time being and historically to date, without those issues. If that makes sense.
Fuck pharma grade. Prices too high and 80% of the shit I see is international. Expensive shipping with a 50/50 chance of making it though customs? Quite a lot of bunk unless you luckily find a reliable consistent source.
Imo I prefer a reliable ugl source over pharma source any day. And if the ugl makes a mistake then you have a better chance of them helping you out. Just too much opportunity for complications with pharma imo
Agreed. Always goes up in flames. Usually anyway. It’s a lot of blind faith no matter what or who. Was just wondering, when one has say, 2 options, what makes them go with option ‘A’ despite a pattern of issues when option ‘B’ , for the same price, is for the time being and historically to date, without those issues. If that makes sense.
Up till now the “issues” weren’t significant nor really issues at all.

Trenity responded to every one of my inquiries within an hour. 3-4 day TAs every time. And my results speak for themselves.

This, however, until we see some more facts, is a show stopper for me. And it should be for others as well.

People make “mistakes” (intentional or true mistakes). Whether it was Trenity himself, his raw supplier, or Jano we should be aiming to learn not lambaste people the second an issue arises. If Trenity doesn’t send his Cyp out for testing and motivate some of the other guys he sold Cyp to to do the same I’m going to be skeptical. As far as raws go; fairly certain we need to expect more before placing orders. But even that doesn’t gaurantee anything.

It’s a black market. It is what it is. I think most people will at a minimum not order from Pristine until some reasonable resolution has been had )if any).
Fuck pharma grade. Prices too high and 80% of the shit I see is international. Expensive shipping with a 50/50 chance of making it though customs? Quite a lot of bunk unless you luckily find a reliable consistent source.
Imo I prefer a reliable ugl source over pharma source any day. And if the ugl makes a mistake then you have a better chance of them helping you out. Just too much opportunity for complications with pharma imo

NICE! Reliable UGL sources with the same quality as pharma grade. and cares about individual customers!! that sells cheap gear!!!! lol, hell, maybe they will pay us too for no reason, if only, I guess I've been doing it wrong this whole time
NICE! Reliable UGL sources with the same quality as pharma grade. and cares about individual customers!! that sells cheap gear!!!! lol, hell, maybe they will pay us too for no reason, if only, I guess I've been doing it wrong this whole time
Pharma grade is obvisouly better quality but in the long term imo. Having s reliable ugl is just so much easier. Find me a domestic pharma source with 100% consistency and feedback. Good prices and good shipping. Then i’ll switch. Not saying by any means that ugl has all those qualities because they don’t, it’s just easier imo. But hey. Everyone’s has their own opinion and source that works for them.
Man this whole thing is surprising to see, especially a week after receiving a large order from him. I will say he has been nothing short of great on comms and T/A.

I had no issues with his DHB ordered in November I want to say. I'm sitting on a large amount of his gear currently. Interested to see how he handles this.
I was one of the many that got scammed by RnR, I did my homework, he had a lot of great blood work, testimonies were good, his TA was amazing! and then his last sale and post.... I lost like $400, but I wasn't too mad, I knew the risk going into this, we should all know, I'm just happy no one ever lost an arm or a leg shooting contaminated gear. Money and underdosed gear is like the best "wrong" thing that can happen
That being said, I'm happy with results from SAS, TIT, Stanford and Pristine for the current vials I got from them so far, that's not saying their next vials or batch will be the same. most new companies have great gear in the beginning. Consistency will always be a factor no matter what testing says
All sources screw up eventually. Even potg which was one of the most consistent labs next to 24k which even him made mistakes.

One mistake I remember is potg sold some fkd up var witch was way undersosed. He turn around and made it right with everyone involved.

It’s not if a source makes a mistake it’s when. But how the source handles the mistake/ error is what makes them.

What we need is @Trinity to spell out exactly how he is going to handle everything in one post so we have a reference to hold him to and to give him the opportunity to clear the air.

I highly suggest using the domestic choice for testing whatever it is to be tested so results come back sooner than later.

If this doesn’t happen well, I keep a shed full of pitch forks and torches and 100 of gallons of gasoline ready......
All sources screw up eventually. Even potg which was one of the most consistent labs next to 24k which even him made mistakes.

One mistake I remember is potg sold some fkd up var witch was way undersosed. He turn around and made it right with everyone involved.

It’s not if a source makes a mistake it’s when. But how the source handles the mistake/ error is what makes them.

What we need is @Trinity to spell out exactly how he is going to handle everything in one post so we have a reference to hold him to and to give him the opportunity to clear the air.

I highly suggest using the domestic choice for testing whatever it is to be tested so results come back sooner than later.

If this doesn’t happen well, I keep a shed full of pitch forks and torches and 100 of gallons of gasoline ready......
He doesn't have all the time in the world. He should've explained how he is specifically gonna handle all this within a day after finding out about this. It's still very fishy to me. And instead of directly taking responsibility and TELLING us what he will do, he's asking us about different things he could do. like bruh.. you're the source here, you're on your own to clear it up.
All sources screw up eventually. Even potg which was one of the most consistent labs next to 24k which even him made mistakes.

One mistake I remember is potg sold some fkd up var witch was way undersosed. He turn around and made it right with everyone involved.

It’s not if a source makes a mistake it’s when. But how the source handles the mistake/ error is what makes them.

What we need is @Trinity to spell out exactly how he is going to handle everything in one post so we have a reference to hold him to and to give him the opportunity to clear the air.

I highly suggest using the domestic choice for testing whatever it is to be tested so results come back sooner than later.

If this doesn’t happen well, I keep a shed full of pitch forks and torches and 100 of gallons of gasoline ready......
Well said! I think it's fair to allow time for a solution other than forcing the source out and just having him open up under new name.